When Draco got to his room, he heard a familiar noise coming from inside. Instead of going in to investigate, he decided to wait outside. Blaise or Theodore seemed to be having a girl over. He sighed, and put his hand on the doorknob.

"Draco!" he heard someone shout from the common room. "Why aren't you at Hogsmeade?"

"I came back early," he said, as Theodore drew closer and wedged himself in between Draco and the door. "Why do you ask?"

"No reason, I was wondering where you were, no one could find you."

"Well is it important?"

"No, not really," said Theodore loudly, looking somewhat alarmed at his cold tone. "I was merely wondering…"

"Well, now that I've answered your question, can I please go in?" he asked.

"Oh, oh, I'm sorry, sure, yeah," he said, hurrying out of the way. Draco rolled his eyes and immediately checked himself. He was spending much too much time with Granger.

He walked in to find Pansy sitting on his bed and Blaise lying on his, head in textbook. "Draco baby!" she squealed, and threw herself around him. "I've been waiting for you!" She kissed him, and Draco tried to respond, but now that the potion had worn off, it just wasn't the same. He tried to act completely love struck, ignoring Pansy's lopsided buttons and Blaise's dishevelled hair and messed up sheets.

"I'm really glad to see you too," he smiled, with some effort. "But I'm really tired, and I just want to go to bed. I'll see you at dinner," he said, kissing her on the cheek. Pansy smiled what looked like a relieved smile, and skipped out. Draco flopped down on the bed, trying to calm his rising temper. First Pansy, then Granger, now Blaise and Theodore too? This was really starting to get annoying.

He was slightly cheered up by the thought of the second task coming up. With Pansy distracting him so much, he surely couldn't have had that much time to prepare.

Feeling somewhat satisfied, he rolled over and fell asleep not long later.


The lessons with Granger had become more and more interesting. Draco hadn't realised that she was this spunky, and he began to feel a growing attraction to her, although he was too proud to admit it. If she rejected him, he'd never be able to live it down.

One day, they sat on one of the benches in the changing rooms, just chatting aimlessly. She did most of the talking, while he sat and admired her. Sunlight streamed through the windows and reflected off her hair, which was still that amazing shade of mahogany.

"So I said to him, Harry, if you don't want us to be your friends, then just tell us, because we'd like to know whether we're wasting our time on you or not. And he just said ok. Ron just went mute at that point, and I slapped him and said, fine, run off to that stupid cow Parkinson. We all know how much you enjoy her company! And that started another row between Harry, Ron, Seamus and Dean, and it became so bad that the prefects had to call it off. Now he barely comes into the common room."


"Draco, are you even listening?"

"What? Of course I am. You just said that Potter doesn't come into the common room anymore." He laughed at the exasperated expression on her face. "Oh come on Hermione, why waste time talking about Pothead when we can be doing something more interesting?"

"What do you suggest?" He winked at her and leant in.

The kiss was like an explosion of fireworks on his lips; he'd never felt anything like it. He cupped her face in his hands and slowly deepened the kiss, moving his hands to her hair. Her hands made their way to his neck, and she began to pull on his lower lip. His hands moved down, and to the front, and he broke the kiss for a moment to pull her robes off. His eyes widened as he saw what she was wearing.

"Thought you might like it," she said mischievously, and pushed him down on the bench.

Draco had never experienced anything on that scale before. Hermione, clad in only her underwear, was kissing him with such ferocity that he thought his lips would bleed under the pressure. Yet, he managed to get his robes off, and soon enough, both of them were completely undressed.

Hermione sighed as he turned her over and kissed her neck, moving down to her breasts and then back up again. When he thrust himself into her, she gasped, but quickly relaxed as the thrusts became more regular. "Draco!" she screamed, as the sunlight filled the room. "Draco, Draco, Draco…"

"Wake up!" Draco jerked awake to find the curtains drawn back and Crabbe standing over him. "You're going to be late."

"Wha-" He glanced sideways. "Fuck." He dressed hurriedly, brushing his teeth and trying to put on his socks at the same time. He rushed upstairs and burst into class, very much aware of everyone's eyes on him.

"You're late Mr Malfoy," said Professor Vector reprovingly.

Do you think I don't know that? "I'm sorry."

"Well do sit down. As I was saying, today we shall be looking at numerical…"

The only empty seat was next to Granger. Draco couldn't risk sitting next to her. Not just then.

"Is there a problem Mr. Malfoy?"

"I can't sit there." Professor Vector raised an eyebrow.

"I doubt Miss Granger has a contagious disease Mr. Malfoy, because if she did, she would be sensible enough to go to the hospital wing. Now stop being silly." Sighing, Draco dragged his feet and sat down next to her, taking extra care not to make eye contact. Soon, surprisingly, a note landed on his desk.


What of?

Oh, I don't know… Perhaps you've been having stranger than normal emotions lately…

What do you know Granger?

Nothing, nothing. Just guessing. Am I right?


Are you sure?

Aren't you supposed to be taking notes?

Can I not multitask?


Why not?

Because I can't.

And you're telling me that you actually pay proper attention in class? Even before the whole love potion affair you'd sleep. I haven't forgotten the first term of third year.

Whatever Granger. I find that I retain information best with my eyes closed.

Oh really? And how has that been proven?

It's been proven by me. If you have such a good memory, you should remember that I was only two percent away from getting full marks.

Below me again, yes I do remember.

What if I beat you this time?

Never going to happen Malfoy.

Want to bet?

No. We already have an ongoing one, in case you haven't noticed.

I thought you could multitask.

Oh be quiet.

Draco couldn't help himself. A small bubble of laughter escaped his lips and everyone turned to look at him again.

"Mr Malfoy!"

"I'm sorry!" Professor Vector glared at him, and he looked down.

Now look what you did.

I didn't ask you to laugh.

Even so.

Oh shut up.

You don't mean that.

Shut up.

See? You didn't deny it.

I mean it.

No you don't.

Yes I do.





Promise you'll make out with me after class.


Ok sugar.


But you promised.


You can't take back a promise sugar.

Yes I can.

No you can't sugar.

Stop calling me sugar! I'm not writing anymore!

Draco chuckled lightly and put the piece of parchment in his pocket.

Ah note passing. We all love it so…