The low beep woke him.

"Bridge to Captain Riker."

He looked over at his wife curled on her side before whispering, "Standby"

He slid off of the bed and wandered into their living quarters.


"Sir you have an Incoming Transmission from the USS Enterprise."

He couldn't help but grin before tiredly dropping in front of his view screen.

"Acknowledged, pass it through to my quarters."

His grin widened when he saw who was on the line. Beverly Picard tossed her hair back over her shoulder.


"Captain." She smiled coyly. "How are you?"

"Tired. Someone called in the middle of the night." He teased.

"I know. I'm sorry." Her grin slipped a little. "This couldn't wait, or I'd second guess myself.."

"Is everything alright Beverly." His voice dropped low as he looked back towards the bedroom.

"Don't wake her." The redheaded Doctor mused. "I'm sure she needs the rest."

"What's going on?"

"You know how we talked about , when it was time."

"Beverly." He sighed, his eyes slipping shut. "Did something happen?"

She swallowed awkwardly, attempting to hold her brave smile on her face.

"Little things." She nodded back at him. "His thoughts are wandering.. he's.. "

"How are Jack and Sienna taking it?" Will's mind drew up a picture of his God children.

"They havn't really seemed to notice yet." Her cat green eyes sunk to the table top in front of her. "Will, I can't do this alone."

"You don't have to." He assured her. "We'll be there."

"It's going to kill him." Her mouth twitched into a sad grin. "Giving up the center chair."

"I'm so sorry Beverly." She nodded sadly before inhaling slowly.

"How's Deanna?"

Will rubbed his face with his hand before smirking.

"She's ready."

"Dr. Ree sent me his latest test results. She looks wonderful , Will."

"I'm starting to think it's really going to happen this time." The Captain shook his head slowly.

"There's no reason not to be optimistic."

"Cautiously optimistic is about all we can bring ourselves to be right now." Will watched his friend huff, pushing her hair back from her face.

"I can't believe my horrible timing Will I'm sorry. We should be talking about your beginnings not our endings."

"Beverly the second I tell Deanna she'll start making plans to get us to the Enterprise."

"If the travel's too much-."

"It's not." Will silenced her, watching as she wiped her face with the back of her hand. "I'll contact you soon."

"Will.." She whispered. "Thank you."

He gave her a curt nod before signing off. He stared at the blank screen for a few more seconds.

"Computer locate Commander Vale."

"Commander Vale is in main engineering."

"Riker to-."

"Bridge to Captain Riker."

He growled a little before responding.

"Riker here."

"Sir there is a class two priority message coming from Star Fleet Command."

"When it rains it freaking pours." Riker muttered to himself before raising his voice towards the computer. "Patch it through."

Will blinked his eyes at the Admiral facing him on the screen.

"Admiral Janeway."

"It's good to see you, Captain." She whispered gravely. "I wish it were under better circumstances."


"We have problems with the Tere'Tel, Will."


"Long range sensors have detected the use of biophasic energy coming from Terrel 4."

"Biophasic." Will felt the air drain from his lungs.

"The Titian is the only ship with in a week's travel of there."


"I know. " Katherine put her hand up slowly to stop him. "I'm aware of your family's personal health situation Captain. That's why I'm in contact with you now." The woman took a deep breath before continuing. "How far along is Deanna?"

"Thirty five weeks." Will rubbed his beard before running his hand up into his hair. "Longest we've ever made it."

"It's imperative that the Titian intercede in this matter, Will. If the Tere'Tel were to develop this as weaponry, or worse, allow it to fall into the wrong hands.. I don't have to explain to you the devastation."

"No Sir." He swallowed again. "My wife and I were supposed to rendezvous with the Enterprise.." He lifted his head to meet the woman's eyes. "For a family matter." He narrowed his eyes. Katherine Janeway's eyes softened long enough for Will to realize the message had gotten through.

"You think that your crew can handle it?"

"I do Sir. I'm sure that the Enterprise could also send a few officers in our direction when we arrive there."

"Very well then. There is more information being sent to you as we speak. We will be sending another vessel as soon as we can. Until then I suggest you get your family off of the ship and headed away from Terrel 4. Janeway out."

Will watched the screen blink off before slowly rising to his feet.

"Riker to Vale"

"Vale here, Sir. Is everything all right Captain?"

"No." Will muttered softly before grabbing the formatting pad from his desk. "Assemble the Sir Staff."

"Yes Sir."

"Twenty Minutes Christine."

"Yes Sir." She quipped. "Vale out."

Will swallowed hard before ducking back into his bedroom and dropping down next to his wife. Her eyes opened slowly, but their clarity let him know she was fully awake.

"What's wrong?"

"Where do you want me to start?" He sighed, reaching out his hand and laying his palm against the roundness of her pregnant body.

"I'm getting dressed?" She asked softly, her husband nodded.

"Ten minutes in the conference room." His eyes never left her body.

"Will?" She covered his hand with hers. He shook his head swiftly, passing a wave of calm to her as he slowly and carefully pushed the images of biophasic damage to a developing fetus out of his head.

"I need to get dressed." He muttered, dragging his hand across her body as he rose. She nodded, more to herself then to him, before slipping out from under the blanket and looking for her clothes.

"The Enterprise?" She yelped in surprise as his thoughts finally reached hers. "Already?" His head bobbed down to his neck before he turned towards her slowly. "She's sure?"

He nodded at his wife's pitiful whisper before disappearing into the bathroom.

"Captain, Counselor, I don't have to tell you what biophasic energy could do to your child."

"You don't have to tell any of us Dr." Christine Vale huffed looking a Ree with an exacerbated huff. "We need to get her off of the Titian as quickly as possible. We'll arrange a shuttle pilot with experience on the Captain's Yacht and-."

"No." Will Riker shook his head slowly, his eyes locked on his wife's. The Sr. Staff watched the nonverbal communication flow between them.

"Captain?" His first officer looked horrified. "If the Counselor were to remain on the ship-."

"She's not remaining on the ship." Will said firmly. "Neither am I. I will pilot the Captain's Yacht myself, Number one." He rubbed his head. "The Enterprise will be meeting us. You'll be taking over this mission."


"As soon as the Enterprise rondevu's with the shuttle, Lieutenant Commander B-4 and Commander LaForge will return the shuttle craft to the Titian and assist you in your mission on Terrel 4. Deanna and I will be remaining on the Enterprise until further notice." Vale looked between the couple. "The rest of you have your orders, I suggest you see to them. Dismissed."

Will watched the rest of his staff file out of the room until only Dr. Ree and his first officer remained.

"I think it would be best if I accompanied you on your journey to the Enterprise." The reptile hissed slowly.

Deanna smiled softly, checking in telepathically with Will for confirmation before answering.

"Dr. If the Tere'Tel are experimenting with biophasic energy you will have plenty of patients in need of your assistance when you get to Terrel 4. We're not going to hoard your skills aboard a shuttle craft while people are dying. We'll be fine."

"I'll prepare you an emergency kit.." He told her, his soft disarming voice seeming almost relieved at not having to neglect the certain crisis evolving on Terrel 4. He nodded softly, rising to leave, his long swishing tail dragging behind his lumbering body.

Will took a deep breath before turning to look at Vale. Her sharp eyes cut into him.

"Alright Christine. Permission to speak freely." He held up his hand. "Or yell freely which ever one you desire."

"May I ask Captain why you are putting your personal needs-." Will's eyes shot to Deanna in apparent conversation. "Stop talking to her and listen to me!" She shouted.

"Chris sometimes family obligations come before duty."

"So if I make some gigantic error and the Tere'Tel devolve us into micro particles you'll be satisfied that you made the right choice to baby sit your pregnant wife?"

"Don't fuck up Christine and I won't have to." He answered hotly.

"Will.. you have to tell her." Deanna whispered out loud.

"No. It's private."

"Christine, Will and I would be heading to the Enterprise regardless of the biophasic energy."

"Deanna.." He hissed, she shot back her explanation with out words and it made Vale's face turn red.

"Is this about the baby." Christina's tone changed as she slipped back into her seat and studied her friend.

"No. It's a private matter." The woman said softly. "And for the record Chris no one thinks you're going to make a gigantic error. If the Captain felt that this mission was not with in your capabilities he would have chosen duty over family." She watched her husband swallow hard. "No matter how difficult."

"Chris they're already looking at you for the Northwestern." Will took a deep breath, his eyes gazing out the smaller observation windows of the Titian. He longed for the wide windows of the Enterprise. His head tilted to the left and Vale realized that Deanna was speaking to him.


"Yes." He told her spinning back around with a remorseful smile. "For Captain."

She flicked her eyes between the couple before settling on her Commanding Officer.

"Everybody has to move on at some point." He told her sadly.

"Geordi , can I join you?"

LaFordge nodded, sliding the chair beside him away from the table.

"What's up Doc?"

"I'm just going to put it out there." Beverly knit her hands in front of her on the table. "Irumadic Syndrome"

Geordi dropped his eyes from hers immediately.

"I know we've all been thinking about it. Watching.."

"Have you spoken to our First Officer." The amount of contempt in the Chief Engineer's voice was not lost on the CMO.

"Not exactly." She lifted her head. "I had already called Will and Deanna before this mess with the Terre'Tel."

"Doctor.." Geordi whispered. "It can't possibly be that time already."

"Geordi, we all made a promise.."

"It's so soon."

Beverly's lips twitched.

"We have had seventeen years." She smiled. "We've been places.. done things that.."

"It was time well spent." He agreed.

"I'm sending my reports to Star Fleet Command as soon as Will and Deanna arrive. I suggest you prepare to do the same."

"Ah.." Geordi swallowed hard. "Doc I can't-"

Beverly closed her pale peach hand over his.

"We all made him a promise." She tightened her grip. "I intend to keep it."


Did I wake you?

Your daughter did.

She okay?


You're the one keeping me up.

He grinned broadly, watching the stars stream by the main view screen of the Captain's Yacht.

How's it going up there?


Come here.

With a sigh he tapped the auto pilot controls and lumbered down the few small steps to the quarters. She turned slowly towards him reaching out her hand.

His eyebrow furrowed as he dropped onto the bed beside her.

"We've known for years.." He muttered absently.

"Knowing isn't the same as going through it." She soothed stroking the sides of his face and brushing the hair away from his forehead. "Imzadi all the emotions you're feeling are appropriate."

"Doesn't feel like it." He sighed.

"That feelings okay too." She teased, he pressed a grin on her hairline.

"I shouldn't have told Christine about the Northwestern."

"I don't think Captain Hansen will mind." She sighed.

"Especially when he realizes she's not going to take it."

"Will you don't know if she'll even be offered the-."

"She will Deanna." He rubbed his face. "I'll request it."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Aren't you?"

"She's grown." Deanna whispered gently. "But she's still.."

"Impatient, Bullheaded, Confrontational.."

"To name a few." Deanna giggled.

"But she's strong. The crew respects her. They'll follow her." His voice trailed off and she pushed back against the overwhelming guilt that was streaming from him.

"Imzadi." She sighed.

"It's not right. To be talking about Commands and crews."

"The logistics have to be worked out too."

"Not first." He sighed. "They shouldn't be worked out first."

Beverly looked at her son's bowed head for a second before running her hand through his sandy brown hair.

"I'm sorry Mom." He sighed. "I didn't mean to-."

"You didn't." She stopped him instantly. "Why don't you take this down to B and let him take a look?"

"Isn't that cheating?" She huffed. "I could just use the computer."

"How 'bout Geordi?" Beverly glanced back towards the closed bedroom door, Jack Robert Picard followed his mothers gaze.

"Sure." He gathered his homework pads and scurried towards the door.

Beverly waited for it to close completely before turning towards the bedroom.

"Thelonian Massacre.' He muttered to himself, his eyes staring out the windows in disgust. "The Galileo was.. Destroyed? Or we.. We.."

"We got them out Jean Luc, remember?" She whispered hopefully. "Right before the damn thing went up like a firecracker. You beamed all 34 crewmembers onto the floor of my sick bay. All hands were saved."

He dropped his head into his hands. Beverly moved her nails slowly against his scalp.

"Yes of course. Confounded-." He muttered, stopping to look up at her. "I don't think I'm getting enough sleep, Beverly." The redheaded doctor pressed her lips together tightly, before pressing a kiss to her husbands head. "I just get so damned tired.." He huffed. "I'm getting old Beverly."

"We both are my Darling." She choked out.

The steady bing startled her out of sleep, she jumped forward before the crushing pain pressed her back into the mattress with a groan.

"Easy Deanna." Will called from somewhere else in the cabin. "I got it."


"It's fine. She just disconnected."

"How long?"

"She's fine. I got to her right away." He told her over the bing. "She's already back asleep."

"Is she.." The conslor moved to get up again, her arms trembling. "I-."

"Deanna lie down." His voice was stern. "She's fine." He moved towards her and eased her back on the bed.

"Elizabeth.." She whispered airly.

"Is fine. I'm far more worried about you right now." He swung the tricorder he'd been studying his daughter with and turned it on his wife. "You're off the charts. Take deep breaths."

"Will.. Lizzie.."

"She's fine Deanna, we hit some turbulence, she disconnected, she's fine."

"What's her oxygen level?" She pleaded. Will grunted at her in annoyance hauling himself to his feet and walking back to the other bed in the cabin. His nine year old daughter slept peacefully in the small bubble shield that surrounded her. He reached inside and brushing her long brown hair off of her face. Lizzie turned slowly towards her father's hand.

"Ninety six percent." Will said gently, moving back towards his wife. "She's fine." Deanna exhaled, her eyes still knitting tightly against her forehead. He swept his hand gently across her pregnant body. "How are you?"

"I'll be alright." She gritted her teeth, the pulse of pain radiating to the edges of her finger tips. Her breathing slowed into the normal calming rhythm.

He swallowed hard, second guessing himself for the hundredth time since leaving the Titian.

"Stop it." Deanna breathed. "You didn't' have a choice. You said Elizabeth is fine and I would be just as bad off on the ship."

"You're stressed. Stress makes it worse." Will muttered, slipping down beside her on the bed.

"Then calm down." She teased, locking her hand with his.

The soft chirp made him lift his head.

"Incoming message from the USS Enterprise."

"On screen." Will said softly, cupping Deanna's cheek as B-4's face appeared on the screen. Will smiled. "Lieutenant Commander."

"Captain. Dr. Picard alerted me to a possible problem. Is everything all right, Sir?"

"Tell the doctor we're all still breathing." Will smiled. "Guess we're in sensor range?"

"Yes Sir. The shuttle entered sensor rage at 0302 hours."

"Good to know Beverly's got us all nailed down." Will raised an eyebrow at his wife who smiled softly.

"Nailed down, Sir?" The androids head cocked to the left. Despite all of Geordi's physical and audio modifications, B-4 was still hauntingly similar to his departed 'brother'. Will waited as the androids deep purple eyes searched his.. or his brothers.. information banks. "Ah.."

"Approximate time for rendezvous, B-4?"

"Four hours and twenty nine minutes, Captain."

"See you soon. Riker out."

"Commander Gibson?" The man turned towards the doors of the turbo lift.

"Dr. Picard." He took a deep breath. "What do I owe this honor?"

"May I speak to you in the ready room commander?" She didn't give in to his mockingly false admiration.

"Sure." He stood up. "You have the bridge Ms. Broks."

The young Lieutenant stood up slowly watching the Commander follow the doctor towards her husband's office.

Beverly settled on the edge of Picard's desk, her hand stroking the cover of one of his hardbound Shakespeare manuscripts.

"I'm assuming your coming here to finally clue me in on the Captain's health situation?"

Beverly exhaled slowly,

"I'm here to apologize." She told him softly. "For everything Sam. For what's happening, for what has happened.."

"For what's about to happen…?" The first officer replied. "Are you ready to tell me why the Captain of the Titian is on his way here at maximum speed?"

He moved forward, his eyes falling on the chair behind the desk. The chair that he'd never sat in. Not ever. Not for the three months after Sienna Picard was born. Not when the his CO and his family was on shore leave. Not now when his Captain was on unspecified medical leave. He bet that Will Riker would have no problem sitting in it when he arrived. "Can you at least tell me how he is?"

"He's doing as well as can be expected." Beverly whispered, jumping slightly as Sam Gibson's fist punched the wall beside him.

"Damn it, Doctor!" He shook his head rapidly. " He's been my Captain for over 10 years! Don't act like I'm some outsider!" Beverly's eyes shot down to the carpet. "You know? Before I came here, people kept telling me how lucky I was. What a family the Enterprises Sr Staff was.." He laughed a little. "They didn't know what the hell they were talking about. Yeah, you guys were a family all right.. And I was the unwanted step child."

"Sam.." Beverly rubbed her face.

"I get it.. I do.." he huffed. "You all had been together in a long time.. Been through a lot.. But Beverly.. We've been through a lot too.. I know I'm not everyone's favorite person, but damn it , lately it's like I'm the enemy!"

"Do you know why Will Riker was placed here as First Officer?" The doctor whispered.

"Picard choose him from the list of-."

"Before that." She interrupted. "Why he was on the list to begin with?"

"Remarkable Starfleet record.." Sam shook his head in confusion.

"He was power hungry." Beverly grinned softly. "Over confident. Overly egar for the big chair." Her smile widened and she brushed her eyes with the flat edge of her palm. "He needed to be knocked down a few. He needed to be mentored. Will thought it was just one more quick stop on his path to his own ship. The next thing you know it was over 18 years later."

Beverly lowered herself into her husbands chair, running her hands along the arm rests.

"He's one of the most well respected, admirable captains in the fleet. Jean-Luc had more than a little to do with that."

Sam Gibson swallowed hard.

"So.. What your saying is it didn't work on me?" He muttered.

"I'm saying I'm sad you're not going to get five more years." Beverly dropped her eyes,

"He's dying." Sam's face fell as the words slipped out of his barely moving lips.

"No.." She said softly. "What's happening to Jean Luc, it's worse than dying.."

Gibson made a face.

"I don't understand."

"Commander Gibson, the Titian's shuttle craft is ready to dock in shuttle bay two."

"Aknowledged." He reached out his hand slowly toward Beverly Picard. She took it, letting Sam pull her to her feet. He studied her weary face before squeezing her hand. "Let's go greet your guests."

"Biffer!" Lizzie Riker squealed with delight as the android carefully lifted her from the shuttle door way. Will watched cautiously, lowering his daughters hoveraid to the gold skinned Lieutenant.

"Hello Lizzie." He told her warmly. Riker grinned, his little girl had always had a confusing attraction to the android. "How was your trip?"

"Bum-pdy." She grinned before she caught site of the red headed woman coming towards her. "Auunntee Beberly!"

Her eyes still fixed on the tricorder Beverly huffed out a sigh of relief. Before she dropped the instrument into her pocket and reached her arms out.

"Lizzie Lu." The little girls hands twisted around her neck. Greatfully B-4 did not let go of his tiny charge because Beverly was quick to pull away and hurry towards the shuttle door.

Will put up his hand.

"Easy doctor." He whispered, moving forward and extending his hands towards his wife. Deanna's pale face made her grip her reclaimed tricorder harder.

"Might as well put it down Beverly it won't tell you anything you don't already know." Deanna breathed slowly and purposefully as Sam moved past his CMO and extended his hand to Deanna Riker.

She let go of the shuttle door and let Will lower her to Sam.

"Maybe I need a hoveraid." She tried to smile, Sam resisted the urge to squeeze her hand. "Thank you Commander." She turned towards her best friend, the tears in the other woman's eyes made her own fill slowly.

"Can I hug you?" Beverly asked pathetically.

"Oh Beverly." Deanna moved towards her, clasping her arms across the other woman's back while her emotions rolled over her. There was the usual, regret, remorse, guilt, love , relief. But the new emotions where what almost knocked the frail woman over. Fear and grief had settled right in the doctors chest. Deanna held her close, despite the burning of her over sensitive nerves.

Picard pulled back taking in the woman's tight face.

"You should be in sickbay." She told her empathically drilling her eyes into her friends.

"Beverly." Will said calmly stepping down beside his wife. "She should rest." He lowered his hand softly to her shoulder. "while we talk.." The doctor nodded remorsefully. "Geordi?"

"He's waiting for us in your guest quarters. B-4 can take Lizzie to sick bay to get her treatment and then take her to see Jack."

Will nodded back before looking at Gibson.

"The second officer of the USS Enterprise reduced to nothing more than a glorified babysitter?" Sam teased. "Hardly seems fair."

"I am uniquely qualified to care for Elizabeth's special needs Commander Gibson." B-4 Protested.

"I was kidding Lieutenant Commander." He smiled, his eyes moving to Will. "I should get back to work-."

Will Riker took a deep breath.

"I think you better join us Commander." The former first officer looked at his replacement. "This concerns you as well."

"Irumadic Syndrome" Sam's voice was less than a whisper, as if saying the words out loud would cause the whole ship to slam to a stop. "How long.."

"17 years ago, Jean-Luc was exposed to the future." Beverly chose her wording carefully, looking at Will for support. He nodded. "In that future he had Irumadic Syndrome. When he returned we did tests that did in fact indicate susceptibility to the illness."

"I should have been told." Sam swallowed hard. " I should have been told right away. Or at least when he started showing symptoms."

"The medical staff , Counselor Benara, Geordi and B-4 were all informed." Deanna told him calmly from her spot in the oversized chair. Will had tossed a silky blanket over her before settling on the floor beside her. "They were all informed of what to look out for, how to record ther concerns and-."

"They put the crew at risk.." Sam growled. "My crew"

"The crew was never at risk." Geordi protested. "We had it covered."

"It's not your place to have anything covered!" Sam shouted.

"Sam" Will had risen to his feet and stood looming above him. "We were concerned that if you knew of the Captian's.. situation.. . You would second guess him. Misinterpret his unique command techniques.."

"I wouldn't do that!" Sam yelled standing to meet Riker head on.

"I did!" Will yelled back unfazed by Gibson's outbursts. Beverly's eyes slipped shut tears sliding out of the corners. Geordi made a face. " He rammed this ship into a Reman vessel. You don't think I heard that order and went 'oh shit he's lost his mind?'"

Geordi snickered painfully behind him.

"There have been moments through out the last seventeen years where we have all had doubts about the Captian." Deanna's melodically soothing voice eased the guilty lines on her husbands face. "The decision was made, with some higher ranking Star Fleet Personnel mind you, that Captain Picard's medical risks would not be discussed with any new officers unless it was a dire situation. "

"Like ramming the Enterprise into a Reman ship?" Sam sighed, looking at Riker.

"Like ramming it into a Vulcan ship." Riker said softly.

"Sam." The tears in Beverly Picard's voice were almost unnerving. "If I had ever thought that his judgment was impaired.."

"I know." The first officer breathed.

"We were watching him, Sir." Geordi told him. "The second things started to look a little foggy Doc rounded us all up." He gestured his arms around the room.

"How is he?" Gibson whispered, watching Riker turn towards Picard for the answer.

"Confused some times. Elated others. It's time to start treatment." Riker dropped beside her, taking her hand in his. "I suspect in his more lucid moments he knows."

"You haven't spoken to him about it?" Sam watched her shake her head. Riker attempted an explanation over the lump in his throat, before his wife chimed in again.

"The night before Will and I left the Enterprise we made a promise." She told him calmly.

"When the time came.. "Beverly began before her breath caught.

"We'd all do it together if we could." Geordi finished, nodding at his hands.

"He said if we all agreed then he'd be forced to concede defeat. " Will's sad voice out weighed his smile as he let go of Beverly and crossed the room to his wife.

She patted the arm of the chair beside her. Sam watched how gingerly he took the space, waiting with held breath until her arm rested hesitantly on his leg. He didn't know much about the Betaziods own health condition, but from the looks of her it wasn't good. He wondered how much the trip back home had cost her. Home. The word in his own head hit him like a ton of bricks. They were coming home.

"And the Enterprise?" Will Riker's eyes shot to Gibson's with such force the other man almost stepped back.

"We'll worry about the Enterprise after we have dealt with the man."

The Titian's Captain's voice was soft, but the message in his eyes was undeniable. He'd come to claim what was his.