A/N--I was bored,I had time so I wrote fluffy story :3

Everyone has a favorite color or colors,some people have reasons for liking this color from all the others,some people just can't explain I love the color black because it is practical and just plain-out awesome in my point-of-view,but I'm getting of the topic so let's get back to what is really important.

Katara's favorite color is blue because it is the color of the shimmering blue water that she bends,it is also the color of her necklace that he mother gave her before she died in a fire nation attack.

Toph's favorite color is green,no reason except it was the last color she saw before going blind, She was also told that it was the color of the ground and the earth so ya,green was just fine with her.

Sokka's favorite color is white because it is the color he looks for in the eyes of the animals when he hunts,before he takes them down with his bare hands,or so he says since no one believes that he can actually do such a thing.

Azula's favorite color is black,only for the reasons that it is the color of the ash that comes after the fire and destruction. She also likes to see this color in the pupils of the people as she delivers her can also stand for death,but that can be debated.

But some people have simpler reasons for their choice of color,but this can also make that certain color all the more harder to make or find,that is what brings me to Zuko and Aang.

Zuko's favorite color is red,not for fire and defiantly not from his scar. But doesn't accept just any red ,it MUST be the pale red that shows on Aang's cheeks whenever they talk,the red on his face when they finish their training and the red that represents the firy embers in Aang's soul. He also might like the light blue from Aang's tattoos but they most certainly do not beat the red that comes naturally from Aang.

Aang's favorite color is a mixture of white and yellow,but it needs a gleam in it,not glitters,not a mere sparkle,but a gleam that one can only find if you pay really close attention and if you know where to look. The one only found in Zuko's eyes whenever Aang is near, the gleam that sets that pair of eyes from the rest of the world,the one that shows his depressed past as well as his very bright future,that kind of gleam.

A/N--Well,I thought it was a good idea!Did it turn out as good as I thought it did?:D