Okay, I don't want to bore you with the 'First Fan Fic' thing so...

Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Maximum Ride, I DO own B.R. though....

Full Summary:

Well, this all began when I was born. My parents were like me, avian/human hybrids. I've escaped from this evil place with my love, my other half, my life but I got captured shortly after. This time when I got out, I planed it to be for good, but on my way to find my other half again I ran into more people like me. Little did I know that meeting them would put my life in more danger than I have ever faced.

A Bloodied Rose For You.

Chapter 1: The Back-Story Of How I Got Into All Of This Mess.

Okay, so all of you should know that I'm a bird-kid, well bird-teenager, but that doesn't matter because here is the back-story.

I (As I said before) am a mutant freak, which means that I have wings and can fly. Whatever, my DNA is like 4% avian DNA, that's where the wings came from. (Such a shocker, huh?) I think the reason for the more bird DNA is 'cause I've heard from the Whitecoats that my parents were also like me, so yeah...

Back to the 'running for my life thing', so like I said, I was running for my life with the stupid wolf/human hybrids chasing after me. I, along with some of the scientists call the wolf/human hybrids Erasers. (Not the little pink things to erase stuff on a test.)

I finally stopped at a dead-end and snapped my head back-wards when a heard one of the Eraser's howl in rage, that's probably 'cause I bit him...

But, anyways, my eyes locked onto a lot of the Erasers closing in on me, there was one thing left to do. Fly away. And that's what I did.

I quickly jumped up into the air and snapped my wings out, which were mainly dark gray / black with lighter gray at the ends. A smirk slowly spread on my face when I remembered what I could do to them, which was, as I might put as Awesome, because I could blow them up and freeze anything with my hands.

The wind whistled past my ears when I dropped a few feet to get a better shot, my reddish / brown hair flying strait up when I did drop down.

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here. Stupid mutts." I said smirking while an Eraser jumped up at me, but of course, I froze him. (I know, inticilmatic, whatever.)

The Eraser that I froze dropped back to the ground, when he didn't move I guessed he broke his neck...

That's gotta hurt! I thought to myself flying higher and getting the hell out of there.

I finally stopped in a very wooded area, there were caves lining the sides and I guessed it would be hard for them to spot me here.

I'm kind of sorry for earlier, I forgot to tell you who I am, but if you didn't notice I was running for my life.

But anyways, the people at the School called me 'Experiment Bloodied Rose' mainly because by the time I was six I had already 'accidentally' killed a few people, and by a few people I mean about ten or eleven.

I call myself Rose or B.R., and it kind of goes with how I look. Meaning I have a light reddish / brown color hair, wings that at the top are black and fade to a dark gray then light gray, and I have dark green eyes. So really, I kinda do look like a rose. And no, I, for one, am not a girly girl. Not that girly girls' can kick ass like me.

Back to the back-story, I jumped out of the tree that I landed in and looked around slowly.

"Damn." I said in awe, there was NO way of them finding me here!

I slowly shook my head and started walked towards one of the caves that would be harder to find then the rest.

Reaching down to grab the dagger-knife thing I stole before I escaped, I sighed and held it in my hand just in case something, or someone was here.

I froze at the sound of a twig breaking; my eyes darted around to find the source. Not finding anything out of the ordinary I jumped up and snapped my wings out.

My eyes froze onto six people in the sky, seven if you count the dog. I felt my mouth fall open; they were the only other people I had seen with wings. Then I did the most idiotic thing ever. I passed out. (Stupid, I know. But hey, that's me!)

Opps. Sorry for the hanger at the end, but I really don't care. Sue me if you don't like it! (P.S. You will never find out where I live so that's one upside.)

Next Chap. will come soon, if not you will come at me will farming tools so... I'll post it A.S.A.P.

Oh, and just because one of my favorite people on T.V. just got shot, the T.V. show is Criminal Minds, not that I own that... Sorry for me typing a lot, I just can't seem to stop...

Bye Chickas' and gents for tonight well, today, but oh well. (P.S. Chicka means Chick in Spainish, that's not my best lang....)

R&R Please???