*Cough cough cough*

...I blame writers' block for me not updating for over a month.

But hey, I got a message for ya.


For the afore mentioned contest, I want you to submit a person. Do so like this;

Name: (Do both name people call that person by and experiment name)

Age: (You get the idea)

Description: (What the person looks like, any wings or something like that.)

Personality: (What the person acts like, if they piss people off a lot, if they are the ones who get pissed out a lot.)

Powers: (Again, you get the idea.)

That's pretty much it. Now if you're wondering, this IS for this story.

And if you're wondering why I'm doing this, it will be in the bottom A/N.

DISCLAIMER: I do now own Maximum Ride.

Chapter 27: Another Bad Feeling.

Rose POV: Three Hours Later.

It took three fricking hours for our future selves to explain everything. Well, everything they could that wouldn't mess up our future. Do you even realize how cliché that is?

Well, it is very, very, cliché.

"I'm hungry, Max." Chimed in Nudge.

I groaned and put my head back, effectively hitting my head against the cave's rock-hard wall.

"Damn it!" I growled as I felt a little bit of rock imbed in the top of my scalp.

My little outburst caused everyone to look at, the now standing, me.

"What?" "Language!" and "What the hell?" were thrown around the cave as I held my hand to my head.

"I hit my Goddamned head against the wall and now I have a piece of rock in my head." I took my hand off of my head and looked at it, "Oh, and guess what else. I'm bleeding! Lucky, lucky, Goddamned me." I said through gritted teeth.

Then I froze where I was.

Of freaking course. The sound that I had heard was the oh-so familiar mechanical hum of Flyboys.

"Does anyone else hear that?" Iggy asked from the corner.

"Yup. The soundeth of Flyboys in the nighteth sky, oh how I love thee." I said sarcastically.

The second I said 'Flyboys', Max was standing and had her wings out, "We need to go, now." She said taking a step towards the entrance of the cave.

"No." All three future people said, which caused all of us past people to look at them like they were crazy.

"Why not?" I asked slowly.

"You'll need to meet some of the experiments there for future events. Trust us, if you don't meet all of them, you'll die in the future." Future Melinda explained as she stood up. "The Flyboys will knock you out before they take us, so be ready for a killer headache when you wake up."

I nodded once before looking out of the cave again, right at the Flyboys that were less than fifty feet away.

Great. Did I ever say how much I hate getting knocked out?

Third Person POV: Main Focus: Phoenix and Doctor Mia Higgins: One Hour After The Flock, Future People, Aaron, Naida, and Rose escape.

"Damn it!" Phoenix shouted, his fist connecting to the wall, which now had a huge hole in it. "Who were those f*cking people?" He growled, turning around to face the Director.

Mia glared at him, "You do not speak to me that way, Phoenix. I don't know who those people were, but I expect you to find out. Now." She spat through her teeth, which had an odd sharpness to them, almost like a cat's fangs.

"Yes ma'am." The teenage hybrid said before turning around and walking down the hall.

"Bastard." Mia growled before turning and walking the other way.

Phoenix faintly heard the Director mutter 'Bastard' as he turned the corner, "Well you're the bitch." He growled under his breath.

Third Person POV: Main Focus: Jared.

The jaguar hybrid growled under his breath once again as the captain of the 'ship' took out another small bottle of, what looked to be, Bakon Vodka.

What the hell? Jared thought as the sickening smell reached his sensitive nose. "How the hell can you drink that crap?" He asked, utterly shocked.

"It s'not crap, Jar-Jar. Jer-id-e-Jar-Jer." The drunk captain started laughing at his own drunken tone. "Jar ded e Jar Jar. Jar Jar Jar Jor-egd-e-Jordy."

Jared sighed. I'm never getting anywhere near him after I get off this Goddamned boat.

Okay, so about the contest. It's for the people that the Flock are going to meet after they get taken by the Flyboys.

Now you can either PM or review with the people, and if you don't have any ideas for powers or whatever, just Google what are all the superpowers or something like that.

As for now, I have to go with my mom to the doctors because my brother hurt his ankle.