Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or any of the characters.

If you want a pairing and prompt, ask me in a review

Kamerra asked for Harry/Blaise with "frosting"

As Harry walked into the loft that he shared with his long time boyfriend of 3 years, he heard an explosion. The raven hair hurried to the kitchen, wondering what Blaise had done now. The boy knew not to go anywhere near the kitchen when the better cook wasn't home.

Harry's eyes widened as he caught sight. It looked like a potion accident with the mess. Harry knew better though. Blaise had tried to bake and it ended up like this. There was flour, eggs, milk, and frosting everywhere.

Harry felt a headache coming on and messaged his temples. "What were you attempting to make love, 'Attempting' being the key word of course?"

The Italian boy blushed sheepishly. "You told me you never had a birthday cake for your actual birthday. I was trying to make you one from scratch."

The savior's eyes softened. When he was about ready to pull his hair out over his boyfriend's antics, the former slytherin did something like this, something so incredibly sweet and uncharacteristic.

Harry looked around at the mess. With a flick of his wand, the kitchen was spotless once again. Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on how you look at it, Blaise was still covered with frosting. Harry's eyes gleamed with mischief as he strutted over to the soft-spoken former slytherin. He delicately licked the frosting from the plump lips, making Blaise moan in appreciation. "You may have not completed you task, but how about I make you feel good in our bed? It's the thought the counts after all."

Blaise nodded eagerly, the cool façade dropped temporally. "Do you have any more frosting? I have a good use for it."