*Disclaimer: do I really need to do this everytime? In case I do, I do not own Naruto. Wish I did but I don't.

*Author's Note: thankiez to all who have reviewed for all of my stories.

Sakura's POV:

As my fever was slowly coming down I turned to see Orochimaru looking at me with fear and hatred. Looking around I realized that Saki had taken over. (A/N: she is Sakura's inner, refer to chapter seven). So now Saki was my outer, and I being her inner. I sat down in a chair that had mysteriously appeared and began to watch the show.

Saki's POV:

After finally taking over after being trapped in my master's body for so long without freedom I grinned wickedly. My master's long pink hair was now a dangerous shade of red with pink streaks, her usual emerald eyes were now my normal silverish purple color. Once being let out, temporarily, I remembered the mission at hand. Kill Orochimaru, kille Kabuto, make sure that the Sound doesn't attack Konoha, and make sure that the twin warriors come in to help clean up the mess.

"Ne, Ro-teme, did you miss me?"

I hopped off the bed, noticing how the medic nins coward into the corner. I saw my master's adoptive father looking at us with shock and...a look of...awe.

"W-who are you?" Kabuto croaked out. He was trembling in fear at my presence.

"I am Saki, the demon that causes massive distruction, yet can heal every wound that has been inflicted. May it be a wound on a human's body, or the damage that has been done to the earth and village. I can kill many with only a look, but I prefer to use my hands." I grinned, showing off my canines.

"Wh-what happened to Sakura-chan?" the boy my master says is Naruto spoke up.

"She is resting, it takes a lot of energy to keep me out this long, although I do not plan on hurting the villagers of Konoha, I can not guarantee that none will be injured. Since we are in this building and the next team that comes won't be here for another two hours or so I will leave this place with as little damage as possible." my silky voice rung in the air, my words sinking into their registering brains. Or in Naruto's case, trying to.

'Saki, hurry up, I'm losing chakra fast!' Sakura thought to me.


"Now, let's get this over with. I'm getting weaker by every minute passing."

I lunged towards Orochimaru who had dodged easily. Smirking he wraps his outstretched neck around my master's body, which I was currently borrowing. I summoned one of my powers and hit him at one point in his neck. I took out several kunais, shurikens, and senbons from Sakura-sama's weapon pouches and threw them at Orochimaru.

-Skip after the battle- [Sorry, I'm horrible at fighting scenes ^_^']

Orochimaru lay on the ground, dead. I looked up at the boy who helped me, Shikamaru I believed was his name.

"Thank you shadow user of the Nara clan. I am grateful for your service in helping---"

Sakura's POV:

I gained control of my body at that moment. But once I had full control I collapsed into Shimakaru's outstretched arms.

"A-arigato." I managed a small smile before I fell into the darkness that surrounded, protectively, over my conscience.

Author's POV:

Two pops were heard as both Ai and Sukai arrived. Looking around at the forest that was damaged they turned their gaze to the building. The part that the group used to be in was demolished. The forest though, was in worse shape.

"Great! As always we are left with the cleaning part of the mission!" Ai yelled to no one in particular.

A soft hand placed itself on Ai's shoulder, calming her down almost instantly.

"Ai-sama, calm down, Orochimaru's gone now." Sukai's soothing voice calmed everybody's nerves. Her words were being registered and the nins realized that Orochimaru was indeed gone.

"Sakura-san." Sukai said. "How are you feeling?"

"Good, except for the part where I was touched by a slimy snake. I used to think snakes were cool but this dude just ruined it." she said, trying to lighten up the mood.

Sukai smiled and glanced at her sister. Ai got the hidden message and she began cleaning part of the mess.

"Congratulations on completing your mission Sakura-san, Tsunade-san will be pleased to hear of you accomplishment. Now, do you want to return to your time, or, would you like to stay in this time?"

"I have a feeling she'll chose number two." Sukai glared at Ai who just shrugged. "Just voicing my thoughts."

Sukai rolled her eyes and returned her attention to Sakura.

"I guess..." she glanced at the people of Konoha, the sand siblings unaware of the fight.

"I'll stay. I think I will be better off this way." Sakura smiled.

"Very well."

"Told ya."


"Yes, little sister?"

"Shut it."

"You have chosen your path. Good luck and have a better life this time Sakura-san."

After the mess was cleaned up Sukai and Ai left in a burst of light.

"So, what do we do with Orochimaru's body?" Sakura asked, twiddling her fingers and not looking anyone in the eye.

"We shall destroy it, just in case any of his followers decide to revive him." the Third Hokage said.

-Skip to the next day-


The pinketter looked to her right to see Shikamaru. She blushed when she noticed how close he was to her.


"Are you really from the future?"

"Yeah, but my present, the future, was horrible. I was given a mission to come back in time to fix it the best I could. Now that my mission is over I can start a new."

Shikamaru noticed the small smile that adorned the girl's face. Without thinking he took her chin and lifted it so she faced him, slowly he captured her lips with his. She melted into the kiss and they pulled away, both blushing a wonderful shade of pink and red.



"Are we together?" Sakura asked.

"If you want."

"I'd like that, oh and Shikamaru?"


"It's your turn to fight now."

Sakura pushed him over the railing and giggled. Shikamaru landed on his feet and glared at his pink haired girlfriend.


"Love ya too ya lazy bum!"

Author's note: I hope you have enjoyed this story. I'm sorry to say that this is the last chapter of The Other Demon Holder. Thank you for reading and reviewing. I am planning on writing a Harry Potter and Naruto crossover, tell me if you think I should, I promise you that it will be longer than eight chapters ^_^ Thanks again.