Truth: Nothing Fair About It

Chapter 1: Nightmare and Periods??

It was nighttime. It seemed peaceful to most; no wind in the trees, no rain, no anything. But in one house, everything was far from calm and peaceful…

A pink hedgehog was writhing under her sheets. Sweat drenched her body, as a nightmare ravaged her mind, pulling memories that she kept under lock and key. She curled into a ball and shifted so much. Tears sprung from her closed eyes. She whispered and whimpered with fear. Her movements became more sporadic.

"No…" she whispered.

She opened her eyes…to a field. The field was beautiful, with silver flowers reflecting the moonlight. She sat up slowly and looked closer. There was a tree line made of pines, several hundred yards away. A glistening lake with the full moon lay like a pool of silver by the northern trees. A large willow with fireflies that flew around on wings lit up the tree like a candle. And every star was like a glowing beacon of light, showing off a heavenly glow that you could never see with pollution in the air. She pulled her feet under her and planted her feet on the ground. She slowly straightened her knees and her back, standing up tall and beautiful. She wore a large red shirt with black pants. She was beautiful, no doubt, but a feature stood out among the rest. Her face, with the full moon shining on it, looked like the face of a goddess. It was a beautiful shape; the shape of a heart that would beat with energy and strength behind each pump. Her quills were down to her lower back, some curling and shining like rippling water.

But of all those features, nothing stood out more than her eyes. They were emeralds that would make any treasure hunter green with envy! Her most valuable jewel was with her, no matter where she went. Those same emeralds scanned again. The girl knew this place somehow. But she could not place a finger on it.

Then she heard it. The sounds that boiled her blood and made it run colder than the snow.

The roars of demons.

She knew what was happening. Her quills flew as she whipped her head around. At the northern tree line, colors flash. Familiar hedgehog raced by her. Two silver hedgehogs and one light pink hedgehog raced out of the trees. The male was in shining armor, made of bronze that glowed like the stars above. He carried a sword also made of bronze, but this one had an inner glow like a fire. His other hand held the young female's hand. She had the same emeralds that could make anyone's heart melt. Her face was beautiful, almost like an angel's. She was smaller than the others. She was in a ripped tunic and pants. She was flanked by a stunning girl. She couldn't have been over 14, but she was the most beautiful thing that almost anyone could ever lay their eyes on. She was curvy, but there was no doubt that she had muscles to her. She carried a bow and urged the little girl along. She wore the same style of clothes, but hers were better for camouflage. They ran faster…until the girl tripped.

She tried to get up, but she had hurt herself. That was when the army broke through the tree line.

It was massive. At least 10,000 demons charged through the trees, trying to get to the hedgehogs. Then, arrows flew over them and hit the demons. Most were hit and instantly killed, but some were just injured, screeching in pain. Tents became uncloaked by the south tree line and women of every age grabbed a bow and started to fire. Each arrow hit at least on demon. Two others ran out to meet the hedgehogs. The male pick her up and ran, but the army had put up their shields, making it impossible to get a hit in. They met the white females halfway. Then the male looked back. The army was getting closer. If their defense wasn't broken, they would over run the entire area. He handed the girl to the females. Then he looked back. He turned his head back around with a fierce gaze.

"Take the girls! I'll punch a hole in their defenses! Take them back to your camp!" he said.

They girls nodded and started to run back to the tent. The little girl in the right one's shoulder kicked and screamed.

"HUNTER!! PLEASE, DON'T LEAVE ME!!" she screamed, tears pouring down her face like little rivers.

He turned to them. He gave them a sweet and sad smile. He bowed to her.

"To protect my sister, Amelia Rozial of the Royal family of Cloud City, I sacrifice myself for you. May my sisters live a beautiful life. And let little Rose bloom," he said.

Then he smiled at her one last time. He turned and ran toward the army, which was about 25 yards away. The women ran faster to help the others. The pink girl held out her hands for him as tears ran down her face.


Suddenly, everything was dark. A female voice came out of nowhere.

"The one you thought you love most will leave you too," it said in a raspy voice.

She shot up from her bed as an alarm went off. She breathed in and out, trying to calm herself down. She looked at the clock. It was 10:00 am. She hit the stop button and calmed down. She got out of bed and landed on the floor in her now drenched clothes. She pulled them off and took slow, deliberate steps to her closet. She was thinking over that eerie message. She was so lost in thought that she ran right into the closet door. She landed on her carpeted floor with a thud. She frowned her herself and blew some quills out of her face. She grabbed the knob of the door and pulled herself up. She opened the door and took a look at the calendar. Today was her 17th birthday! She did a happy twirl, giggling slightly. She stopped spinning and pulled out her usually clothes, which had changed over the years. She changed from that flimsy little red dress to silk halter top and short shorts. She looked in the mirror and sighed. To her surprise, the mirror she moved completely different from her. Amelia blinked a few times and shook her head. The mirror cocked her head.

"Something wrong Amy?" she asked.

Amy wasn't sure what to make of the mirror. But, none the less, she talked to it.

"It-it's just a nightmare," she stated.

"Come on. Both you and I know that a nightmare with a message in it has to be real," mirror said.

Amy knew that she was right. But one thing nagged at her mind.

"But what does it mean? 'You will loss the one that you thought you love too.' That doesn't sound good," Amy said.

Mirror shrugged. She only knew so much, as did Amy. She looked at the world through her eyes, but Amy didn't realize that.

Truth was, Amy was looking right at her soul. It came out in times of need and sent messages to her. But she could sense something Amy couldn't. There was something in the air. Like the air was holding its breath, waiting for something bad to happen. She was wary, but she stayed silent. She knew that that message was real.

"Just be careful. We don't want to see what this message is yet," said mirror.

Amy nodded and walked away from the mirror. She looked at her pajamas, which were soaked with sweat. She sighed and pulled them off, wincing at the smell of sweat wafting off of it. She threw them in the corner by the window, which was open, letting a slight draft in. Amy shivered slightly, feeling the cold on her body, giving her goose bumps. She crossed her arms over her bare and busty chest, along with a shiver that went down her narrow waist and stomach. Her hips and legs were perfectly sculpted due to years of chasing the Fastest Thing Alive. Amy also did know why, but she couldn't shake the feeling of eyes watching her. She shook her head and started to remove her underwear.

She didn't realize that she actually was being watched. Two different figures that did not know the other was there, were sitting in the trees by her window. One had amazing ruby eyes and the others were a chilling yellow. They were focused on Amy and never noticed that they both stalked Amy. When Amy pulled off her pants, very bright red blushes appeared on their faces. And when she pulled off her shirt, it drove them insane. The one with red eyes wanted to jump through the window and take her down to the ground. The one with yellow eyes couldn't even process a thought. They watched her put on her strapless bra and halter top. She pulled on her shorts and spun around. She giggled slightly; she always loved the way that the air caressed her fur and quills. She walked over to her bathroom, looking for something. She closed the door behind her and both of the stalkers were curious. The red one let curiosity get the better of him and he jumped from tree to tree, going around the corner to get a better look. The yellow one wasn't all that curious, so he remained where he was.

The other, though, wished he hadn't.

Amy opened the cabinet and pulled out a circular tube. He frowned, not knowing what it was. His eyes widened as she pulled off her shorts and found some strings hanging between her legs. When she pulled at them, he really freaked out. She closed her eyes and moaned as she pulled it out. It was some sort of blood covered cloth. The ruby eyes blinked, trying to figure this strange thing out. Then he remembered that after a woman goes into heat, she bleeds a little. He watched as she pulled her legs up, showing her lower regions to him. He remained in control by a hair. Amy seemed to be thinking for a second.

And there was nothing that she hated more than this time of month. She sighed and just put the tampon in, but not without a slight moan. She was still getting used to that. She pulled her underwear and shorts back up and walked back into her room. She peeked over her shoulder, still feeling the stares on her. She didn't see anything. She sighed and ran to her closet. She grabbed some major strappy sandals and pulled them on and wrapped the laces all the way up her calves. She looked at herself in the mirror again. She moved some of her quills before she walked past her bed. She stopped and slowly walked back. The red one saw this and jumped from tree to tree to get to the other side of the house. Amy took slow steps to her bed stand. She ran her hand along the top of a frame and picked it up. She smiled and picked it up. She walked to the double doors that lead to her balcony. She opened them and walked out onto the balcony. She set the frame facing the sun and ran her fingers over the top. She brought it around and kissed it. A few tears slowly drizzled from her eyes. She ran her fingers over it.

"I miss you guys so much. I wish that you were here," she said.

She ran her thumb over a male with chilling yellow eyes. He was one of the stalkers. She smiled at him.

"Oh, Silver. I miss you, even if you did try to kill Sonic. I realize that you got incorrect information, and I forgive you," she said.

Silver, in one of the trees smiled and blew a kiss to her. Nobody knew how he came back, but, if you believe enough, you can believe that he came back because he obviously loved her. She ran her hand over a red and black male's face in the picture. She smiled and looked up at the sky.

"Shadow," she said. "I don't know where you are, but where ever you are, I hope that you are happy. I knew that there was good in you, the good that I always believed that you had. I realize now that I may never truly understand you, but I know that I will always hope for you."

Shadow, the other stalker, smiled at her heartfelt speech. He just loved everything about her, from those beautiful eyes to her caring smile. There was nothing about her that couldn't brighten up your day.

She carefully set the picture down on the ledge and turned and walked back in the house. The picture was of the three of them, all holding hands. Amy's eyes were closed, but Silver and Shadow were gazing at her with loving gazes. Amy would never understand that gaze until she saw it for herself.

AN: Hey guys. Sorry I haven't been on that often. Goodness, it's been sometime.

...I sound mature right now.

Eh, whatever. Anyway, this is a story for a friends birthday. Anyway, her name is shadamy-luffer on (my account: .com/. Check it out and tell me what you think of my OC's!! Note, they do look different. They were changes that I added when I drew them.). Happy birthday shadamy-luffer!! There will be more chapters to this, to there is no worries about me not finishing this.

Anyways, I will also be working on a collab with a friend on Da called Shadamy-Sonamy. We're taking turns doing chapters, so I'll most likely post all the chapters here and tell you which ones she wrote. It might take some time before I update again because my schedule is busy as hell, so sorry my friends. Anyway, as soon as I figure this schedule out, I will post again, okay??


Keep on writing!
