Amy was speeding down the highway, much faster than she should. But that didn't matter to her. Her heart was broken. She was sure that it was shattered, that she would never love again. Tears had the front pads on her helmet wet and tears blurred her vision.

But her heart was far from shattered. It was just broken into pieces. Only a few things could fix this, but she didn't think about them. She blinked as more tears made it through her eyes. She was on the dirt road back to her house. She braked suddenly in front of her house and looked at the house. She parked the bike and took off the helmet. She placed it on the motorcycle and ran as fast as she could into the forest.

And she was getting pretty fast, because Shadow and Silver had problems keeping up. When they smelled normal blood, they picked up the pace.

Poor Amy was just taking a beating from the forest. Nothing mattered to her. Absolutely nothing. The sting of plants cutting her face did nothing. She didn't flinch when leaves smacked into her face. Her eyes were still tear filled. She leaned on a large tree and wiped the tears from her face, getting more blood on her face. She looked to the ground and took a deep breath. Shadow and Silver had finally settled close to her, tense in case she tries anything.

But Amy wasn't even close to that. In fact, right now, she seemed lost in thought. She looked up and saw white fur and red streaks. She frowned. Surely Shadow and Silver were dead… Right? Well, she shouldn't ponder that now, she thought gingerly, looking back to the ground.

"Come on Amy girl. Think. Get this out of your mind," Shadow whispered.

Amy looked back up at them. She felt more tears come to her eyes. She immediately wiped her eyes.

"Why do I do this to myself?" Amy asked herself, sinking to her knees.

"God damned love. I don't need love," she muttered to herself, looking at her ruined arms.

She started to feel light headed. Damn, she thought, touching her arms, realizing that some of the cuts were too deep to scab over until she patched up. She sighed and stood up. She sighed.

"Great, you got yourself lost Amy," she muttered.

Her eyes scanned the ground. Her eyes were not even filled. They were almost like hollow shells. She sighed.

"But it's not like anyone cares about a nobody," she said, starting to walk the wrong direction.

Silver and Shadow gripped their hands, not happy to hear her talking about herself in a bad way. She stumbled and Shadow and Silver decided to make an appearance. They landed right as she stumbling, masking their sounds. They looked at each other in confusion. not sure how the other came here. They shrugged and left that for some other time. They grabbed one of Amy's shoulders and helped her up.

Amy, of course, thinking that it was a rapist or something, pulled on her brass knuckles better and turned and socked Shadow right in the nose, knocking him back a few feet. When she was who the two were, she stopped her punch aimed at Silver's cheek.

"S-s-shadow? S-silver?" she asked, feeling the brass knuckles loosen and fall to the ground.

She looked back and forth at them before realizing that she obviously broke Shadow's nose by the way he was clutching it and trying to stop the bleeding. She winced and ran over to him.

"Oh, shit. Sorry Shadow," she said, removing his hand.

Silver walked behind her and hugged her waist. Amy blinked and looked back at him. Shadow, noticing that she looked a little heartbroken still, decided that it was best. He brought her closer and hugged her upper body, wrapping his arms around her hips.

Amy was clueless. She looked at Shadow and Silver before deciding that she might as well return the hug. She wrapped her arms around Shadow and ran her hands up his back. She was surprised when he shivered a little. He was radiating warmth, which was drawing her in. She started to feel tired.

"Shadow? Are you okay?" she asked, looking up at him.

Shadow cursed mentally at his luck. 'God damned animal instincts,' he thought to himself.

"Yes. I'm fine," he said. "But what about you?"

Amy chuckled softly.

"I don't know. This blood loss is making me dizzy."

"Will she be okay?" Silver spoke up.

"Yes. She'll be fine," Shadow said, picking her up.

Amy's mind was a little tipsy. She snuggled against him.

"Shadow… You're so warm," she almost croaked out in sleep that shrouded her like a light fog.

Shadow looked down at her. He always gave off some great warmth, but he never thought that Amy would like it that much. She chuckled, snuggling more.

"Maybe I should keep you in my bed to keep me warm," she said.

Shadow got a light blush and shifted uncomfortably. Silver almost glared jealously at Shadow, but he just shifted too.

"The blood loss must be getting to her head. Let's take her back now," Shadow said.

Silver nodded and together they ran to Amy's house.

"Mmmmm… Shadow?" Amy asked.

"Yes?" he asked, keeping his eyes up to the incoming trees.

"Can you two stay in my room with me tonight?" she asked, feeling even more tired.

Shadow looked down at her for a second.

"Sure," he said.

Amy smiled before becoming unconscious.