#Disclaimer – I don't own anything related to Criminal Minds, if I did JJ and Hotch would have way more scenes together!

This love (Will be your downfall)

JJ cautiously crept her way into the bedroom carrying the two coffee mugs; she placed them softly onto the bedside table and climbed onto the top of the lump in the bed.

"Wake up sleepy head" She pressed a soft kiss to the top of his raven hair "Aaron, time to wake up" She could hear some kind of mumbling coming from under the sheets.

"Aaron, I made coffee just the way you like it" JJ temptingly offered whispering in his ear. He started to shift underneath her then suddenly without warning he grabbed her and rolled her over so she was underneath him and the covers.

"How come you're such a morning person?" he sleepily grumbled staring intensely in her eyes, his lips only inches away from hers

"Had a lot of practice with you know, having a six year old kid and working for the FBI, constantly getting phone calls and being woken up at all hours of the morning"

"But it's really early and we could be sleeping or something" Hotch's chocolate eyes were lusftully melting through her.

"Or something huh?" She questioned his remark with her eyes raised; he smirked before they started to kiss passionately. They were soon interrupted by a loud clattering coming from the kitchen indicating that their two boys were wide awake and up most likely wanting breakfast.

Sighing but not breaking eye contact JJ adjusted herself before they both walked out of their shared bedroom, hand in hand carrying their coffee to see cereal all over the floor and the two boys attempting to clean it up without their parents seeing the mess. Hotch, laughed at what he saw and began to help the boys clean up while JJ made them their breakfast that they had wanted earlier. The whole house was still quite messy. A reminder of Jack's tenth birthday party at the weekend. The place had been hectic with the team and their respective partners as well as Jack's friends and family from both Hotch's side as well as Hailey's. Henry's friends and even JJ's brother and his family had come to join the celebrations at the house.

The couple weren't technically living with each other but since their relationship started over two years ago Hotch had spent more and more time at JJ's place and he might as well have moved in a long time ago. Seeing as they were both over necessarily professional as Morgan would say, working together wasn't a difficulty. The team were pleased that the unit chief and communications coordinator were finally together and happy. Hotch was never the same again after he lost Hailey he became even more distant than usual and far more over protective of those he cared about, so when JJ and Will's relationship dissolved Hotch was there for her being able to relate to the situation she found herself in. Both often admit that they have no idea when they realised they fell for each other instead they're just grateful that they realised that they did at the same time.

So here they were playing house with their two boys on a Monday morning before work and school. The boys were now sitting at the breakfast bar in JJ's open - plan kitchen. JJ poured cereal into a bowl for Hotch and left her favourite guys to eat breakfast together while she got ready for work. She hadn't been feeling well over the last few weeks and she was fairly certain she knew why but was putting off the inevitable till her doctor's appointment on Thursday. The last time she felt the way she does at the present moment in time was when she was having Henry and while the prospect of starting her own family with Hotch was probably the happiest thought she could have, JJ was petrified. She loved Hotch and although they had discussed kids and marriage neither had admitted if they actually wanted more than what they already had with each other. Hotch already had the whole nine yards with Hailey and that didn't end very well. JJ thought she was going to have all of it with Will but when it came down to it she couldn't commit and Will was impatient.

The risk of ruining what she has with Hotch has become a persistent fear. She knows he loves her and that he'll love their child, she just doesn't want to cause him any pain. The pain of remembering his former life. The pain of destroying his career. The pain of wrecking their relationship. A baby in their lives would bring joy she knows that, but still JJ hasn't told him yet about her suspicions, they're happy and until she knows for certain they'll continue to carry on as always. JJ was finally ready and putting her shoes on when Aaron came back into their bedroom.

"The boys are getting themselves ready"

"Did you...."

"Yes I told Henry he had to wear his black shoes and not his bright green trainers"

"But did you..."

"Remind Jack to pack up his sports gear for practice after school, yeah I did" He chuckled and kissed her forehead, telling her to relax and to stop worrying.

"But I'm the mom, worrying is what I'm supposed to do." She smiled at him knowing that he is fantastic father and starting to regret not telling him what's really worrying her. Yet they had work to get to and by telling him that she might be pregnant will mean he focuses on her for the entire time rather than concentrating on the case they were bound to take so she bit her tongue and went about sorting the boys out while Hotch got ready.

Jack and Henry both went to different schools, so their daily routine involved leaving JJ's house in their two separate cars and parting at the end of the street, dropping their sons off at school then making their ways to the FBI headquarters in Quantico. They generally made it to the car park at practically the same time each morning and shared the elevator ride up to the sixth floor enjoying the last few minutes of quiet before the mayhem of work.

"So I'll see you as usual at nine in my office for briefing?" Hotch whispered in her ear, his hand slyly on her lower back. They were alone in the elevator but there were cameras and neither wanted to be having a discussion about their relationship in Strauss' office anytime soon.

"Uh huh." JJ nodded her head but her eyes were distantly worrying about how she was going to tell him, if she had something to tell him.

"Jaje, is everything okay you've been a little distracted lately?" He was getting concerned. He knew he was a good profiler and while he tried not to step over that line they never acknowledged, he would have to admit to himself, that JJ was often a puzzle.

"I'm fine Aaron really. I'm just not looking forward to what's waiting for me in the office that's all." He gave her his I'm-not-convinced look. She leaned a bit into his touch to try and reassure him, then the elevator doors opened and once again they parted ways.

The next hour and a half JJ and Hotch were in their respective offices, JJ was about to go and brief Hotch about their next case when Emily appeared in front of her.

"Is everything good with you?" Emily asked quizically

"Yeah everything's fine"

"So everything is good with you and Hotch?"

"Yeah why wouldn't it be?"

"It's just that a couple of us noticed that you were a little off. At Jack's party on Saturday."

JJ looked at Emily accusingly she asked exasperatedly, "Did Aaron send you? I told him that I was fine why can't he just leave it alone?"

Emily held up her hands in surrender taking a seat in front of her friend who looked as though she was in distress.

"JJ what's wrong?"

JJ broke eye contact began to ramble, "Nothing. It's nothing. It might be something. But then again it could be nothing although if it is something then I don't know or you know after all it could be...."

"Nothing. Yeah I got it. So what exactly is it that could be something or nothing?"Emily emphasised the it.

"I might be pregnant." JJ practically whispered her confession

"Jaje that's great news. Are you not happy about it, I mean you obviously haven't told Hotch and you're a little snappy..."

Prentiss got glared at by the shorter blonde. She could see her friend was tormenting herself over her dilemma.

"I just need to know for sure before I go and tell Hotch, I can't tell him that I might be and then I turn out not be but then what if I am and he...."

"JJ you need to stop this we could go on like this all day. Have you had a home test?"

"It was inconclusive I'm going to the doctors on Thursday."

Prentiss nodded not exactly sure of how to respond. JJ's phone rang saving Prentiss from saying something further that might upset her friend. It was Hotch on the phone, Prentiss knew straight away as JJ's face always softened and her lips would curl up in a smile.

"That was Hotch he wants to go over the case now." They stood facing each other in JJ's office doorway "Hey Em could you possibly..."

"I'll keep it to myself I promise, but he needs to know JJ."

"I'll tell him when we get back off the case. Honestly. We just need to concentrate on this case, it's a bad one okay." JJ indicated to the files in her hand and Prentiss grimaced but nodded in acceptance of what her friend was telling her. Both walked to together through the bullpen but separated at Emily's desk. Prentiss watched as JJ stood outside her boyfriend slash boss' door her eyes closed breathing deeply before entering, she tried to convince herself she was doing the right thing by not telling him now. As she sat in front of him explaining the case she prayed that he would understand, the last thing she wanted was to make things bad between them. As her thoughts started to wonder he could tell she was focused on something else but his sweet smile brought her out of her daydream.

# Forgot to say a huge thanks to KDZL for beta reading this, THANKS!!!!!!!