A/N: While I was working on the last two fics, I found this really cool video on Youtube called Reid/Prentiss. What caught my attention were images of two brunette girls and a blonde haired kid. In my mind, these are the Reid-Prentiss kids. That brought to mind a scene where the two girls ask their mother about falling in love with their father. I didn't intend to start writing another fic until after April, but sometimes stories and plot bunnies don't leave you alone until you write them down and share them.

Chapter 1: The Gitmo Adventure

"Mommy, when did you fall in love with Daddy?"

Samantha Rose Prentiss-Reid looked up at her mother, trying to give her Samantha's best please tell me look. Samantha was in her pajama, under the covers of her bed, not wanting to go to sleep, just yet.

"Yes Mommy, tell us about when you and Daddy fell in love!" Samantha's sister, Diane Elizabeth Prentiss-Reid said. Neither one of them were ready for sleep just yet, and were hoping they could convince their mother to hold off turning out the light for just a few moments longer.

Emily looked at her two beautiful daughters, both of whom had her dark hair, and knew their questions had more to do with not wanting to go to sleep than to know about how she and Spencer first fell in love. However, Emily didn't want to dismiss the question altogether. She didn't want to be one of those parents who answered question by saying, "Not now" or "Because I said so."

"It's a very long story. Much too long to tell you two tonight."

"But Mooooom!" The girls protested in unison.

"However," she said, " I will tell you two about the first time we met. And if you two are good and get ready for bed on time for the next few nights, I'll tell you the whole story. Or we can just turn off the light right now."

"No, No, We'll be good." Samantha said.

"Yes Mom, we promise." Diane said.

Emily smiled. Even though the girls looked more like her than Spencer, she couldn't help but see their father in them when they smiled like this. She settled in the chair between their beds, and when she did so she felt a great relief. She was in her last trimester of pregnancy and standing for any period of time was a test of endurance.

She already knew this one was going to be a boy. She and Spencer had already picked out a name…Matthew Jason. They decided they wanted to name him after two men who had a positive impact on their lives. Emily gently ran her hands over her belly, hoping her touch would give some comfort to her newest baby genius.

"I'll be the first to admit, with me and Daddy, it wasn't love at first sight. The truth is, I barely noticed your father when I came to the BAU. Uncle Aaron was the boss, and I thought Uncle Derek was much more handsome. Of course, I was terribly nervous. I had worked for so long and so hard to get there, and your Uncle Aaron almost sent me packing on my first day. After that though, I really didn't spend much time with your father. Until our first adventure."

Explaining BAU cases to children, Emily had discovered, was a challenge. She had learned from Spencer's experience with his mother it's best to phrase everything in terms of adventures. "We went with Jason Gideon to a far away place called Gitmo." She chose not to over explain things, not about Guantanamo Bay or the politics of it all.

"We had to ask questions of a very bad man. Some other men were going to hurt a lot of people, and this man knew where they were going to attack and when. It was the first time I had gone anywhere with the team, and the first time I spent anytime around Jason Gideon. Your father and I watched as we watched Gideon ask question after question. I have to admit, I doubted Gideon at one point. I looked at your father and asked him if he thought Gideon knew what he was doing. Your father said, he worked with Gideon long enough to trust him. He said it with that look he has, where because he knows something to be true, you should believe it."

Samantha and Diane giggled. They knew that look.

"Thing is girls," Emily said," he was right. We fight out where the attack was, and your uncle Aaron and Uncle Derek were able to save a lot of people."

"But what about you and Daddy?" Samantha asked.

"What about us?"

"You didn't kiss? You didn't hug? You didn't play chess?" Samantha had a hard time imagining a time when her parents didn't hug each other or kiss each other or make cow eyes at each other. She really didn't know what it meant to make cow eyes, but she heard her Aunt Penelope use the phrase when describing Mommy and Daddy.

"No. I watched Gideon beat your father at chess."

"Daddy lost?" Samantha had seen her Daddu beat lots of people at chess. Mommy was the only person who could ever beat him.

"Gideon was extraordinary in many ways."

"But what about you and Daddy?"

"Like I said, it wasn't love at first sight. Love came later." Emily stood up, groaning just a bit as she did so. She bent over and kissed Samantha, "Good night." Then she bent over and kissed Diane, "Good night." She turned out the lights and went into her room.

She picked up the phone by the bed, and dialed Spencer's phone.

In a hotel room in Colorado, Spencer Reid picked up his cell phone.

"Are you asleep?" Emily asked.

"Yes." Ever since Emily started her maternity leave, she fussed if Spencer didn't get as much sleep as possible while on a case.

"Laying on the bed and reading doesn't count as sleeping, Dr. Reid."

"What makes you think I'm reading?" Of course he was, but he wasn't going to admit that to his wife.

"The moment you put this ring on my finger, I gained the ability to know when you're lying."

"Not many wives can do that, you know."

"What can I say, I'm one in a million."

"Oh, you're much more unique than that. Are you resting?"

"Of course. I just put the girls to sleep."

"I wish I was there."

"You talked to them while we ate dinner. They understand you being on adventures."

"I know they do. I'm so lucky to have a wife and two kids who understand. I still miss being there."

"We miss you two. Do know what they asked me tonight? They want to know when we fell in love."

"What did you tell them?"

"I told them it was a long story. So, when did you know you first know you loved me, Spencer?"

"The moment I met you."

"Awww, that's so sweet. Total malarkey, but sweet."

"When did you realize you loved me?"

"I've been thinking about it, I'm still not certain. I'm starting at the beginning, and I hope I'll know the exact moment as I tell it."

"See, if they asked me I wouldn't start there."

"So, where would you start?"

"When I apologized?"

"Which time?"

"After New Orleans."

"Ah… Well, when you get home, you can tell them all about it."

"You need to get some rest, Emily. You need it."

"So do you. Goodnight. I love you."

"I love you too."

A/N: Yeah, I know I'm doing a fair amount of teasing here. Blame it on my plot bunnies.