give me something to believe in,
a breath from the breathing
it's just that at night i've got nowhere to hide
so i write you a lullaby


Kuronuma Sawako was quite simply amazing. Kazehaya Shouta had been of this opinion for years, but he was constantly finding it proven again and again. He still wondered, sometimes, how the girl could have been unfairly misunderstood by the people around her. She was amazing--being with her and hearing everything she has to say had always made him feel that the best is yet to come. Her innocence and good nature never failed to make him feel awed and humbled and jealous all at the same time. He remembered how, despite everything that had come her way, she still had been able to give and to understand; to smile that brilliant smile regardless of the circumstances, even willing to sacrifice for the people who meant a great deal to her. And he wondered, sometimes, how she could have so much faith in him after all she had seen. How she had seen his selfishness; wanting her eyes and her smile all to himself, wanting her attention to be his--only his, sometimes disregarding the feelings of other people around him. She had seen him at his worst--had been constantly on the verge of giving up, acting impishly at the pretense of misunderstanding, inevitably running away. And yet he had been truly touched by her unwavering support even after that--he honestly couldn't offer her much in return. All Shouta could really give her was his heart, but then again, it had already been hers.


the song is entitled hammer and strings, as performed by jack's mannequin. ah, i really hope the mangaka resumes kimi ni todoke soon. i can hardly stand the wait. o_O. *waves hello to the corda readers who happened to have read this. see you guys next time. ^-^