Travien was feeling pretty good about life at this point. It had taken a couple of days and a good healer but his eye was as good as ever, which meant it was utterly useless but it appeared to be okay. The livid red scar that had been running through it had calmed to a dark pink line, but he was okay with that. He was walking with a cane at the moment but that was because he had torn up his leg rather badly on a twisted shard from the doors to the Throne room. In all the excitement no-one had noticed for about half an hour.

He was currently standing in the courtyard of Naboo beside Padmé. They were waiting for the newly elected Supreme Chancellor, Chancellor Palpatine. Travien had smiled grimly when he heard that, he knew that the old guy was going to get elected but it didn't make him feel any better. Padmé had thrown a fit once the news had actually sunk in about Palpatine being a Sith Lord and having assisted in the invasion of Naboo. It was the second time in a week that she had almost fallen to the dark side, but Travien was confident that it was in the past. He would begin teaching her to use the Dark Side soon so that it was less of a danger to her.

It was a bright sunny day outside and there were droids everywhere. Most of the droids were construction droids that had been specially designed and programmed to re-create the unique architecture found in the surface cities of Naboo. Similar droids had been programmed and were helping the Gungans repair Otoh Gunga. He might even tell the Gungans that he was using the droids to get an analysis of the technology that they had refused to share with him. He was a Sith Lord after all; there was no call to be honest with anyone but Padmé.

He smiled and spoke to Padmé in a quiet voice, "Don't worry about him, love." He knew that she wanted to kill the lying little bastard,

Padmé snorted, "There is a Sith Lord leading the Republic, isn't that kind of counter-intuitive?" she asked sarcastically,

Travien shrugged, "I don't know. He's a Sith Lord but he's not leading an Empire. I take solace in the fact that nobody but us seems to be getting things to go their way." Padmé grinned at that comment.

The large Corellian vessel landed and Travien leaned into Padmé again, "You'd think with all the resources at his disposal he would have gotten a decent looking ship." He mumbled,

"We don't all have a Star Forge, you know." She said rolling her eyes.

Travien frowned, "Have I not given you your command codes?"

"Command codes?" asked Padmé

Travien nodded, "Yeah, I added a set of command codes to the Forge's system when I retrieved the construction droids. That way you don't have to ask me every time you need something. I figured it would irritate you after a while." There was a slight cheer from the crowd as she kissed him lightly,

"Thank you. I can't believe you did that after I almost removed your eye." She said sadly. Travien knew it would be one of those things that were hard for her to deal with. He shrugged,

"Padmé, it didn't work in the first place. Now I have a cool scar that makes me look even more like my job description and gives me something in common with my father."

"What do you mean by that? When did your mother attempt to remove your father's eye?" she asked curiously,

Travien shrugged, "It was a few weeks before I was born. She wanted a sardine and chocolate spread sandwich. I never really wanted to know, but apparently they were in hyperspace at the time and only dad was willing to admit that they had no sardines or chocolate onboard. Apparently he wasn't polite enough." Padmé raised an eyebrow and Travien smiled, "It seems that hormonal mood swings don't go well with Sith Lord tendencies."

Padmé smiled at the impromptu anecdote. She wanted to snort but had to remain regal and composed when in public. She stiffened when the Viceroy and his assistance stopped when they were passing them and were turned to face the Queen,

Padmé glared at the defeated Nemoidian, "Now you're going to have to go to the Senate and answer for what you've done, Viceroy."

Panaka stepped forward, "I think you can kiss your trade franchise goodbye Viceroy." He said before walking off.

Travien grinned at the man and turned to the Nemoidian, "I'm not sure that I can do anything to you that will hurt like that Viceroy. But I can try." He leaned in and whispered to the Nemoidian, "Remember what I said Gunray, ten for one. There's a reason they call me Darth Shan." He leaned back and smiled at the look of horror on the Nemoidians face as he was led away.

Padmé leaned into him, "You know he's going to spill that to the Senate? They might link it to you," she whispered,

Travien shook his head, "HK's too good for that and I was standing right here. Besides, who's going to believe that the boyfriend of the peace loving Queen Amidala, heroine of Naboo is an evil Sith Lord? Really, no-one's that daft, right?"

They followed the Nemoidians as they were led in the direction of the Chancellor's ship and Travien looked around. Every single soldier was outfitted in shiny silver Sith armour, a gift that Travien had given them for the time being until other arrangements could be made. He had to smile, the silver fit in perfectly with other aspects of the Naboo military, but for those who knew where to look, like Padmé, the Handmaidens, the Jedi and Sio Bibble, there were Sith soldiers lining the streets of Naboo. The black droids behind them, HK units that had fought with the beleaguered guards were another gift, something to make the people feel safer.

He watched as Palpatine left the god-awful ship and was met by Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker. He smiled and nodded to them. Travien couldn't hear what was happening but he seemed to be thanking the Jedi for their work. Fair enough, although he would have to help keep Anakin away from the devious, plotting, traitorous bastard.

Travien was amused to see Palpatine's eyes widen slightly as the he noticed the soldiers around the courtyard wearing Sith armour and the HK series droids. There was no-way that father would have passed up mentioning the HK droid in his holocron. Travien smiled to Palpatine as he approached the Queen and himself,

He bowed and Padmé forced a smile, "Congratulations on your election, Chancellor." While Travien was whispering in the back of her mind, 'Remember, he has no idea that you know who he is. Information that you deny the enemy is a weapon, do not let him know.'

Palpatine smiled, "Your efforts have saved our people, your majesty. It is you who should be congratulated. Together we shall bring peace and prosperity to the Republic."

Padmé nodded stiffly and Palpatine turned to Travien, "And you Baron Shan, I can even now see how much you have helped our world." He said, indicating the ranks of soldiers and droids,

Travien smiled and nodded, "It is the least I can do, a small apology from the Star Forge for having done so little to be prepared for such a catastrophe. I am sure that our services will be available to Naboo in the very near future." He said smiling. Padmé noticed with some satisfaction that Palpatine's smile became forced after that. They separated and went their own ways. The celebration later on, and the official signing of a treaty between the Naboo and the Gungans, went off without a hitch. Everything had gone perfectly.

Three days after the celebrations, after the delegates and Jedi had all returned home. The Jedi had been annoying Travien incessantly by warning him that the Star Forge was a dangerous artefact, it seemed that Anakin had told one of the Masters innocently about seeing a 'wizard cool space station that was bigger than a planet', which set the rabble off preaching at him. Of course the Forge was bloody dangerous, it was powerful and anything that was powerful was dangerous. He snorted, it was bloody ridiculous some of the things these Jedi had come out with.

As predicted Nute Gunray had pleaded to the entire Senate that Travien was a Sith Lord and that he had been under the influence of a Sith Lord when he attacked Naboo. Travien marvelled at the stupidity required for Gunray to turn around and say no, that was a different Sith Lord. The Republic 'knew' that the Sith had been dead for a millennia, now they were supposedly everywhere. He was practically laughed out of the court for that and his family decided that he would utilise the services of a hired representative.

Travien walked into the throne room to see that Padmé was behind her desk and hard at work. He walked up to her and bowed,

"You summoned me, your majesty." He said formally,

Padmé smirked, "Mostly because I'm the only one who can." She looked at him puzzled, "You're not wearing your armour?"

Travien shrugged, "No real need for it at the moment. I'm not going to war, it turns out that my armour doesn't protect me as much as I had hoped and I figured, well maybe it's time to design something new. You're not wearing your make-up." He stated in return,

Padmé smiled, "No, no formal events for the moment. I'm just sorting out the rebuilding. I had no idea that that Trade Federation could do so much damage in just three weeks. Those droids of yours are miracle workers."

Travien smiled and shrugged, "I like to think so. They're certainly better than the incompetent knuckle draggers I kept hiring at the beginning."

Padmé nodded understandingly, "Where did you get the design for small four legged insect-like droids about the size of a beach ball?"

Travien grinned at that, "That was a modification actually. The original design was about four, five times the size. It was an assault droids around the time of the Jedi Civil War. I took the cannon off of the top, made it small and along with making the legs more mobile I gave it the ability to build things. That includes more construction droids if necessary but they're barely more self aware than a brick."

Padmé nodded happily, "Either way, they've sped up the reconstruction massively. Naboo owes you a great debt."

Travien waved his hand, "You didn't call me here for that, you know as well as I do that I'll never call it in. Come on; tell me what you wanted to tell me."

Padmé smiled and sighed, "I still can't get anything past you. Well, firstly is that Anakin was accepted into the Jedi Order." Travien's eyebrows raised and he smiled,

"Really? Good, I have to admit, he might make a good Jedi."

Padmé nodded, "I think so too. They've made Obi-Wan Kenobi a Jedi Knight and Anakin has been made his apprentice." Travien cringed, "I know how you feel, Travien. I don't think that Obi-Wan is the best master for Anakin but the Council felt that it was Jedi business. I did ask that Anakin be allowed to visit Naboo occasionally to see Shmi, I take it you know that she settled here?"

Travien shrugged, "To be honest the woman seems to be avoiding me for some reason. I figure that she's probably uncomfortable with me so I haven't exactly gone out of my way to find out about her."

Padmé acknowledged that, "Fair enough, she does seem nervous about you. The Chancellor has again stated his desire to clear up corruption in the Senate, if only to make it easier for him to change things to the way that he wants. Are you sure that was a wise idea?" she asked him,

Travien sighed, "The corruption had spread so far that the Trade Federation could get away with anything Padmé. The only person with enough will power, or a decent lack of morals, to get things sorted was Palpatine. Besides, it's not like he can take absolute rule anyway, there are far too many checks in place for him to do anything quickly."

She nodded, "I hope you're right. Now, how is your project going?"

He grinned, "Fantastically. Droids have set down on fifteen different planets that nobody was using or claiming, each of them perfect for agriculture. HK is just putting the finishing touches on the semi-sentient automated defences and I'll be putting equipment down in the week. Jabba the Hutt has agreed to trade me some materials like the necessary plant life and seeds to make the project self sustaining in exchange for some armoured transports. I'm giving him ones that were standard when Dad was a padawan. They'll hold out against pirates and thugs but have little chance against a regulated police force. If he wants something bigger then he'll have to come up with something to trade."

Padmé smiled, "I always wondered why you never wanted to include Naboo is that spreading influence of yours."

Travien shrugged, still smiling, "That's easy. I have no intention of living on the Star Forge like mum and dad. It's nice to stay there but I feel like I've moved away from home now, I'm not so eager to move back. Naboo is my home and it stays separate from my little coalition of worlds. Besides, once I get a flourishing society together, with people rather than droids, I was hoping to tie my influence in with yours. The Forge is listed as my property for a title held on Naboo after all."

"That it is." Agreed Padmé. She was about to say something else when a handmaiden rushed into the room. She bowed before the Queen who waved a hand for her to rise,

"Sabé, what's got you into a hurry?" she asked,

She stood up, "Milady, there's something I think you should see. There is something on the Holo-net." Padmé nodded and Sabé switched on the holo-transmitter and backed up to the appropriate point where a newscaster was smiling,

'This in the news today recently elected Chancellor Palpatine praises Queen Amidala of the Naboo for a heroic rescue of her people. He states that the heroism of her, a Lord Baron Shan, and several other Naboo citizens saved the lives of many when they drove off an invading force of droids under the control of Nute Gunray the Viceroy of the trade federation, who is currently awaiting trial. Gunray claims his actions were dictated by the gang land war between two Sith Lords. Chancellor Palpatine has come forward stating that while the Lord Baron Shan is indeed a Force sensitive of quite some skill he has seen no evidence that the man is a Sith Lord, nor of Queen Amidala who is claimed to be one of his students.' Travien smirked as Padmé raised her eyebrows but the recording continued, 'The Chancellor was quick to offer the grieving families of Naboo the condolences of the Republic and is on record as stating that "For what little comfort it may bring to the families grieving their friends and loved ones I, along with the support of the Senate, will moved to ensure that a tragedy of this magnitude can never happen again", this is a hopeful stance from what appears to be a strong administration. Our best wishes to him.'

The reporter froze for a second as a piece of paper was handed to her and she visibly blanched,

'We have just received word of an attack on Cato Nemoidia. The terrorist was seen at the site of the attack, apparently watching the disaster unfold and was described as seven feet tall wearing a hooded cloak. The only distinguishing feature that could be made out was a pair of red glowing eyes. Two hundred thousand Nemoidians are reported dead in the detonation of three seismic charges on one of the Bridge Cities. No reports have been issued but the investigation has found absolutely no leads linking this attack to well…anything. Several teams from a nearby Republic Security Force base are assisting in the clear up of the damage and more bodies are being located by the hour. Estimates say that the casualties may total up to two hundred and seventy five thousand dead. That is all the information we have right now…' Sabé cut the transmission off,

"How could that have happened? Who in the galaxy did the Nemoidians piss off?" The other two just shook their heads and Sabé left, still trying to puzzle it out. Padmé turned to Travien,

"How does it feel?" she asked curiously. He knew there was no malicious intent behind the question. She just wanted to know what was going on in his mind and gauge his 'recovery' from being a mass murdering bastard.

He shook his head and smiled wearily, "It's never about feeling good Padmé. A part of me wishes that they were the only blood on my hands. That was a necessity. Do you know what dad told me about war and conflict in general?" Padmé shook her head and he continued, "There can be no civility without the fear of reprisal. The people who need to are going to make the connection that the retaliation came from Naboo. I won't let this planet be walked over, this is my way." Padmé nodded sadly and Travien shrugged, "I know that I will receive my punishment for this in the next life, but it does prevent someone else having to do it in my place."

He got up and walked around the desk until he stood behind the throne and wrapped his arms around her from behind. She leaned back into the embrace,

"Please tell me this won't happen again?" she almost pleaded.

"It won't sweetheart." He reassured her, "Never again." Padmé closed her eyes, revelling in the feeling of not having to be strong for him and then remembered the results of a search she had asked her handmaidens to do for her,

"By the way, Travien, I was looking for something I thought might help you," she said.

"Oh, what might that be?" he asked absently,

"I was looking for a way to fix your eyes so that you don't have to rely on the Force to see. Have you ever heard of a planet called Kamino?" she asked.