Disclaimer: I do not own Alice in Wonderland or any characters in the chapter except Macie.

Chapter 1: Back to London

Alice stared at the night sky and sighed. It had been ten years since she had left London and now she was finally heading home. She would have been lying if she said that she wasn't a bit nervous about going home, who wouldn't be if-


Alice turned to her bedroom door and saw a small nine year old girl standing there. Alice frowned slightly and then held her arms out to the girl. The girl rushed into them and Alice rubbed a soothing hand down the girls back and whispered "Macie, love, what's wrong?"

Macie curled up in her mother's arms and whispered "what if Grandma, Aunt Margret, and Uncle Lowell don't like me?"

Alice sighed "Macie, darling, they will adore you." And Alice knew it was the truth.

Macie was a small girl she was only three feet and eight inches tall, but she was the most loving girl on the planet. Alice constantly told everybody she knew, that she didn't understand how her daughter was so small and yet had such a big heart.

Macie was pretty as well, her blond curly hair went down an inch or two past her shoulders and her vibrant green eyes made it impossible to lie to her.

Alice knew that it was impossible for someone to not love Macie if they spent a few minutes with her. Alice was convinced that Macie could even have made the Red Queen love her.

Macie looked up at her mother and nodded, and then she asked "will you tell me a story?"

Alice smiled lovingly at her daughter. "What would you like to hear about?" As if Alice had to ask.

"Underland?" Macie pleaded. Alice smiled again and kissed her daughters forehead before saying "Of course."

Macie loved the stories of Underland and asked to listen to them most nights.

Alice helped Macie under the covers of Alice's bed and Alice crawled in next to her and asked "which story do you want to hear tonight?"

"Hatter's Execution!"

Alice couldn't hold back the sad smile on her face. Macie loved the stories about Hatter and his tea friends. Macie liked the stories about the Hatter the most though, Alice never asked her daughter why, she was afraid of the answer.

So Alice began to tell her daughter the story that she had told a thousand times, and half way through the story, Macie was asleep.

Macie was staring over the railing of the ship in awe; she looked around wondering which of the people waiting on the docks were her Grandma, Aunt Margret, and Uncle Lowell.

Alice smiled at her exuberant daughter and then said "Come on love, we don't want to keep them waiting."

Macie turned to her mother and nodded, and then they both got off the ship. They approached four people, an old male and female, and a young male and female. Macie instinctively reached a hand to Alice. Alice took her daughters hand and whispered "They will love you sweetheart."

The older man approached them first and said "Welcome home Alice, how was the adventure of China?"

Alice smiled back at him "An adventure that kept me on my toes Lord Ascot."

Lord Ascot then turned to Macie, "And this must be Macie?"

He said it as both a statement and a question, a statement to Alice and a question to Macie. Macie looked up at her mother, and was given a nod of approval.

Macie turned to look up at Lord Ascot and gave a nod and said in a shy voice "Yes, Lord Ascot"

Lord Ascot nodded and then turned back to Alice, "We are planning on having a celebration party tomorrow evening at my estate. I do hope you and your daughter will be attending?"

Alice nodded and said "Of course" Lord Ascot smiled at both of them and then left.

Alice then looked to the other three figures that had gathered and approached the older woman first hugging her, "It is good to see you again mother."

Introductions were made and as Alice had said, Macie was adored. Lowell had even had a chocolate bar to give to Macie and Alice knew that Macie was going to be spoiled by her uncle.

Macie rode in a carriage with Helen and Lowell while Alice and Margret rode in another carriage, Margret told Alice that she and Lowell had been having a hard time with their marriage but they had decided that they would stay together but Lowell had to help make it work. Lowell cared enough about Margret to try to make it work and things had been looking much better between them since they had a son, James, about six years previous, Lowell wanted to be a good father and be there for James.

"Tell me about Macie," Margret suddenly said "Who is her father?"

Alice sighed "Margret, you wouldn't believe me if I told you." Margret let the subject go.

When Alice and Margret got out of the carriage at the Manchester estate they found Helen smiling at the figures of Lowell and Macie.

Lowell had Macie up on his back and was saying, "Of course you can have more chocolate, you can have anything you want princess," Lowell then saw Alice and amended "with your mothers permission."

Alice smiled at Lowell and Macie, Lowell had certainly changed for the better and, like Alice knew he would, adored Macie already, and Macie wouldn't be this friendly to Lowell if he wasn't a good person, Macie always knew who to trust and who not to.

"We'll see," Alice said, knowing full well that she would say yes to whatever else Macie wanted anyway. "But for now just one more chocolate bar Macie, I know how you get when you have too much sugar." Macie beamed and nodded.

As Macie and Lowell went inside ahead of the other three women Margret said "Lowell loves James, but I think he always wanted a daughter. He is a loving father and cares about children very much, he is very insistent on being there for James; much like father was for us."

Alice nodded, Lowell already loved Macie and that was understandable, Macie was too adorable for anyone not to love.

Margret and Helen also loved Macie and smiled at her often as the day progressed. Macie spent some time with James as well and played games with him while the adults talked about adult things like politics and business.

Later Alice and Macie were on their way home by carriage with Helen and Macie fell asleep in her mother's arms.

Helen stated at Macie and smiled softly, the young girl reminded her much of Alice and Charles.

Alice tucked Macie in bed with her when they got home and fell asleep, both of them dreaming about Underland.

Okay so this is a story that I've had in the back of my head ever since I first went and saw the new Alice in Wonderland movie. I hope you all liked the first chapter because there will be more to come and soon. Also I do know that Lowell is a little ooc from the way the movie portrayed him but I wanted to give him a second chance, so to speak.

Please review and tell me what you think so far.