Post FANG; Iggy goes to look for the missing member of the Flock and ends up getting changed into a small child after a run-in with some creepy guys in a back alley. Now he has to rely on people he's never met to get him back to normal. But when that same mysterious organization offers him something he's longed for almost all of his life will he give up the very people that are trying to help him? T for violence


Everything belongs to their respective owners. I only own the plot and any OC's

So I got my paws on the new MR novel...

I finished it in four hours...XP

Random flash of crossover inspiration...and since I LOVE LOVE LOVE Iggy and think that that little pyro-maniac deserves more lurve I decided to write this! Enjoy all you...people things.

Also, I'm going to attempt to use the Japanese names! -gasp-

Pairings all include;




Possibly(if I toss him in here) KaitoAoko

And maybe, just maybe if I decide it fits the story well, IggyxHaibara (Because it would amuse me :3)

Chapter One- Tiny Blind Bird Kid

Hi there, the name's Iggy. Just Iggy, nothing else. I've never really had much of a want or need for a last name really. It's not something that is neccessary for survival you know. I'm not your everyday average fifteen year old. In fact I might not even really be fifteen, I just decided I was because it's something we Avian Americans can do you know.

I'm part of the Flock. Perhaps you've heard of us? We're the weird kids that can fly. Really fly I mean, not like in an airplane. Each of us are two percent bird and ninety-eight percent human. We're hybrids...freaks if you don't want to be gentle about it. Not that I've ever cared. "Normal" people can call me a freak all they like, but they can't possibly understand the joy of really flying. The freedom of an open sky...

I guess I should point out right away that I'm blind. I can't the way that most people in the world can see. Don't misunderstand, I can live as well as anybody else can without sight. Heck, I think that I can live BETTER than a LOT of people that HAVE their sight. My other senses are incredibly sensitive. I can hear things way before other people, smell things people shouldn't be able to smell and I can FEEL things. It's not that I'm psychic or anything ridiculous like's just that...Okay. Let me explain. You know when you walk in a room and you can tell people have been arguing even if nobody is saying anything? It's just a tension that's in the air right? Well I can kind of feel things like that, only all the time. Basically it's my way of knowing how people are feeling without seeing their faces.

I won't lie to you...even having all of those things I still want to see. More than anything in the world. I can sense color fields but that almost makes me want to see even MORE. Like waving a stick under a dog's and then not throwing it. I don't say much about it to my friends but...well sometimes it hurts not being able to see things. It's not just the beautiful stuff either. I'd almost kill to see a dumpster or something. How pathetic...

Oh! My friends, or my family...I guess it's hard to really think what to call them. They're the Flock. First of all there's Maximum Ride. I call her Max, of course. She's bossy almost ALL the time, but to be completely honest with you it's not a bossy that's BAD. I mean, don't get me wrong it can be REALLY annoying sometimes, but she has a natural talent to lead I think. She's kind of like a mother to weird as that sounds. She IS supposedly my age but...I don't know. Max is the closest thing to a parent that I've really had before. I forget that she's a kid like us sometimes. I hate when I do that too, in case you were wondering. Since the mom thing is kind of awkward for a guy whose her age I'll go ahead and say she's like a sister to me. Yeah, that fits with what's going on right now...more about that later.

Nudge is like a little sister to me. She can seem a little...well out there sometimes. Like her heads not in the game. But there's something about Nudge that people know almost instantly when meeting her...she's compassionate. I think Nudge loves the world with all of her heart. She might be the only person in the whole Flock who actually does that. She can seem shallow on the surface with her obsession for fashion (never cared for it myself, hahaha) and her bubbly attitude but...well Nudge is Nudge. She's way smarter than a lot of people give her credit for and she can kick Eraser tail let me tell you.

Angel's the other girl in the group. She's the baby...or well she kind of used to be. I don't know how I get through everyday not shuddering in horror around her. Not because of Angel, not at all. It's not her fault she's like that. Something happened to her when she was kidnapped back...heck when was that? Well something happened and it messed our baby up. I'm furious about that to be honest with you, and I hope that the old Angel comes back. Sometimes she pops up, like when she got lost with Total and Akila in the frigid wasteland. Not something I'd like to repeat just to get cuddly Angel back mind you. Now she's got a bit of a leader-complex.

The Gasman. He's probably my best friend out of the whole group besides...well we'll get to that other person later. Gazzy is younger than I am by quite a few years but he understands me like no one else has. I'd call him a little brother but he doesn't annoy me like I hear kid brothers do sometimes. Maybe we're just good like that...and hey who wouldn't like hanging around a kid like Gaz? He's explosive, in more ways than one let me tell you. Not only does he have a tendency to be a very...lively person, but he likes things involving booms. Me too, I love fire. Fire is cool...or hot...whatever. Also there's the fact that Gazzy can...erm, make things smell pretty bad when it comes down to the wire.

Total and Akila are our special members of the group. It's kind of weird how close to Total we've all become, but he's definitely one of the Flock now. I only wish him and his lovely wife happiness. (How'd this turn into a bestman's speech?) Total can be a bit...on the talkative side. Which is weird considering he's a dog. Hahaha...Don't let him ever catch me writing something like that PLEASE. I'd never hear the end of it, trust me. Still, Total...and Akila too I think, they love us kids and it's kind of...nice to have that. We haven't gotten much love in our life you know.

Dylan's the new guy. He's...well nice. I like the guy to be honest with you. He's one of those people whose unfailingly honest (though I think it's kind of on accident...) but he seems to do things for other people with all his heart. He fought for us like he'd been with us his whole life, and to be honest with you he's really cool. I just don't know him very well yet.

Then there's Fang. Max, him and I are the three oldest of the Flock. Sometimes I'm not exactly counted into the group on account of the fact that...well I'm blind. They never SAY that, but it's kind of obvious that I'm not included in things like meetings over the Flock safety...anyways. Back to Fang. He's the kind of guy you'd have to know really well to get. He hardly ever shows any emotione, EVER, except for when it involves getting pissed or Max. (Blech...) Yet Fang plays the big brother pretty well. He would die before anyone in the Flock got even a scratch I think. He has a nasty habit of putting the logical ahead of other things Max.

At first I was mad about that...and I think it was just because I was jealous. Ew, not of them being together. Max is, as I mentioned before, my sister. It's just that...sometimes I like hanging around people my own age you know? That completely flew out the window when they became buddy buddy. Gazzy's great and all, but how do you talk to a nine year old kid about how much you'd like to make out with the girl down the street. (Not that I want to make up with any girl down my street mind you, that's just an example)

Then...when we kicked them out I couldn't stop hating myself. I couldn't BELIEVE how idiotic I was being. Because I was older than the kids I had no excuse. I should have realized that it wasn't my petty feelings, and that both Max and Fang were adjusting. I should have realized that they loved each other, and instead decided to play the bad guy and try to tear them apart.

If I ever do that again, somebody come and kick my butt got it? Explain what you're doing first though, so I don't snap you in half or something on accident.

Well things seemed all happy-honkey-dory for them anyways after the Flock got back together. Then, after the big Fang-almost-died-because-some-people-are-freakin-psychotic-fight we thought everything recovered. You know, same ol' same ol'. Max and Fang...well they could be together. Fine by me, and it would just take a teeny bit of adjusting.

Then that freakin...idiot did something like this. This, as in left a note pouring out all of his feelings to Max but saying one thing over all. "See ya later toots."

Well maybe not in those exact words but STILL. It broke Max's heart. Our Max, the person who isn't fazed when facing down a bunch of hairy men who are freakin' half wolf, was broken hearted. Our Max, who could get us out of almost any situation because it was her JOB, couldn't leave her bed to eat because she was hurting so bad.

So needless to say that I was pissed. Because Max protected me all the time, and that made it hard to remember that we had to be there for her sometimes too. Well that's what I was doing now. Flying in the darkness (not that I could really tell the difference...) and the cold. I was looking for Fang to do two things. One; Tell him to get his feathered butt back home. Two; (pardon my French) Kick his ass up and down the street for being such a stupid butthead.

Because he didn't just leave Max. He left the Flock. He left all those kids afraid of what was going to happen, he left our leader in a pit of despair so freakin' deep that I don't think she'd be able to fly out on her own, thus leaving us in terrible danger. Because I don't think Angel is cut out to be leader, not yet. Fang was right about that.

And honestly I was a little pissed because he was my friend and he didn't even leave a freakin' HINT about anything. So that's how I found myself streaking through the cloudy sky with my fists clenched and my eyes closed because the cold wind was stinging them. (Not much use to keep them open anyways...)

I was alone too, and I think that was kind of a mistake. Okay, so it was a mistake. I'm BLIND for Pete's sake, and I went to go LOOK for somebody. Now can you tell me what exactly is the problem with that? I mean we avian hybrids have a pretty awesome way of knowing where we are almost all the time. Super sense of direction and all that jazz. Like now, I knew I was flying over Japan.

Maybe I should explain...I'd been at this for about three days. I figured that I wouldn't be missed...well actually I figured I'd be home way sooner than this. Truth is I just kept getting more and more frustrated, which made me feel incredibly stubborn. Basically, I got to the point where I didn't want to quit just to prove you didn't have to see to find things. It's not something super bright.

I don't like big cities much. I can get around a crowd filled with chaos without even getting touched usually, but big cities were kind of confusing. Lot's of distracting sounds and noises. I could deal but I usually ended up with a whopping headache by the end of the day. Still, even with that I was considering landing down there and asking somebody if they'd seen...somebody.

Which could get complicated because I don't really know Fang by how he looks...haven't been able to see for most of my life you know.

Oh, the language. I guess I should mention that. I never thought that Max's schooling kick would actually be worth something. I'd have to tell her otherwise when I dragged Fang back home. (Because I refuse to fail, no ifs ands or buts...) since thanks to that schooling thing I'd had an endless amount of language learning crap downloaded on my iPod. I learn things like that fast because...well what else is there to do but for me to listen? I managed to figure out how to get some food thanks to that and while I'm a little rough I think I can actually get better at it. I know what most people are saying.

It was around the time that I was considering this when a cold drop of water landed on my nose. Almost instantly following that I heard the rumble of thunder. I tipped my head to the side, and as I did this something in the air changed. Charged, almost instantly. I don't know how I wasn't hit, logically I should have been barbeque, but I wasn't. The bolt of lightning seared the air so close to me that when the next rumble of thunder hit I felt it in my chest.

Little fact about lightning, it likes to hit things that are high up. So; Flying bird-kids plus lightning equals fried hybrid. Not something that is pleasant. The wind was hard to fight, and I all but dive bombed for the earth. I winced slightly as a sudden gust got beneath my wings and they snapped back painfully. I was jerked head over heels backwards.

I lowered myself to the ground, and knew by the feeling of the gusting wind that I was in a city. Well DUH I could hear cars and stuff too. I must have landed in an alley because I could feel pebbles underfoot. The rain was coming down hard, and I folded my wings back so that I wouldn't have an unfortunate repeat of last time. I took a deep breath to calm myself. The others would NEVER let me live it down if they found me freaking out.

Click! I tensed up instantly. I knew that sound better than a lot of people my age. The clicking sound made when somebody cocks a handgun. I heard the slightest crunch in gravel behind me and whirled around to face my new enemy. Whoever this was, they were good at hiding themselves. I hadn't even realized they were there.

They...two of them. I knew it by the shifting of weight from foot to foot by another person. I doubt he was the one with the gun, because there was something cold and calculating in that click. Something that told me that person wasn't somebody who hopped nervously from foot to foot. I grimaced a little, "Yo."

"Where the hell did this kid come from?" One guy said nervously, in Japanese of course. For your sake I'll write it out as english as best as I can though. I was just getting ready for a U and A (I'd take lightning over people with guns any day thank you) when I heard another sound. Another person was in the alley.

"H-help..." I heard. A woman. She was asking for help. I felt suddenly torn. I couldn't just leave somebody to die now could I? Talk about guilt. I'd probably never live it down. So I did what any other mutant bird-kid would do in a hostage situation. I kicked the calm guy as hard as I could in the chest. Now I'm stronger than an average person. Way stronger. I could feel the guys ribs crack under the kick, and the other guy yelped in surprise. I managed to sock him in the stomach, thanks to his little outburst.

See, being blind doesn't mean you can't kick ass. I knelt down and helped the woman to her feet. She was stammering something so quickly that my poor Japanese skills had a hard time picking up on. I struggled to understand when it finally came to me so very clearly. Unfortunately the instant it did something metallic and cold was pressed against my temple. "Behind you, behind you!"

Being held at gunpoint is not recommended. It is very unpleasant, and I actually hurt the girl I was helping by gripping her hands so hard out of my sudden onslaught of fear. I knew it was the calm guy, because the other guy was groaning on the ground. My head was spinning and I felt like slamming my head in a wall for my stupidity.

You see, I'm used to fighting in a group. Meaning that there is ALWAYS somebody watching my back. Out of habit I had assumed that I was covered, and that I wouldn't have to worry about a baddy sneaking up on me. I knew that Max would KILL me if she ever found out about this. She would KILL me because I had been stupid enough not to make sure I got the gun away from him. She would kill me because I got myself in a whole lot of trouble because I did something stupid.

She probably won't have to. I thought, my mouth felt dry and I had loosened my hold on the woman. The man breathed out an angry sigh, "You're a strong little bastard..." The man said, and I could hear the cold smile that I bet was on his face. The woman whimpered as the gun was pulled from my head. I was about to roundhouse kick him in the face when the butt slammed into the back of my skull.

I pitched forward, and moaned a little involuntarily. Okay OW that really hurt. It felt like...well it felt like someone just slammed something hard against my head that's what it felt like. The woman was the only thing holding me up right now. I could feel unconsciousness coming at me and I honestly didn't care for it all that much.

She screamed before he did it, and my muddled head could hardly make out the reaction until I felt the blood splatter against my face. I fell forward on top of her, and felt a wave of horror and revulsion so strong that I was thrown onto the brink of panic. I should have flown away. I could have easily knocked the bastard back by just opening my wings. But...but...

It was like everything had been wiped out of my head. That woman had been alive...she had wanted my help, and now she was dead. She was horribly still and there was blood all over my face and it was hers. I've never felt so horrified that my mind couldn't work. I was frozen in absolute horror, and when the gun clicked against my temple I almost screamed too. Only nothing happened. I heard a hiss of annoyance.

"Only one bullet. Damn." The man snarled. I was trembling all over and suddenly didn't care if I was freaking out. I wanted Max there, and I wanted her there NOW. I wanted all of my friends to come from nowhere and save my ass because I was so screwed if they didn't.

"He's seen our faces, we can't just let him go." The other guy wheezed. I blinked in shock.

Oh, ha-ha, that was rich. So I was going to get killed for seeing two baddies without ever actually SEEING them because I happen to be blind. Oh the irony. I felt like I should protest, should point out the fact that I couldn't have seen their faces due to my impairment but I never got the chance to. I couldn't because my mind was in processing mode and my body seemed to be refusing to do anything I told it.

Again, if I survived this Max was going to kill me.

"Of course..." The man laughed, and my mouth was suddenly shoved open. I gagged as something was shoved down my throat, and when I was let go I fell on top of the dead woman. I rolled off and decided now would be a good time to fly out of here. I struggled to stand but my legs wouldn't work. The two men ignored me...I didn't exist anymore. "The poison should work, and it's untraceable so nobody will guess what's happened. Hell they might even think he fell off the building or something. Grab the woman though. No evidence can be left behind."

Then the pain started. I've never felt anything like it. My heart was thudding so hard in my chest that it felt like it would burst out of my rib cage. I felt like my skin was on fire, and the pain radiated to the very core of all my bones. I cried out in agony, but the sound came out garbled and choked. I knew without a doubt that I was dying.

"That's what you get for playing the hero." The calm man said, and he spit on me. I trembled with pain. I found myself rolling over and curling into a ball. The alley was silent now, I didn't have any clue when the two men had left but I was utterly alone. I gasped for air and struggled to stand up.

"Max...Nudge...Gazzy...Angel...Dylan... ... ... Fang..." I croaked. I needed my family. They'd make it better somehow. We always got out of things. Pain tore through me, and I gagged. Did I want to be saved at that point? No. Not anymore. I suddenly realized that I wanted my friends there so that they could put me out of my misery. It was a terrible thought, and I don't think they could have killed me even if they knew the pain I was in. But...""

I passed out. I knew it because...well I was waking up. I groaned, and felt a wave of inner relief. The pain was gone. Well, my head hurt like hell but I don't think that really counted. I struggled to sit up, which I did v e r y slowly and held my head. Oh jeez I felt a little sick to my stomach but otherwise I was okay.

So good thing! I wasn't dead! Take that evil baddies! I groaned as I struggled to my feet and tripped pants? Okay, that was weird, I had to hold them up just to make sure they wouldn't fall down. The sleeves of my jacket kept slipping over my hands too. Not that I wanted to ponder on that much. I needed to get the hell away from that alley, in case those guys came back to make sure I was dead.

Flying would have been stupid at that point, I could barely walk straight. So I stumbled and limped my way out of the alley until I heard the chatter of people. It must have been day time, because I could feel the sun on my face. I leaned against the wall and tried to gather my thoughts when I heard somebody gasp in horror.

It must have been my appearance. I remembered that I was covered in blood from the woman in the alley and my stomach heaved a little. That's not even mentioning the fact that my own blood was probably mixed in there too, from my head wound. My hair had been dry and stiff under my fingers when I grabbed it. It must have been a young woman who knelt in front of me, by the sound of her voice I'd guess like twenty, "Boy-san are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I lied, in English automatically and quickly repeated this in Japanese. Then I blinked in surprise. That was...odd there seemed to be something wrong with my voice.

"You're covered in blood little boy." A man said, grabbing my shoulder. I jerked away in surprise. That guy's hand was HUGE. I mean...I'm a little scrawny to begin with. We have to be, but it seemed strange how big the guys hand was. In fact, if I really focused I think he was taller than me. WAY taller. (This is done by me figuring out where the voice was coming, which was over my head obviously. I was slumped but not THAT slumped...)

"You must be like twelve feet tall." I said, my voice sounded so little that it surprised me again. I didn't have to see to know the weird look that earned me, the silence that followed my sentence was enough to fill me in. "I'm over six feet tall and you're towering over me!"

"Eh? Six feet tall?" The guy said, and actually laughed at me. Okay, THAT'S a weird reaction. It was a nervous laugh though, filled with some concern, "Come on little guy we should take you to a hospital. You've been badly hurt I think."

"Little guy?" I said, he'd called me little boy earlier too. What the HELL. I don't think I've EVER been called that. I'm TALL for my age for crying out loud! Most people thought I was OLDER than I looked. I felt a flash of panic, "I'm a teenager."

I said this in my driest and most sarcastic of voices. Yet the response I got was to be scooped up INTO THE WOMAN'S ARMS. I literally blanched. I couldn't help it. I was so freakin' surprised that for a moment I couldn't even move. It was IMPOSSIBLE for me to have been picked up so easily by a was almost like...

I was a child.

I managed to struggle free and then I was running. The woman yelled after me and the man made a grab for me but he missed by a long-shot I'm guessing. Word passed through the crowd quickly and I was dodging more than two pairs of hands after awhile, "Stop that kid!"

So it was time to fly. I knew that I could end up killing myself, flying with a head injury is stupid but I NEEDED to get out of there. My wings snapped open and I heard several exclamations of surprise as I launched myself in the air. Somebody yelped as one of my shoes fell off, and I'm guessing it hit them in the head.

I landed sloppily in what must have been a schoolyard or something. I say sloppily because I slammed into the side of a slide or something and fell down. It hurt like hell, and I felt very winded as I sat on the ground trying to catch my breath. I had been flying way lower than I had assumed. I folded my wings with a groan, and sat up.

Those people were probably still after me. I pulled myself under the shade of the slide, and pulled my knees to my chest. I felt a smirk cross my features when the bell rang. If you want to hide a tree, use a forest. The sound of children met my ears, but my stomach had plummeted at my thoughts. Thinking that meant that the impossible had happened. That I had somehow been turned into a kid.

"Oi, oi!" I heard, and every one of my muscles suddenly tensed. It was the voice of a girl, and I could tell by the sound of her breathing that she was peeking under the slide. I had a very irrational want to snarl like a cornered animal. Something that's not recommended EVER, cornering wounded avian-human hybrids. "Come and see! I've found somebody strange!"

Oh if you only knew little girl. I thought to myself, and managed a weak half-smile in her direction. Several people joined her, all children by the sounds of it. "Ayumi-kun that is not a pleasant way of speaking." A boy's voice said, and I felt the curiousity of the girl pique as I turned my head toward the voice. "Oh...hello who are you?"

"Ah..." I said. Hey, give me a break, "Erm...I..."

"Do you have any food?" Another voice whined, "I'm starving."

Which reminded me that I was hungry. Ravenous really, see we bird kids have a very fast metabolism. I need to eat a LOT. I clutched at my stomach but remained mute merely because I could think of nothing to say. There was something about them though...they were surprised. I could hear one of them suck in a breath of surprise. The other...well I could just feel it.

"I'm Edogawa Conan. This is Ayumi-kun, Mitsuhiko-kun, Genta-kun and Haibara-san." One boy said, crawling under the slide. His tone of voice surprised me. It reminded me of an older person trying to keep a child calm, and I was reminded of how I'd been picked up on the street so easily before. "You've been hurt by're wearing..."

"His clothes are rather large aren't they?" Another girl said, Haibara, I assumed, in a voice that was strangely cold for a kid her age. It kind of creepily reminded me of Angel actually. I tipped my head to the side and blinked. clothes were large.

"Is he mute?" Ayumi asked, poking at me. I swatted her hand away a little impatiently. This was beginning to get irritating, and if those people noticed a crowd of children like this they'd find me. It would be a good idea to hurry up and get myself out of this situation as soon as possible.

"I'm not mute." I said, growled actually. I felt her recoil from me as though I'd physically punched her or something. Not my problem, forgive me if I was a little on the testy side but...suddenly an idea came to me. I needed confirmation, and kids were unfailingly honest people. "Hey! Hold on, can you...tell me how old I look?"

"What an odd question to ask." The other girl mused quietly. I snorted at her and crossed my arms over my chest waiting for my answer. I didn't care HOW odd the question was, I NEEDED that answer. Though I knew an instant before it came that it wasn't going to be something I liked.

"Five or six..." One boy said warily, then he seemed suddenly interested in me because he yelled, "Do I get food for guessing right or something?"

I hardly heard him because I was in shock. Five or six? Five or six!? I was probably doing a rather interesting impression of a gold-fish because the kids knew that something was wrong. Finally, I leaned back against the slide and croaked, "Oh heck no..."

"Are you alright?" The Conan kid said...that would be his name right? The Japanese people say their last names first and then their first names so...whatever. No kid, I sure as heck wasn't alright. I was about to freak out. I got to my feet too quickly and slammed my head on the bottom of the slide. I'm very embarassed to say that that little stunt I pulled earned me another bout of unconsciousness.

HA! So chapter one is finished!

I'm not used to using the Japanese names so...

Oh well, I'm working on it. If I do stuff wrong just tell me NICELY...don't call me stupid or something or I'll feel sad.