Chapter 1: Hikaru Hitachiin


I climbed out of my car. Holy Crap! This place is huge! I sighed. This sucks. Slowly, I trudged towards the front door, while texting Haruhi.

To: Haru-chan

Message: Just arrived...IT'S HUGE! I'm serious 2.

Call u tomorrow. L8r.

From: Kaoru

I sighed and knocked. A few moments later two girls opened it. One had blonde hair that reached her breasts, and the other had waist length brown hair. Both had icy blue eyes. They giggled when they saw me.

"You must be Kaoru Nanami." The brunette smiled.

"Come in, Master Hitachiin has been waiting for you." The blonde winked at me.

"Ok, thanks." I added when they grabbed my bags, and lead me upstairs. The brunette disappeared somewhere.

"So, this is your room Mr. Kaoru. There's a bathroom and a study attached to it. They're your private ones. No one else can enter them. I hope you enjoy your stay." The blonde was about to leave. "Oh yeah, dinner's in half an hour. Master Hitachiin would appreciate it if you'd be there. And on time too, he hates when his guests are late."

"Ok. Uh, what's your name?" I asked. She grinned.

"Alysia Lightwood. The other girl is Kaylah Jacobs. Enjoy your stay." I nodded and she dissapeared.

I lay on the large bed. The sheets were soft, not like at home. These were silk, not cotton. I sighed and curled into a ball. It was uncomfortable on my neck, so I took off the locket. When I curled back up, I opened the locket and looked at the picture. Hanami's smile shone back at me, causing me to smile myself. I yawned and slowly, drifted off...unconcerned by the time.

When I opened my eyes and looked at the time, I choked. I'd meant to go to dinner at 6:50...but now it's about 7:40.

"Oh no..." There was a soft knock. I opened the door. It was Alysia and Kaylah. "I'm sorry, I know I missed dinner."

"Yes, Master Hitachiin is grumpy now. He says you must stay in here until the morning." Kaylah muttered, her face sad.

"Sorry." Alysia added. I sighed.

"That's ok." I closed the door. CLICK! Wait...what the? They locked me in! I groaned and collapsed onto the bed.

"Haruhi was right...this Hitachiin guy is an grumpy old dragon." I sighed, staring at the chandeleir. "Stupid dad, making me take this job." My gaze flickered to the locket. I sat up and rummaged through my wallet until I found the photo of Haruhi and I at school. I was sticking out my tongue and she was laughing. I grabbed the tiny copy instead and slid it into the locket, on the side opposite me and Hanami. A smile came across my face. There, my two girls. Hanami and Haruhi. I sighed and grabbed my phone.

To: Haru-chan

Message: I've already had enough.

From: Kaoru

I placed it beside me. Suddenly, 'Love is War' by vocaloid began playing. I answered the phone call.


"What's up Kao-chan?"

"Ah, Haruhi. Help! I can't stand it here."

"You haven't even been there that long. What's happened?"

"I don't know." I wan't gonna say about locking me up. She'd go into panic mode. "But I know I miss you and Hanami."

"Kaoru, it's going to be ok. You'll learn heaps there."

"But I don't want to learn stuff here. I want to go home." I whined.

"Come on Kaoru. It can't be that bad."

"I'm just not used to being so far away from everyone. I'm going to miss everyone." The sound of her laughter echoed through.

"We all miss you too."


"Yep! Tamaki-senpai hasn't shut up the whole time. It's worse then usual. Hunni wants to eat cake with you and neither Mori or Usa-chan will cheer him up."

"See, all the more reason to come home. Tono would shut up and Hunni would be able to eat cake with me."

"Kaoru." It was a warning. I sighed. A knock at the door made me jump.

"I gotta go Haruhi. Talk to ya later."

"Ok, bye." I hung up and went to the door. When it opened, it revealed Alysia.

"Oh, hey. How can I help you?"

"Master Hitachiin wants to see you. Please follow me." She smiled. I nodded and put on the locket. I turned off the phone and put it in a drawer, before following the blonde girl down the hall. A few people passed us. Mainly different guys. It seemed Alysia and Kaylah were the only females here. The guys looked me up and down, asessing me.

"He's screwed." One muttered to his friend.

"How so?"

"He didn't show up, after being invited to dinner with Hikaru Hitachiin."

"Shit! He's so scrawny and all that...he doesn't stand a chance."

"Hikaru's gonna kill him." WHAT? This Hitachiin guy suddenly doesn't sound so good.

"We're here." Alysia knocked on a door.

"Come in." A young male voice called. Did he have a guest? Alysia opened the door. I still couldn't see though. All the lights were out.

"Mr. Kaoru Nanami is here to see you."

"For once." The male sneered. I swallowed. Did he have someone to help kill me.

"In you go Mr. Kaoru....good luck." I went in and she shut the door. The was a click of fingers and the door locked. What the hell just happened? I stared at the door. A light came on. I turned. There sat a boy around my age. He had spiky black hair, in the same kind of style as mine.

"So, you're Kaoru." He smirked. I blinked.


"Hikaru Hitachiin. I'm the leader of this place." My eyes widened. Hitachiin wasn't an old man...he was the same age as me!


"You seem suprised."

"I was expecting, I don't know...someone older." I muttered. He laughed. This guy was just suprise after suprise. He turned to smirk at me.

"Just because I'm rich, doesn't mean I'm old."

"I can see that." I muttered. The smirk dissapeared.

"So, why didn't you come to dinner?"

"Uh...I kinda fell asleep." I looked at the ground.


"Yes. Um...I'm sorry." I glanced up at him. He still looked angry.

"Sorry, doesn't cut it. Don't miss another one, or the punishment will be more then locking you up in the room." For some reason, this got me angry.

"You can't order me around like that. If you think you own me and therefor can act like that, I'll just leave and go home."

"Oh, will you now?" I wasn't expecting that smirk. He stood up and walked over. I was shoved against the wall.

"Yes." I stayed calm, standing my ground.

"I don't think I'll have to worry about that." I couldn't speak. I couldn't breathe! Hikaru was leaning in really close to me, and our faces were only a few inches apart. "Do you know why?"


"Because, you can't go home. You see, your dad didn't sign you up for work....he sold you to me." I gasped.


"Yep. Sorry to say, but it's true. And your mother, she knew everything. She said it'd be good to get rid of you."

"N-No....I don't believe you!" I choked. I could feel the tears swelling up in my eyes.

"It doesn't matter if you believe me. It's the truth, whether you like it or not." He smirked. I looked away.

"No...." A hand turned my face back to look at him. Icy blue met golden ones.

"I'm not lying, Nanami. So don't doubt me. In fact, the only one out of your entire family who cared...was a little girl named Hanami."

"Hanami..." I muttered.

"Who is she?"

"My little sister."

"Did she give you this?" He grabbed the pink and blue beads.

"Yeah, it has her picture in the locket. So I wouldn't forget." I muttered. He nodded. A smirk appeared.

"Hmm, who's this." I looked down. He was looking at Haruhi and I.

"My friend and I...her name's Haruhi." I told him, looking at the short girl.

"I see." I worked up the courage to talk about the situation again.

"Did...did my Otousan really sell me to you?"


"I just...I don't believe it." I was shoved firmly against the wall and fingers dug into my shoulders. Hikaru glared at me, and I looked back at him wide eyed.

"Just shut up about what you do and don't believe! You will believe what I say, because if you don't your time here will suck. So get used to me being in it, Nanami?!" He snarled. I didn't reply. That made him more angry. "Understand?!"

"I..." THUMP! I landed on the floor. He threw me! I was suddenly pinned down as Hikaru knelt over me on all fours, pinning my wrists to the floor.

"You really don't know who you're dealing with, do you Nanami?"

"What are you talking about?!" I struggled beneath him, only to be shoved back down.

"Why don't I show you exactly what you're messing with." He snarled. What the...? I cried out in pain as he bit my neck. His teeth sunk deep into my throat. My chest heaved as I felt him sucking at the wound. It hurt at first, but now it kinda felt good. My breathing came in rough gasps. Hikaru pulled away from me and I looked up at him.

"Now do you understand?" I couldn't think properly. He bit me...he sucked at my neck...what did that mean? I shook my head. He rolled his eyes. " about now." He hissed at me and I gasped. Hikaru had fangs!


"That's right." He brushed his fingers against my neck. "Not everything in those fairytale books are mythical."