Disclaimer: I am not Rumiko Takahashi. InuYasha is not mine and neither are its characters.

Authors note: This is my first fic ever.


Chapter one: A spell on the well


Kagome was just leaving Kaede's village to go back home. It was early night and she had a test and was low on ninja food so that was the only reason Inuyasha let her go. But JUST for three days. Now she was skipping off in the direction of the bone-eaters well.
She saw Inuyasha running towards the same direction and smiled at him.

"Hello, Inuyasha!" She piped up, pretending not to notice the soul collecter flying over her head "What's up?"

"Kagome...I'm just...scouting the area...I think I smelled a demon" Inuyasha lied

"Really?" Kagome tilted her head to the side "Why haven't I sensed a demonic aura then?"

"I, uh-"

"Inuyasha, if you want to see Kikyo, you don't have to lie about it. Go to her, she's calling you." Kagome said sadly and stared at her feet.

"Forgive me" Inuyasha ran passed her, following a soul collecter towards the sacred tree.

Kagome sighed and followed him. She was curious to know what Inuyasha and Kikyo talked about.


When she got there, she arrived just in time to see Inuyasha and Kikyo breaking away from a kiss.
She hid behind a tree and watched the scene.

"Inuyasha..." Kikyo said and stared into Inuyasha's golden eyes "are you going to choose"

"I...I...Don't know. I want you and Kagome to be happy and I love you both"

"She is not of this world. When the jewel is completed, who knows what will happen to her. She probably will go back to her own time and never be able to come back"

"I...know, but she..." His voice trailed off

"She what?" Kikyo demanded

"She reminds me of someone I used to know"

Kagome started thinking that, that 'someone' was Kikyo. Who else would it be.

"Me?" Kikyo asked, apparantly thinking the same thing Kagome had.

Inuyasha remained quiet and Kagome took that as a yes. She felt so sad with that answer and she ran back towards the well.
If she only stayed for a few moments she would have heard Inuyasha's sad reply.

"No. She reminds me of someone I knew. Long ago..."

"Well goodbye for now, Inuyasha" Kikyo said and walked away into the darkness of the woods.

Inuyasha remained still looking in front of himself, barely blinking. If someone were to see him now, he would look like he was lost in memories, and that would be exactly correct.
He stayed like that for a few seconds before going back the way he came.


'So I remind Inuyasha of Kikyo?'

Kagome had a few silent tears before she made it to the well. She sat on the side staring into its depths when she heard footsteps behind her. She turned around and saw Inuyasha walking into the clearing.

"Inu...Yasha?" She whispered

Inuyasha's eyes softened alot when he looked at her.

"Kagome..." He said distantly

"I'm going home now, I'll be back soon. Before the three days are over. Okay?"

Inuyasha nodded as Kagome jumped into the well. Blue light shot out as she traveled five hundred years forward.

Kikyo was watching this whole scene from behind a tree, just as Kagome had and she felt jealous. Even though she enjoyed the soft look Inuyasha gave her, he never looked at her the way he just did with Kagome, even when she was alive. Maybe, if she made a plan, Inuyasha would choose her. Kagome could easily be taken out of the picture and she'd have Inuyasha. The idea she had now wouldn't take much planning.

'Perfect' Kikyo thought

She waited until Inuyasha finally stopped staring at the well and made his way to the village she used to live in, before she died.
Kikyo sensed nothing around and hastily approached the well.
She put her hands on the rim and closed her eyes, muttering a silent prayer.

Her hands glowed a bright pink that soon died down after it's glow. Then, she moved her hand around the well and an eery white light followed it as she moved it. The white light formed a shape of a leaf just above the well and then it faded after it stayed for a few moments.

"Done" Kikyo said. The spell took off alot of her energy so she made her way into the forest and when she made sure she was far enough from the well, she sat down under a tree and fell asleep.


"Instant noodles? Check! Textbooks? Check! Bathing supplies? Check! Extra clothing? Check! Candy for Shippo? Check! Elastics for Sango? Check!"

Kagome was filling her backpack with everything she needed. It was her second day, but since she already took her test this morning, there was nothing else to do, so she decided to leave a sundown, which it was already.
She tied her jewel shards around her neck and slipped her backpack on and picked up her bow and arrows.
She skipped down the stairs and ran into the kitchen where her mother was.

"Bye Mom!" She said and gave her mom a quick hug

"Bye honey, and try not to fight with Inuyasha"

"Watch out for demons, Kagome!" Her grandfather said, running into the kitchen.

"I will"

"I have this Chinese lizard demon claw that will make sure no harm will come to you from demons and also one of my special sutra's that will-"
Kagome ran out of the kitchen with a "No thanks"

"Bye, Sota!" Kagome called as she swept passed her little brother.

"See ya later, Kagome. Be sure to tell Inuyasha hello for me, okay?"

"Sure thing"

So she jogged over to the well house and slid the door open.

'Something feels...Strange' she decided 'It feels like an overload of priestess energy all directed in this one little room. Oh well, I should get going'

She hopped into the well and waited as blue light surrounded her.

She waited...and waited...and waited...and waited...and waited...

'Is it just me, or is the well taking a longer time than usual' She wondered

Finally, she hit the bottom...But not quite...Something was definantely and obviously different.


"Kagome's taking too damn long!" Inuyasha's voice boomed out of Kaede's hut.

"She said that she'd take three days" Sango said looking extremely bored "and it's only the end of the second day. One more to go"

"Now just calm down, stop pacing, and let us sleep" Miroku said with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Shut up, Miroku! Kagome is taking too long so I'm going to go get her. NOW JUST SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH AND STOP BOTHERING ME!!" Inuyasha shouted


"Feh, whatever" Inuyasha walked out of the hut.

Sango buried her head in her hands and started to massage her temples.

"Damn you, Inuyasha" She muttered "Just leave Kagome alone"

She felt a hand on her shoulder and she looked behind her to see Miroku with a small smile on his face. Sango sighed and laid her head on Miroku's shoulder and fell asleep.


Inuyasha didn't take heed from any of Sango's words and continued running to the bone-eaters well. He felt a familier presense and the smell of grave-yard soil coming from the woods. For the moment, he forgot all about Kagome. He ran until he saw Kikyo asleep under a tree. Her hands looked slightly burnt. (kinda how Sesshomaru's hands are when he wields Tetsuseiga, but not as bad. Only slightly) The burnt skin started to heal and Inuyasha raised an eyebrow. Kikyo took a deep breath and opened her eyes "Hello, Inuyasha"

"Kikyo..." Inuyasha said with the same distant look he always has when he looks at her "What happened?"

"I ran into a demon and used to much of my purification powers to kill it" She lied "because of the overload it burnt my hand and used much of my energy. So, I fell asleep"

"Do you want me to take you back to the village? and get your wounds treated?"

"Thank you. I would like to go to the village, but my wounds don't need to be treated" she then showed her already-healed hand.

Inuyasha blushed "Oh...Sorry" and picked Kikyo up bridal-style

Kikyo smiled lightly "I have a deal for you when we get there"

"Huh? What's it about?"

"Kagome, me, and the jewel shards"

Okay first chapter finished!

Reminder: this is my first fic! so, sorry if it turns out bad