A/N: So, this is my first story. Yay! Thanks so much for clicking on it and giving it a chance. And I wasn't sure which genre it would fit in but I was planning on some adventure/friendship/romance/humor; that sorta thing.

Disclaimer: I don't own Big Time Rush or any of it's characters.

It had started off as any other day, in fact, it was BETTER than any other day...

For most high schools across the country it was spring break and Cali was a favortie vaction spot for many teens. That ment things got a lot more crowded than usual. But who were the boys to complain; it ment tons of carefree chicks coming to party, chill and hangout as much as they wanted! Kendall, James, Logan, and Carlos were estatic. They weren't used to this in their small town in Minnesota. Just when they thought it couldn't get any better, it did. Gustavo was off to Tokyo to take care of some business matters; of course Kelly would be going with him and they would be gone the whole week. To top it all off, Kendall's mom was going back to their home town to sell the house, after all, their demo was picked up and they'd obviously were here to stay. The boy band were excited to an extent that no one but them could possibly understand, it was gonna be the best spring break ever!!!

They were so busy making plans in their heads, that they overlooked the one thing that could possibly get in the way of their spring break fantasies.

That one little problem: THEY HAD TO BABYSIT KATIE!

"Seriously?!" Kendall whined, " Why can't you take her with you!?" He knew it was too late for her to change her mind; her flight was supposed to leave in an hour, but he decided to ask anyway. It was also the fifth time they argued about this today.

"We already discussed this, and I told you why," Mrs. Knight told him as she finished packing the last of her things.

Mrs. Knight knew the boys would be relatively okay on their own, but it took her a long time to convince herself to leave Katie with them too. She knew Katie was probably more responsible than all four of the boys, but she could also be a bit of a handful and quite manipulative. The Palm Woods was pretty safe though, they would be doing they're own things, stay out of eachothers way during the day, and hopefully when she came back the building would still be in one piece.

So they said their goodbyes and Mrs. Knight left, pushing all of her worries to the back of her mind.

Kendalls POV:

The door closed as Mom finally walked out. I quickly turned my attention back to the guys, who were currently lounging on the couch watching a Hannah Montana rerun.

"Really? Of all the shows on TV, you're watching Hannah Montana?" I asked.

"It's a good show!" Carlos said obviously into it. "It's the episode where Jake returns, GASP!" he continued adding extra emphesis.

I Looked at Logan and James who just shrugged. "Anyway, It's spring break, We're alone in LA. With nothing to do" Trying to get them to catch on.

"To the Beach!" James declared.

"Lets do it," I said agreeing. Carlos chuckled, and I gave him a look that said 'really'.

"Uh, oh no you don't," Katie suddenly jumped into the conversation like she was in charge.

"And why not," I had forgotten she was even there.

"You guys can't just leave me to go to the beach." She said, "Besides, what if I want to do something too?" Oh jeez, here she goes.

We all looked at eachother then back at Katie and she took a deep breath, " Okay, Dak Zevon is in town and he's doing a free concert at the Staples Center and I really want to go and it's a once in a lifetime thing, plus there's a raffle and the winner gets to hang out with him for the day," she said really fast. Then she gave us her signature. devious stare, "And you guys better take me, or else"

James, Carlos, Logan and I burst into laughter. There is no way we were gonna take her to some pretty boy concert when we could be at the beach with hundreds of hot girls.

Normal POV:

Katie turned red, sure she was embaressed that they were laughing, but this was really important to her! Furious, she ran out of the apartment. Logan stopped laughing.

"Dude," he said turning to Kendall. "Katie left!"

"Eh, she probably just went down to the pool or something" Carlo and James nodded in agreement, still trying to stop laughing.

"Yeah I gues," he said questionably. "You know, maybe we shouldn't go to the beach, did your mom even say we were allowed to leave the Palm Woods? And we can't just leave Katie alone here for hours anyway, so why don't we just hang here?"

"Mrs. Knight isn't here, she's not gonna know," James tried to convince him.

"Yeah, but he's got a point about leaving Katie alone," Carlos countered. Kendall groaned knowing he was right.

"Fine, no beach." They sat their in silence not knowing what to do now. "We can still have fun though right? How 'bout we order pizza and invite Camille and Jo over," he said in more of command than question.

" 'course you would wanna invite Jo over" he said teasing. They all laughed and began to set up their plans.

"Don't you think you should go check on Katie now?" Logan asked Kendall after he ordered the pizza.

"Chill dude, I know Katie. She's fine and she'll be back as soon as she gets over her little temper tantrum" he said reasshuringly.

Logan still couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right though.

A/N: Was it horrible? Be honest. This was more of an intro to the story since not much happend. I have a lot planned for it though. I would also love advice on how to make it better. So review away! Kthanks! BTW, I was thinking of putting a couple in here, suggestions? Acutally I'd like to hear suggestions about anything please! Again, first story so I could really use some help!