Disclaimer: I don't own the lyrics that I used here. The song is: "Crawl" by Superchick

And again I checked the lyrics from some websites, to be sure but if there is a mistake in them I apologize. Also I didn't use the whole lyrics.

Another week passed. It was Saturday afternoon, Peyton was asleep, somebody knocked the door. Lucas opened. It was Haley: "hi!"


They went and sat in porch.

Haley: "I wanted to check up on you guys,....so how are you two doing?"

Lucas: "we are doing better, thanks"

"Ok, good……well, let me go see her"

"No, she is asleep, beside I haven't even let Brooke come and visit her, I don't think she is ready to see you guys yet, you know what I mean? Hell, she doesn't even talk to me" and slightly chuckled but it was obvious that he was sad by her not talking to him.

Haley smiled: "she will when she is ready"

Lucas sighed: "I don't know,.....sometimes I feel like....she doesn't love me anymore"

"Are you kidding?! Depressed or no depressed, she loves you and you know it"

Lucas said: "I just...." but then started to cough and couldn't continue.

Haley got worried: "hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I think I have a flue,…it's no big deal"

Haley put her hand on his forehead: "oh my god! You are burning up!"

"Don't worry, it's nothing important"

"You need to rest more, I'll send over some soup so you won't have to cook for dinner"


He brought Peyton's dinner and she ate it, but he wasn't feeling well at all, and he wasn't hungry either, so he just went to bed and slept....

In the middle of the night Peyton woke up by his voice. He was moaning and saying some vague words and his face was covered with sweat. Peyton touched his forehead, he had a really high fever, of course before he slept he had taken some pills to bring the fever down but it still was so high. Peyton got worried. She got up, brought two towels and a dish filled with cool water. She made the towels wet and put one of them on his feet and the other on his forehead, then sat beside him and kept looking at him and slightly stroked his head. After a few minutes she picked the towels, made them cool and wet again by the water in the dish and put them on his feet and forehead again. She stayed awake and kept doing that for almost 2 hours, until finally his fever was brought down, she took the towels and kissed his forehead gently, of course Lucas was deep in sleep all along and didn't realize a single thing from these……

The next day, Luke opened his eyes, he was feeling much better, he looked at clock and couldn't believe what he was seeing, it was 11:30, almost noon. Peyton wasn't in bed, of course he had locked all the doors so there was no way she could exit the house, so he didn't get worried by that but he got worried by the fact that he hadn't prepared breakfast or lunch and also hadn't given her her pills. He immediately sat and wanted to get up from bed that Peyton entered the room with a tray. There was a dish of soup in it. It was the soup that Haley had sent, Peyton had made it warm and had brought it to bed for him. He got surprised and stared at her surprisingly. Peyton slightly smiled at him, came close and sat on bed and put the tray on it as she kept smiling at him. Lucas slightly chuckled but then suddenly remembered about her medicine: "did you take your pills?" Peyton nodded. Lucas sighed out of relief that everything was ok and in its place and leaned back to the bed, he still was feeling a little weak. Peyton picked up the spoon, filled it with soup and moved it towards his mouth while she was smiling, he smiled back and opened his mouth.....

Peyton chose the songs herself for that day. She played these songs: cure love song, heartbeats, one of the Travis songs, Friday I'm in love by cure (since he had told her a while ago that it was one of the cure songs that he preferred to other cure songs), and finally the last song was "Crawl" with these lyrics:

"How long will this take? How much can I go through?

My heart, my soul aches, I don't know what to do

I bend but don't break, And somehow I'll get through

'cause I have you

And if I have to crawl, Will you crawl too?

I stumble and I fall, Carry me through

The wonder of it all

Is you see me through…..

.when everything I was is lost

I have forgot but you have not

When I am lost you have not lost me

You have not lost me………"

Yes, Peyton did the same thing he had been doing, she wanted to talk to him and respond him through these lyrics because she still couldn't bring herself to talk to him directly, and Lucas got it right away, when the songs ended he had a big smile on his lips, knowing that what he had been doing had helped her and wasn't useless, He smiled and said: "I loved it". She smiled back……

Another week passed. It was morning and they had eaten their breakfast. Peyton's appetite was almost back. After breakfast Lucas came to her and said: "let's take a ride with comet today, it's been long since you went outside". Peyton nodded. They both got ready but when Peyton sat in car Lucas asked her to close her eyes, he said where they were going was a surprise, Peyton got confused but did what he asked her to.

After a while he asked her to open her eyes: "ok, open now"

She opened her eyes and got surprised and a little excited. Her facial expression was showing that, she looked at the place and then looked at him and grinned. Lucas grinned too. They were at "their spot". Peyton had called it that. It was the place that her car, this very car that they were in now, had broken down and Lucas had come to fix it, and they talked to each other for the first time, there. It was also the place that he gave her a ring, and also the place that they got married. It had a very beautiful view and all these sweet memories had made that place very special for them. Of course they were at that part of the place where their wedding was, so they had distance from road and could sit there as long as they wanted and could enjoy their time there. They both came out of the car. Lucas had brought a, little carpet kind of thing so they could sit on it, he also had brought some sandwiches that he had prepared and he had put them in car while Peyton's eyes were closed. She got surprised again by seeing all that. He had planned a picnic sort of thing. Peyton smiled at him and kept looking in his blue eyes in a way that was showing she was adoring him. Lucas smiled back and looked in her green eyes the same way, with adoration. It was like they didn't need words to express their love for each other.....

A few hours passed, they had eaten the sandwiches and now were sitting on the carpet and were relaxing and enjoying the beautiful view, fresh air and the slight wind that was breezing and touching and cooling their faces. Peyton looked at Lucas for a short while, then went close to him and put her head on his legs and lay down, Lucas smiled and started to stroke her head. After a few minutes Peyton whispered: "I love you so much…." Lucas got surprised and his eyes became a little wide, these were the first words that she said after 3 weeks of silence and it sure was a sweet pay back for everything that he had done for her during that time. Lucas grinned and sighed: "I love you too....more than anything" and kept stroking her……

They went home. It was afternoon. Peyton sat on bed. Lucas said: "you must be tired, get some sleep until I make something for dinner" then laid her on bed softly, kissed her forehead and put the bed sheet on her gently and got up and wanted to leave that Peyton called him: "Lucas..."

He turned back.

Peyton continued: "I'm sorry"

"For what?" kindly he said.

Peyton paused a little, then said: "all sorts of things.....all of this" then chuckled slightly and nervously: "I was always trouble for you" she was feeling guilty for what she had been putting him through in the past month. Lucas sat on bed again and took her hand: "hey, don't,....don't ever say that again, you are the best thing I have in my life" and smiled at her. She smiled back: "likewise". They kept looking at each other for a short moment, then Peyton got closer and kissed his lips for the first time in past month. He kissed her back, and smiled again after that. Peyton said: "everything is gonna be alright, right?"

"Yeah, yeah it is"

"You really think so?"

He nodded: "I know so" and put his hand on her cheek and stroked it a little, then kissed it and got up to leave……

3 days passed. It was morning, Lucas woke up, he was feeling good, he had slept well, in fact it was the third day that he had slept so well. He got up to go make breakfast, Peyton wasn't in bed. He called her: "Peyton" but didn't hear an answer, he went to kitchen, she wasn't there, then he checked the bathroom, the other room and every part of the house but couldn't find her and started to panic: "Peyton!" he yelled this time, but she wasn't there. Lucas was shocked, terrified and helpless, he didn't know what to do. Where was she? What if she had tried to hurt herself again? All these thoughts were racing through his head, he wanted to change his clothes and go search for her that the door got opened and she entered with some bags. Lucas first looked at her with worried eyes, then sighed out of relief and said: "where were you?" Peyton realized that he had been going crazy from worrying about her. She put the bags down and went close to him and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around her and held her so tight for a few minutes while he was breathing faster than normal, then looked at her and said: "I thought you were gone again.....like the last time....." Peyton sighed and started to stroke his face: "honey, I'm fine, I just wanted to make breakfast after a long time and I thought to make your favorite, French toast. But we didn't have the stuff for making it so I went to buy them, you were asleep and I didn't want to wake you up, beside I wanted to surprise you, I didn't think you would wake up in this short while, I'm sorry" and kept stroking his face. Lucas slightly smiled and took her hands that were touching his face and kissed them: "it's ok....now that you are here it's ok" and nodded. Peyton smiled back at him, then went to make his favorite breakfast......

5 months had passed and it had been a while that everything was back to normal for them. That day Peyton had made chocolate chip cookies. Lucas was sitting behind table in kitchen and he was enjoying eating them, Peyton was looking at him and smiling, though she was looking a little nervous. Lucas chuckled slightly: "this is a really nice surprise,…so what's the occasion?"

"It's a, little celebration we are having"


She paused and looked down: "just finish it then I'll tell you"

Lucas got confused and a little worried, he stopped eating: "no, say it now"

Peyton whispered "I'm pregnant" without looking at him, but after a short while that he didn't say anything she looked up and saw him staring at her, wide eyed and mouth agape while he was completely frozen and shocked, he just kept staring at her in disbelief for a while, then said: "how?! We didn't have unprotected sex"

"I know but the doctor said it can happen"

Lucas shook his head in disbelief: "but we did everything, we didn't have unprotected sex and they put an IUD in your womb…….maybe they are wrong"

"The doctor was sure, like I already said, he told me it's rare but it can happen sometimes"

Lucas shook his head again and couldn't believe that was happening again, Peyton tried to make a joke: "like you said we did everything to prevent this but it happened anyway..... I mean what could have we done more? not having sex?" and chuckled nervously, but Lucas seriously answered while his voice was a little loud: "yeah, if I knew this would happen again I would have borne not having sex with you!" then shook his head again and whispered while he was being desperate: "I can't believe this is happening again". Peyton went towards him and held his face in her hands: "Luke, it's not gonna happen like the last time, and I can do this" he pulled away from her: "absolutely not! Don't even think about it! I'm not doing that again!"

"Lucas!...." Peyton said while she was a little hurt.

Luke started to pace around the room nervously and after a short pause said: "don't you understand? I can't risk losing you again! How many times do I have to tell you that I can't live without you? I mean you almost died last time!"

"But I didn't and now here I am, I can do it again, I promise"

"Last time we got lucky, and I'm so lucky that I have you here with me now, but ok, for one moment let's assume that you are right and that you can get through it again, but what if the baby can't? What if the history will repeat itself? Can you handle that?! I mean you almost were emotionally destroyed by all that and I had to watch you fade away every single day, it was like a real hell, I can't do that again, I just can't, and I won't let that happen again,……do you know how hard I tried to take you back to life?!"

Peyton softly said: "I know honey, I know. And I never can thank you enough for doing all that, but this time is different. I got my hopes up so much last time but now I'm emotionally prepared. Beside, maybe I won't have complications this time and there is a high possibility of that, because last time, early in the pregnancy I had some pains in my stomach but now I don't…" then touched her belly and continued: "this baby isn't supposed to be here because we did everything to prevent this from happening but he is here now, what does that tell you? It was meant to happen and it wasn't in our control, it is fate"

Lucas shook his head again while he was looking at her with teary eyes.

"Come on Luke, you are then one that taught me to think like this"

Lucas closed his eyes as a few tears dropped from them, took a deep breath, then started to pace around the room again. After a few minutes he said: "I'm not saying that I'm agreeing with this, but here is what we do first thing tomorrow morning, we go to hospital and they run some tests on you to see if there are complications this time or not….that's all I know for now"

Peyton nodded and smiled. Lucas was feeling worn out, he just went straight to bed and lay down, Peyton knew he was feeling exhausted emotionally and that he was terrified of losing her, she knew so well that it was always his biggest fear, so she went close to comfort him but she didn't need words to do that. She just lay beside him, wiped his tears from his cheeks, then held him while she was stroking him at the same time……

The next morning Lucas and Peyton went to hospital. They run some test on Peyton and fortunately the result was good, there wasn't any complications this time and both of them were relieved and happy by hearing the good news…………

7 months later, Lucas took her to hospital to give birth. She was lying in bed while she was in a lot of pain and Lucas was there holding her hand and freaking out, though he wasn't showing it. Nurse and Doctor were bent in front of her: "ok, push again" and Peyton pushed as hard as she could, her face was all sweaty and she was panting. The doctor and the nurse exchanged a look and that made Lucas worried even more. Doctor gave him a look and took him further to talk to him: "There is a problem, we should be seeing baby's head by now but we can't see it, we should do the c-section". Lucas turned white from fear and a terrified expression came on his face. Doctor saw that and said: "hey, don't worry, this happens a lot for women, they'll be fine". Lucas was still shocked. Doctor continued: "don't worry, this is different from previous time" Lucas looked down and slightly nodded, but he still was scared as hell. The doctor and nurse exited the room to arrange everything for the surgery quickly.

Peyton got worried: "what is it Lucas?"

Lucas went close to her, took her hand and forced a slight smile: "don't worry, they just need to do the c-section to take the baby out" He said this while he was trying so hard to prevent his voice from shaking, he wanted to hold it and keep it together in front of her. Peyton got more worried: "why? Is the baby fine?!"

He stroked her face: "yeah, she is fine, I promise. They just need to do that to take her out". Peyton nodded. After a short while they came to take her to the surgery room. Lucas was still sitting beside her and was holding her hand. The nurse said: "we need to take her". Luke looked at her and nodded, then looked at Peyton: "I love you". Peyton gave him a slight smile: "I love you too".

Lucas paused for a short moment, then while his eyes were worried, nervously said: "I'll be seeing you"

He needed to be reassured that she was gonna come back and this was his clever way of asking for it, and Peyton got it so well, so she smiled and nodded again, then he kissed her forehead, and they took her after that.....

Lucas was sitting in the waiting room and he was going crazy, Haley came and sat beside him: "hey!" then hugged him. He whispered "hi".

"Did you get any information since last time we talked on the phone?"

Lucas shook his head.

"Ok, don't worry, they are gonna be ok. Btw, Nathan and Brooke will be here in any minute"

He nodded.

"So, why are you here? I mean didn't they let you watch from gallery?"

"Yeah, they said I can watch from there but I said I didn't want to, I mean if they would let me to actually be there in the room with her, I definitely would have gone there but watching from gallery....it's not that different from sitting here,....you know, I....I couldn't bring myself to watch from there again considering what happened last time, my baby died and Peyton's heart stopped beating for a few minutes right in front of me, I just couldn't...." he shook his head and Haley didn't let him finish: "I know" she rubbed his back gently and continued: "it's probably not good for your heart after all, I mean they don't want you to have a heart attack in the middle of everything" she chuckled. She said this to distract him for a bit, He slightly chuckled too but then paused and said: "what if....." then tears came to his eyes and he couldn't continue. Haley pulled him in her arms: "hey" and started to rub his back again: "they'll be fine, they both will be fine" and tried to comfort him. A few minutes later Nathan and Brooke joined them in waiting room………

After a while the doctor came, Lucas felt his chest was gonna exploded, he stood up and looked at doctor with worried eyes.

Doctor: everything went well, they both are fine.

Lucas sighed out of relief: "can I see them?"

"Your wife is still in recovery room, when she wakes up they'll bring her to her room then you can see her, but now you can see your baby. Come this way."

Lucas looked at Nathan, Haley and Brooke, they all smiled and nodded. He followed the doctor and got to a room that were full of little babies. A nurse came while a beautiful baby was in her arms: "here is your gorgeous daughter" then gave her to Luke. Lucas took her carefully, it was the first time that he was holding his daughter and he was feeling pure joy, he slightly chuckled: "hey there beautiful!" and kissed her head softly.....

After a short while they brought Peyton, Lucas was alone in the room when they brought her. When he saw her a smile came to his lips. He went close to her, kissed her forehead gently and started to stroke it. Peyton was still a little dizzy but slightly smiled back at him, then whispered: "is she okay?" Lucas grinned: "yeah, she is healthy and beautiful". Peyton sighed out of relief: "can I see her?"

"Sure, I'm gonna bring her myself" and kissed her forehead again, then got up and left, and came back a few minutes later while he was holding his daughter, he brought her close to Peyton and gave the baby to her. She held her as tears came to her eyes: "hey baby, welcome here" kissed her tiny forehead and continued: "I'm gonna love you forever" then after a short while that she kept looking at her, said: "she is perfect!" and then looked at Lucas. Luke grinned and kissed her lips, and stroked her face after that. Then they both started chuckling though their eyes were still filled with tears………

Peyton was sitting in her daughter's bed as she called her: "Sawyer Scott it's time for sleep, hurry up if you want your tonight's story"

After a short while her 5 year old daughter entered the room, she had curly blond hair, just like her mom. She came and sat in her bed beside Peyton. Peyton stroked her hair and said: "what took you so long?"

"Nothing, I was just saying goodnight to daddy"

"Ok, what story do you want for tonight?"

Sawyer picked a book from her little bag that was beside her bed: "I borrowed this from my friend. It's the story of a hero named spiderman"


"Yeah" then paused a little: "mommy, if I ask you something will you tell me the truth?"

"Of course baby"

"My friend thinks this super hero stuff is real, but I told him that I don't think they are real, even if I would love for them to be real but I don't think they are. Do they exist? super heros?"

"No baby"

Sawyer looked disappointed.

Peyton continued: "but don't worry, we have a hero with us, and he will always take care of us and will protect us"

Sawyer's eyes glowed and she got excited: "really?! Who?"

"Your daddy"

Sawyer got confused: "daddy is a hero?"

Peyton nodded: "yeah, of course he doesn't have super powers but he has saved me so many times"

Sawyer got even more excited: "really?!"

Peyton smiled and nodded again. Sawyer wondered for a short while, then picked that book and put it back in her bag.

Peyton got confused this time: "then why did you put it back? Don't you want me to read it for you?"

Sawyer shook her head: "no, tell me the story of daddy saving you"

Peyton grinned: "Ok" then paused a little and started this way: "when we used to go to school....."

The door of the room was half open and Lucas was standing by it all along, watching his girls and adoring them while he had the biggest smile on his lips, of course none of them realized he was standing there. After Peyton finished the story and Sawyer fell asleep, she went to kitchen to put the dishes in dishwasher, then she went to bed. Lucas was lying there, Peyton lay beside him and smiled: "guess what story I was telling our daughter"

Lucas looked at her and grinned: "the "you're always saving me" story"

Peyton got surprised for one minute, then realized that he had been there all along: "well, you sure know how to hide and stalk someone, don't you?" she said, referring to him stalking her when they were teenagers. Lucas laughed, and Peyton laughed with him, then they started to kiss……………

The End