A Christmas Ever After

A/N: Okay, this is my second La Corda d'Oro fic and I know it's still very far before the season but I was already having this idea way back, I was just kinda busy (Translation: lazy) to type it. Anyway, I tried to make the characters a bit closer to their selves and less OCC…Please R and R, thank your!

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters, only the OCs.

Chapter One: Frosted Fire, Warm Ice

Snow was gracefully falling from the light gray sky. Outside was silent, with the crystalline air enveloping the surroundings with the thick cool blanket of whiteness. Rows of snowmen—in various sizes and kinds and designs—decorated the streets which transformed to a huge white playground, admitting only pedestrians and discouraging vehicles of any kind to dare traverse it. Facades of houses and stores and buildings alike were decorated with bells, wreaths, tiny angels and the sort from any angle possible. Jingles and hymns sounded softly from every other house or stores. The season truly brought happiness to everyone.

"Kaho, would you mind bringing this over to the other room?" a voice called her out of her trance from looking outside the winter wonderland. She beamed a smile, her golden eyes glittering with delight. "I'd be very happy to help." she replied then took the small boxes, each beautifully covered in colors of sorts, and headed out. In time, they will be here.

Another figure was inside the room, tending the bustling fire and keeping herself warm. Her faint green hair reflected beautiful amber colors of the living heat. "Ah, Kaho-sempai! You've brought the gifts!" she greeted and helped her. Six boxes, six gifts. "It's almost time, nee, Shouko-chan?" she asked when they were able to arrange the gifts under the grandly decorated seven foot pine tree. The green haired one looked at the clock above the fireplace and nodded. "I wonder if they could make it on time. Streets are, you know, quite impassable." she commented. "Well, since it's their idea, they should be able to make up for that problem!" the red haired girl said with a wink.

Sure, it was a little early to expect but with the silence around them, it was the only thing that she could do to pass time. Her companion had said that she would help further in the kitchen, leaving her alone again in her pool of thoughts.

It was better to expect when they would come, than to think about them, in particular. How long has it been? Five—seven years? Oh, it was such a good thing that they have decided to have a little reunion and what better time to do it than in the Yuletide? Time flew so fast that she hadn't realized that it was already that long since they got together.

A small pout came on to her face. What was that now, Kaho? She asked herself when she realized that she was focusing on meeting him today as well. Only him. A faint blush on her cheek obviously gave her color. Oh yeah, sure, like he's excited to meet me. Them, why not? But me? Oh please, Kaho. Get a hold of yourself. Better eat fire than dream on. She told herself then crouched to the gifts. One for each one of them. See? He doesn't even have a gift from you! Stop making yourself look pathetic over him. She reprimanded herself, never getting tired. "But…only because I wasn't sure if he's coming. Besides, it's not like…there's something going on if I gave him one. The others are going to get one too!" she muttered as she played along the big red ribbon on the box that had a minty green cover—which was for the girl she was with earlier.

Ice seemed hotter than fire in the moment. Ice seemed more nurturing and caring than fire. Right now, she felt like she just wants to have a crack appear at the floor and have her swallowed. Every tick of the clock—it all felt like torture to her. She's been dreading this day, this time, to come. After all those years of dead communication between them, how dare she dream of having he smile to her as he greets her? She has no right, no right at all. She was a dreamer, a pathetic dreamer.

"Kaho-sempai, I think they're here." her companion softly greeted the red haired. Now, it was time to see if she could make it.