Can't Sleep

Ok, first I would like to thank everyone who replied to my request for naming Misaki and Usagi-san's second child and I have made my choice

Secondly, this is kinda like a sequel to my other fanfic 'Night Time at the Kamijo Household' soo…..yeah. Enjoy.

Baby Jomei

Hiroki gently and as quietly as possible slipped himself out of Nowaki's arms, replacing where he once was with his pillow. Nowaki made a noise, tightened his arms around the pillow and relaxed, although the look on his face let Hiroki know that the pillow wouldn't last for very long. But Hiroki didn't need that long.

He tip-toed to the crib at the end of the bed. He sat on the chair stationed next to the crib, due to the occasional night-time feeds, and peered in to the little baby boy sleeping peacefully. Jomei was 5 months old, he was only 5 pound 4 ounces when he was born prematurely, but he was bigger now.

When they had first brought him home, he had been so small that he was afraid to hold him in-case he hurt him. Nowaki did most of the work due to Hiroki's huge fear that he would do something and hurt him. He was so small

But now, Jomei was bigger. He had gained weight and now looked like a puggy baby. He would sit on his lap and just look around, giggle when Nowaki sat on the floor and pull funny faces. Hiroki found himself becoming more involved now he was big. He fed him his bottle, changed his nappy, give him a bath, Nowaki had made a joke about him been the perfect mother. He apologised after spending the night on the couch.

But, much to Hiroki's dismay, Nowaki had been right, he had become the mother. He was, to be exact, overly protective over everything that came close to Jomei. The little boy meant everything to him, to them.

Jomei began to squirm and whine. Hiroki sighed as he reached down to pick the baby boy, checking his diaper before making his way to the kitchen to get a bottle of milk from the fridge. Jomei clung to Hiroki's pyjama top as Hiroki heated the bottle in the microwave, content with watching the bottle go round. Hiroki groaned and cracked his neck, taking the bottle out just before it made a noise. He checked it on his skin, then made his way back to the nursery, sat in the chair and directed the bottle to Jomei's mouth and the boy latched on. His little hands tried to hold the bottle up on his own, so Hiroaki just lifted it by the bottom, making sure it was tilted enough for the boy to get milk.

"You know, your father's right. I have become the mother."

Jomei just looked up at Hiroki, having no idea what he was saying but obviously enjoying the sound of his voice. Hiroki slipped his finger into Jomei's hand, the tiny fingers squeezed around the giant finger tip. Hiroki watched as Jomei continued to drink, his eyes dropping slowly until he was out.

Hiroki gently shifted Jomei so he could stand, and placed the once again sleeping boy in his crib. He then returned to the seat and just watched Jomei sleep.

"Are you going to come back to bed Hiro-san, or are you going to sleep here again?" Hiroki looked over to the door to see a tired Nowaki leaning against the door frame, his hair sticking up in every direction.

Hiroki groaned as he rocked forward to get off the seat. "Yeah, I was just feeding Jomei."

Nowaki let out a chuckle as he heaved himself from the doorframe. He walked over to Hiroki and hugged him from behind, giving him gently kiss on the neck.

"You know, he's perfect."

"Yeah, he is pretty perfect." Hiroki reached in to stroke Jomei's head.

"You know, Hiroki," Nowaki turned to face Hiroki, "I don't think Jomei should be an only child."

Hiroki glared at Nowaki, "What's wrong with been an only child?"

Nowaki leaned in and kissed Hiroki's lips, making him completely forget his anger. "Nothings wrong with been an only child, I just love seeing you like this, all motherly-like. I love this side of you and I want it to last as long as possible."

Hiroki hugged Nowaki tightly and buried his red face in Nowaki's chest



Okay, there will be 2 other chapters, all on Hiroki and Nowaki's children AND I will do them. I also have a few other works-in-progress that I will finish.

Also, in anyone wants me to try to write a Terrorist fanfic, send me an idea. Why? CAUSE I DON'T REALLY LIKE THEM!!!!.............. I just can't think of a story for them :'( poor me.

ANYWAY, rate it, like it or hate it, just enjoy.