Hey guys, it's good to be back! Here's the first chapter to the sequel of The Hogwarts Cupid

Chapter 1: Back to Square 1

Written By: TheChannyWizard

"Funny how we're back here again, isn't it?" Elizabeth Katie Wood sighed, looking out of the window on the Hogwarts Express. Elizabeth was the daughter of the famous Quiditch players Oliver and Katie Wood and had two younger twin siblings; Aaron Michael Wood and Simone Jessica Wood, who were starting Hogwarts this year. She was quite good at Quiditch herself and was a 4th year in the house of Gryffindor. Elizabeth had pin straight black hair which she had let grow over the summer; it now reached the middle of her back. She had an amazing body and all the guys practically drooled over her. She was extremely tough and was best friends with the Potter and Weasley families.

"I still can't believe that James didn't answer any of your letters!" Rose Margret Weasley exclaimed. Rose Weasley was the daughter of Ron and Hermione Weasley and had a younger brother named Hugo, who was also starting Hogwarts this year. Rose Weasley had the brains and looks of her mother; except for the hair. The reddish- orange hair ran through the Weasley family; practically every single Weasley relative she knew had orange hair. She was in her 3rd year in the house of Ravenclaw. Rose was the girlfriend of Scorpius Malfoy, her best friend (and boyfriend) along with her cousin and other best friend, Albus Severus Potter. She was also good at Quiditch and was Keeper for the Ravenclaw Quiditch team.

"Well I can! All he did was write to Pricilla Presley," Albus, or Al as he liked to be called, spat, putting more emphasis on the girl's name. Al was the middle child of the Potter trio, and son of the all famous Harry Potter and his wife, Ginny Potter. Al had an older brother, James, and a younger sister, Lily. He had murky brown hair, a mix of red and black they all said, and had inherited his deceased grandmother's green eyes. Al had matured over the summer and had grown to be a charming young man who was more compassionate, yet still had that sense of adventure inside of him. He was in his 3rd year in the Ravenclaw house and was seeker, just like his father, for the Ravenclaw Quiditch team.

"He isn't the same James I know," Lily Luna Potter chimed in. Lily Luna Potter was the youngest child of the Potter trio and was the daughter of Harry and Ginny Potter. She had red hair with black highlights, which she had persuaded her mother to allow her to get. Lily was a practical young lady and this was her first year at Hogwarts, so she didn't have a house yet. Lily had her mother's eyes and she had two older brothers, Al and James. Lily was especially close to James and felt extremely hurt when he ignored her and shut himself in his room all day long.

"Do you think Pricilla did anything to him?" Scorpius Malfoy asked, his hand unconsciously grabbing Rose's. Scorpius Malfoy was the son of Harry and Ron's school enemy, Draco Malfoy; but Scorpius was much different. He had blonde hair and bright blue eyes and was in his 3rd year in the house of Ravenclaw. He was Al's best friend and Rose's boyfriend. Scorpius had been tormented by James in the beginning of the year and the two had had their differences, but had united once Rose had been raped by 5th year Derek Hunter. Scorpius was one of the beaters for the Ravenclaw Quiditch Team

"Oh, I don't think so...I-I guess it's ok...I mean I have Morgan, and Celia, and J-Jason-" Elizabeth began until Al interrupted her.

"Jason? Really, Elizabeth, really?" Al retorted. Elizabeth shook her head.

"He's changed, Al. And besides, I suppose I'm not a friend of James anymore," she said with such bitterness, it made Al's heart swell with sympathy. "Anyway, the train's arrived at Hogwarts. We have to go," and with that said, she got up, took her luggage, and headed out of the door.

"Do you think she'll be ok?" Rose asked worriedly, as she started to get up and take her luggage out of the upper compartment.

"There's no way to know for sure..." Aaron Michael Wood said. "Anyway, let's hurry up!" Aaron and his twin sister Simone quickly ran out of the compartment, Lily and Hugo right at their heels.

"Well guys, you ready?" Al asked, his face full of eagerness and excitement. Rose giggled and took her luggage in one hand, and Scorpius' hand in the other and ran out. Al shrugged and ran after them.

By the time Elizabeth had unpacked and come to the Great Hall, the Sorting Hat was already finishing up its song. Jason waved a hand over and Elizabeth grinned, running over to the ash-brown haired boy. Professor Moony cleared his throat and the whole hall grew quiet.

"First years, please join me at the front of the hall. When I call your name, please step forward and sit on the stool. The Sorting Hat will be placed on your head and it will call out your house. After your new house has been named, please go take a seat at that designated house table. Alyson Arbitrary" Professor Moony boomed and a scared young girl took a seat.

"Ravenclaw!" the hat cried, and Rose, along with all the other Ravenclaw students, stood up and cheered for their new housemate.

"Carmen Arcane" Professor Moony called. And so the list went on.

"Lily Luna Potter" Professor Moony bellowed and Lily bravely stepped up. The Hat was just barely placed on her head.

"Ah...another brave Potter! GRYFFINDOR!" It bellowed and the Gryffindor students stood up and cheered. Elizabeth clapped, happy that she was with most of her cousins and her.

"Hugo Weasley!"

"Ah...you take after your sister I see...RAVENCLAW!" The Hat bellowed and Rose cheered loudly as Hugo's face broke into a broad grin and he ran over to his sister and company.

"Aaron Wood!" Professor Moony called and Elizabeth stood up, excited to see where her brother was going.

"Not very brave I see...and you have lots of smarts...very practical...I shall put you in RAVENCLAW!" it decided. Elizabeth felt a little disappointed but clapped nonetheless. Her brother really did deserve to be in that house; he was the Ravenclaw type of guy.

"Simone Wood!"

"Hm...so much braver...very adventurous, not like your brother...but more like your sister so you shall be in GRYFFINDOR!" Elizabeth hooted and cheered as Simone squealed and ran over to Elizabeth and Jason. Elizabeth hugged her tight.

"Congrats Simone! Welcome to Gryffindor!" she laughed as the others patted her on the back.

"All right, first years, follow me!" Linda Montague called and Simone hugged her sister goodbye and ran towards the others. Jason grabbed her hand and she smiled.

"Let's walk back together, k?" he asked hopefully. Elizabeth blushed and her golden auburn eyes sparkled as she grabbed his hand and they ran together. Jason wasn't such a bad guy after all. He was sweet, caring, loving; everything James wasn't. Not to mention tough, funny, adventurous, and oh, she could go on. Elizabeth took a glance over at James and was saddened to see him with Pricilla again. They were talking and snogging, something Elizabeth couldn't stand. James spotted Elizabeth and grinned. He told Pricilla something and she glared at Elizabeth as James turned his back on her and ran towards her. The black haired beauty let go of Jason's hand and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Hey Liz!" James called, grinning at his best friend. Elizabeth merely scoffed.

"What do you want Potter?" she snapped extremely coldly, and James was taken aback.

"I-I just wanted to know how your summer was!" he defended himself, looking thoroughly frightened.

"Well, you would have known if you had answered one of my at least fifty letters!" she growled and stomped away, looking furious, leaving a hurt James behind. He had been busy with Pricilla! Couldn't she understand that he and Pricilla were in love? He loved her so much it was impossible to even describe it in words!

"You know, you really should go after her..." Jason advised looking away.

"I don't need your help, thank you very much!" he snapped, looking extremely annoyed.

"Ok, but I'm just advising." Jason replied, putting his hands up in a mock surrender. "Oh, and just so you know; Elizabeth was crushed when you didn't answer or talk to her all summer long. I heard from her brother and sister," he added, noticing James' angry stare.

"Whatever," he mumbled, heading over to the direction that Elizabeth had taken.