**chapter 4....

The smell of blood was quickly taking over my consciousness, offering me quiet darkness where there was no pain or sound, some might be scared of that darkness but I wanted the escape it offered me. I found myself having one of those self pity moments, the last few months had killed a part of me, with Edwards return the hole was filled but I know I'll always have the scar that will always ache from just the memories of the life he made the decision to make me live. I wasn't too sure how bad the damage was but the pressure was still there so I could guess it was only getting worse. I felt rather than heard another crunch but wasn't too sure where this one was. I was beginning to slip in and out of consciousness now but a snarling which seemed to be getting closer and closer woke me from my stupor and in the next few seconds the pressure was gone and I could feel the air returning to my lungs and the sweet relief left me gasping for precious air I hadn't realised I was missing.

I managed to pry my eyes open in time to see two giant wolves fighting it off with each other, seeming like the only chance I would get I pushed myself up with the aid of a nearby tree and did a vague assessment of myself. I could feel that a few of my ribs were broken but I wasn't coughing up blood which hopefully meant there wasn't much internal damage, I moved my arms a bit and found what the source of the crunches were, my left shoulder seemed dislocated which I debated on popping back into place myself but thought against it after hearing a few more angry snarls. So with that in mind I ran back the way I had ran into the forest, luckily my new source of adrenaline keeping the pain at bay for now.

Finding the bike I straddled it and carried on my assessment, pretty much my entire left arm was pretty damaged, there was a bit more blood seeping into my clothes than I had initially thought there was, the broken ribs were making breathing a bit more of an effort but I ignored that and brought back the thought of popping my shoulder back into place, I had done it for a friend before back in phoenix and it worked pretty well. So steeling my resolve I ripped part of the bottom of my t shirt off and stuck it in my mouth so I wouldn't damage my teeth and gripped my left shoulder with my right hand and with a much more painful tug than I had thought it popped back into place, I couldn't stop the shudder from the sound of it.

Well with that done I had pretty decent use of my arms now so I zipped up my leather jacket gunned the bike engine and drove myself towards the hospital ... Carlisle could hopefully keep a secret.

I'll be honest I don't like this chapter and I don't blame anyone else for not liking it, but it's the only way I can think of getting the story moving along to all of the other crazy things Bella is going to do ... okay so I might have made her a bit crazy but I'm pinning it all on the late trauma thing of Edward finally being back the threat of Victoria, her impending vampirism where there's no rush of danger left yada yada you get it so I'm planning some ideas for the next chapter but my other story is getting a bit more of my attention, if I can't get much inspiration for this story I might put it off for a little bit but it's doubtful. ANYWAYS you know the drill – review if you want or have a suggestion about what I could put in the next chapters – fire away you know I'll read them all and oooh wanted to say if you want a response PM me instead coz whenever I review I don't really think about getting a response so yeah =) anyways Peace Out and PM for a response XxX