HI It's me.

Me and my friend KimberJim are co-writting a Ryou/Bakura Yugioh story Via DeviantART, and we'd like to share it wth you!

I disclaim yugioh, blah blah blah

Enjoy the Tendershipping Goodness!

Chapter One

The ground shook with the impact of hundreds of feet as people fled from something he couldn t see. The air was thick with smoke as the houses of Kul Elna burned, piercing screams rising in a cacophony of terror.

The little boy dodged from side to side in an attempt to escape being crushed by any number of fleeing villagers. His lungs burned with the physical exertion and the choking black smoke but he didn t stop running, winding his path through the people flooding in the opposite direction. The other villagers were too focused on their own survival to even think of stopping a small boy from running deeper into the horror.

It wasn't long before the mad rush had died, the screams and shouts fading into the background and the boy could run unhindered. The streets became quieter and where they weren t blocked by rubble, the Pharoah s army marched through the streets. Behind the soldiers was where the corpses started. Bakura ducked behind a mound of rubble at the mouth of a street and waited for the battalion to pass, praying that they wouldn't see him. The Gods seemed to be on his side, however, so he took to the streets once more. His hope died as he reached the fountain in the centre of the village. Inches from the coil blue water lay his father in a bloody heap. Bakura fell to his knees, tears pricking at his eyes, reaching a hand towards his father. The smoke was too thick, his fevered breathing sucking in smoke and sand, not enough oxygen, he couldn t breathe, not enough.

Images of the villagers lying in pools of their own blood swam before his eyes, people he knew, people he'd befriended, all blurring into red. Head spinning and throat dry, he began crawling toward the fountain, reaching out for its water. His fingers broke the surface as something heavy struck his head.

The world went black.


Cold, chocolate eyes sprang open and Bakura rose from the bed, panting heavily, skin coated in a layer of cold sweat.

The door to Bakura's room opened. Ryou stood in the door, wearing his blue and white striped pajama bottoms and white shirt he normaly slept in. "Bakura, are you alright? You were yelling in your sleep."

Bakura shook his head, the images still burned into his mind. That wasn't how his people died, but it may as well have been, as being pushed into a giant couldren to be melted down into the millineum items wasn't much better. He vaugly touched the Ring around his throat as he thought this.

"It's nothing... go back to sleep."

"But you were yelling someting about a place called Kul Elna and-"

Bakura rose out of bed, wearing nothing but his boxer shorts, growling to himself, "Kul Elna. Yes, I dreamed of Kul Elna. That doesn't happen often. No doubt it means something..."

"Like what?" the white haired boy asked, sitting on the edge of his Yami's bed. Bakura raised a finger to his chin, "Something important...The Gods don't send images like that for no reason..." He turned to his Hikari, "Ryou, pack your suitcase."

Ryou looked up at him somewhat confused, "Why?"

Bakura looked out the window,where the sky was just begining to lighten as dawn approached, his eyes narrowed slightly "We're going to Egypt."


"Egypt! Are you insane? We can't just go to Egypt Bakura!"

"Actually, we can and we are. Deal with it."

"We have schoolBakura!"

Bakura's trademark smirk appeared on his face as he spun to face Ryou. "Correction. You have school, not me. Besides, you're top of the class so it's not like it's going to make much difference."

"Bakura!" Ryou noticed the whiny lilt to his voice but he just didn't care right now.

"I told you Ryou. The Gods don't send visions for no reason. This is important! I have to find out what's going on!"

Ryou wilted under Bakura's challenging glare. No matter how hard he tried to deny Bakura, eventually, he'd give in. It was how things worked. He sighed gently. "Ok Bakura. I'll book the flights now." With that the shorter of the pair left the room, the legs of his striped pajamas trailing along the floor where they were too long for him.

Bakura watched him leave, a heavy feeling in his chest.

This vision meant something, he just knew it.


Ryou called the school and told them he had a family emergency to attend to out of the country and that he would be absent for at least a week or two.

"We'll save any homework assigned and give it to you when you caome back."

"Arigato, principle," Ryou said, thanking him, hanging up. Bakura stood by the door, his clothes in a duffle bag slug carelessly around his shoulder, tapping his foot impatiently, "Hurry up," he said. Ryou made sure everything electrical was turned off and grabbed his suitcase, "Okay, I'm ready."

"Good," Bakura said, grabbing his hand and pulling him down the stairs and out the door.

The airport was packed with various businessman heading to international conferences and people just heading on holiday. After arguing with the check-in operators and eventually being denied early access to the plane, Bakura decided to drag Ryou to a small airport cafe to sat with his chin resting in the palm of his hand, gazing out the window and tapping the fingers of his unoccupied hand.

Bakura chose to waste time by glaring at anyone that happened to look in his direction. "Damn airport, I'm in a hurry! why are these things always so slow?"

Ryou rolled his eyes and chose not to reply to Bakura's complaint. It was usually best to allow Bakura to cool down on his own. Or blow it off by beating up a random stranger. But in a crowded and security-heavy airport the former was the preferred option. After several coffees and several even longer rants from Bakura, they were ushered onto the plane. The problem was that the plane presented even more things for Bakura to complain about.

"God, what do you have to do to get a drink around here?"

"What the hell is with these seats?"

"Millionsof movies to choose from and they choose one starring Julia Roberts! Eugh, stupid airline."

Naturally Ryou grew more irritated with Bakura's constant outbursts and chose to ignore him for a while, instead taking an interest in the process of the plane taking flight. Ryou watched the ground move as they began to take off. Planes were nothing new to him, but he always loved watching the take off. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a stick of gum as they began to gain altitude.

"Bakura, you should chew this so your ears don't pop."

"I don't need any- GRAH!" Bakura winced at the sharp pain as his ears made a quiet popping noise. He grabbed the stick of gum and began to chew. Still muttering, "At least we're on our way..."


It was nightfall when they finally arrived in at the Cairo airport. Ryou was asleep in his seat, having drifted off during the flight. Something in Bakura told him that he didn't want to disturb the peacefully sleeping teenager in the seat next to him but he knew that if they didn't get off the plane soon then they'd be dragged off by security and arrested on a terrorism charge or something.

The thought amused him somewhat, but knowing that Ryou would panic if he even got too close to a security officer, Bakura shook him by the shoulder and watched as Ryou stirred himself from his slumber.

"Wh-what? What's wrong?" Ryou's voice was thick from sleep and his eyes were heavily lidded.

"We're here Ryou. We have to get off the plane."

Ryou yawned and stretched his arms above his head. "Mmm. Ok."

Bakura rolled his eyes and pulled Ryou to his feet when he was about to curl up again. Dragging the semi-conscious Ryou through the plane door, Bakura reeled as the familiar heat of Egyptian air hit him. Ryou, being unused to the heat, was instantly awake.

"God! It's so hot!"

Bakura smirked. "It's Egypt, Ryou. Of course it's hot."

"But I never expected it to be so hot at night! I can't imagine what it must be like during the day!"

Bakura's smirk didn't leave his face as he descended the stairs. "Well, at least you won't be needing any of those god-awful sweaters you seem to like wearing."

Ryou pouted and crossed his arms over his chest. "Hey! They're comfortable!"

Bakura laughed, then hmm'd thoughtfully, "Well, the suns only just gone down... It CAN get a bit cold in the desert...you may need them to sleep in."

"Sleep in?" Ryou asked, "won't we be staying in a hotel?" Bakura gave him one of his 'darkly ammused' smirks.

"Kul Elna is deep in the desert. We'll be traveling by horse."

"HORSE?" Ryou yelped,"In the desert? In the middle of Summer?"

Bakura gave him an annoyed scowl, growling. Ryou's common urge to wilt under Bakura's irritated scowl rose in him but he resisted it. "Bakura, travelling through the desert, in the middle of summer, by horse is insane! We have no supplies, no provisions, no survival knowledge! There's no way we can do this on our own!"

"Ryou, Ryou, Ryou. Poor naive little Ryou. You're here with me, that's all the reassurance you should need."

Ryou was tempted to roll his eyes at Bakura's obnoxious behaviour and most likely would have done if he weren't going over the numerous ways the two of them could die while out here in the desert alone.

"Bakura will you at leasthire a guide to get us to Kul Elna?"

Bakura shook his head. "We don't need one Ryou. We can do this on our own. I've been there before remember."

"But Bakura, places have changed, been renamed. There's no way to be certain you'll know where you are when we get out of Cairo! Please hire a guide!"

Bakura scowled. But he had to admit, Ryou did have a point. Not only would the names of places have been changed, the places themselves would have changed dramatically, it had been 5,000 years since he'd last seen them after all. He sighed. "ok fine! I'll hire your stupid guide."

Ryou's face lit up in a happy smile.

"But-" Bakura interrupted, "we're ditching him when we get close to Kul Elna. I do not want some proxy tour guide poking around my home!"

Ryou was relieved and delighted he'd at least gotten THAT much out of Bakura. He barely, if ever, won arguments against him. Bakura scowled at him again but sighed, trying to control his temper. Tour guide...HA! He smirked inwardly. He'd ditch him LONG before they reached Kul Elna. It may have been 5000 Years since he'd last seen his home, he still knew how to best survive the sands of the desert. he'd simply get "accidental" separated from him and he and Ryou would be on their way the way he wanted to.
In the meantime, Ryou, and himself, needed rest. They had quite a hike ahead of them.

End of Chapter One