うずまき戦Uzumaki Taisen


Chapter 1

It Ends Tonight

"We can't do this any longer." Namikaze Minato spoke once he had settled into the armchair in his girlfriend's apartment.

Both had finished high school two days ago, and had been partying the night away at Inoichi's place.

Minato had driven Kushina home, and had walked her to her apartment door. She had invited him inside, particularily because he had told her he had something very important to inform her.

There were a lot of things Kushina could expect him to say to her. Proposing to her had been at the top of her list.

Breaking up hadn't even occured to her. And this statement is proven by her reaction.

"What?" she stares into the cerulean eyes of her gorgeous boyfriend, who still manages to look amazing even with that constipated look on his face.

"We can't do this any longer." he repeated weakly. Kushina held the urge to slap him.

"What are you talking about, Minato?" she plopped into the seat across from him, dumbfounded.

He leaned forward, still looking constipated.

"Kushina, you'll be staying here for college, but my parents are sending me to California to study."

"So?! I thought we agreed to keep a long- distance relationship!"

"I know, but....I don't think it will work out..."

"So what are you saying?" She blinked back angry tears.

He looked up at her, expression sad. "Kushina, you know I love you, but-"

"Oh, forget this!" she shot up and grabbed him by his collar.

"Hey, what-" he didn't have any time to continue as she flung open her door and tossed him out.

"You bastard. I honestly thought we had something. All these years I-" she choked on her words. He stood up quickly, arm outstreched.


"Just leave. Now. This is what you want, anyways, isn't it?" tears rolled down her face fast as she turned away. "Goodbye, Namikaze Minato. I hope you rot in hell."

She slammed the door in his face.




"Awww, there there sweetie." Uchiha Mikoto spoke soothingly. Kushina sobbed into her lap.

"That bastard! I'll kill him!" Inuzuka Tsume cracked her knuckles. "I warned him about hurting you!"

"Shina, not to make things worse, but why did he do it? He must have a reason.." The fourth girl in the group, Yoshino, spoke.

Kushina lifted her bright red fuzzled head of hair. "H-He doesn't want me!!!" she sobbed, head falling back on Mikoto's lap.

Tsume growled "Is that what he said to you? 'Cause if he did-"

Yoshino shook her head. "I doubt it. Minato was so in love with you, Shina! There's no way he would break it off for no reason!"

Tsume adds "Yeah, we were all expecting you two to get married and have little Minatos running around everywhere!"

Kushina starts crying even harder. "MY LIFE IS OVER!!!!!"

Mikoto glares at the two "Guys, you're not helping!"

"Alright, alright." Tsume sat down and handed Kushina a spoon and a bucket of ice cream. "Eat up, girl, you need your strength."

Yoshino nods "Sooner or later Minato is going to realize what an ass he's being. Don't worry about it, baby."

"Yeah, you don't need a man! You're strong as you are!" Tsume said enthusiastically.

Kushina sniffed. "Easy for you to say. You and Yoshino are engaged, and Mikoto's married."

Yoshino and Shikaku had been engaged for about a month now. Tsume had gotten recently engaged, and Mikoto and Fugaku had tied the knot a month before graduation.

All three girls exchanged guilty glances. Kushina noticed this.

"Oh, I'm sorry...I didn't mean it like that. It's not your guys' fault."

Yoshino smiled softly "Just remember Kushina, we're your best friends. We're here for you, ok?"

"Yeah.....if it's ok, I'd really like some time alone."




Back in the Yamanaka estate, Minato was curled up in a corner sobbing- literally.

Fugaku rolls his eyes "You should have thought before blabbing to her like that. Don't you see what you've done?"

"You fucked up big time." Inoichi shook his head from his place on his bed.

"Kushina was a great girl...you suck big time." Chouza said sadly.

"You know, this was really unexpected. And all this time Yoshino was taking babysitting classes just for you." Shikaku said boredly.

Minato lifted his his fuzzy ruined blond head "What do you mean?"

"Well, we were kinda expecting you two to get married and have a bunch of babies and stuff."

Minato starts to sob again. "My Kushinaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! She hates meeeeeeeee!!!!!!!"

Shibi says seriously "After what you said to her, I'm not surprised she flung you out of her apartment like that."

"S-So what do I do?" Minato blubbers. Fugaku rolls his eyes.

"Do what you want. We can't help you here."

"What?! Guys!!!!!"

"He's right. Sorry dude." Inoichi shrugged his shoulders. All the boys left Minato in the room.


Ok, so here's crappy chapter one to the sequel of "Inside Her Head".

Chapter 1 is sort of a flashback. The next chapter will introduce our lovely heroine 5 years later.

Don't worry. I have no life, so I'll be updating pretty quickly.

Of course, that depends on wether or not I get reviews.

Until then, Cherry out!