Final Chapter

6 Months Later...

Everything in the Weasley house was silent, save for Rose groaning and wincing in her seat.

"Ow, Mum!" The twelve year old shrieked, instinctively grabbing her sore head. "Stop pulling on it, and just use your wand." Tears were practically in her eyes as her mother yanked and pulled on her daughter's tangled bush of a head.

"I am using it, Rose." Hermione sighed, completely frustrated.

Rose had been unfortunate enough to inherit the same dreadful mess of thick curls that Hermione had during her early years at Hogwarts. Rose's hair was even more unmanageable than Hermione's used to be, if you could believe that. No one exactly knew how to tame it.

"Look, you asked me to straighten your hair for your birthday celebration, and I'm trying." Hermione held a hairbrush in one hand and her wand in the other. Neither of them seemed to be doing any good. Hermione and Rose had been suffering together for almost an hour, and only the top part of Rose's head seemed even remotely different.

Hermione pointed her wand at her daughter's hair for the umpteenth time in order to detangle it, and then she pulled the brush through to smooth it down. Everything was fine. For a minute.

Rose shrieked again as the brush caught another knot in her head. Her eyes were watering.

"Just forget it." Rose said, scooting her chair away far away from her mother, lest she attempt to pull her hair right off her scalp.

"Alright, you know what? I give up." Hermione said. Those words had never left Hermione Granger's mouth before. Even Rose turned around in shock. Hermione put her wand in her pocket and tossed the brush in the sink. She slumped onto the closed toilet seat and rested her chin in her hand. Rose and Hermione looked at each other for a moment, unsure of what their next move should be.

Then Hermione had a brilliant idea. She stood up and pulled Rose's chair back in front of her. With the top part of Rose's hair straight and the back curlier than even, Hermione got right to work. She wasn't the brightest witch of her age for no reason.

Ron Weasley slept soundly. The look of absolute peace on his face gave no indication to the roller coaster that he and his wife had been on for practically the last six months. Compared to where they both were in their relationship now, everything else that happened seemed trivial. But like most things, it still wasn't perfect.

Ron wasn't sure how early it was, but the sun had seemed to already find its place in the sky, its light breaking through the open window. The sun's rays shone directly on Ron's face, and the light made it seem like his hair was on fire. Ron frowned in his sleep at the harsh light and turned away from the window, pulling the comforter over his head. A few moments later, another unwelcome wakeup call roused Ron from dreamland.

Alice, Rose's owl, sat perched on the window ledge. And, Merlin, she was hooting like the house was on fire. Ron tried to ignore her for as long as possible, but the tiny owl only got louder.

"Alright, I'm up. I'm up." Ron said, squinting against the morning light. He padded across the room, hair standing in every direction, and took an envelope out of the owl's beak. The Hogwarts seal was stamped on the back. Ron flipped it over: Mr. Hugo Arthur Weasley

Ron smiled sleepily. It had finally come.

"Thanks, Alice." Ron said. The owl didn't make a sound, and Ron raised his eyebrow. "Don't suppose you want a treat?"

Alice hooted loudly.

"If you'd hold still, I could get this!"

"You're hurting me!"

"Rose, just stop moving for one lousy minute."

"Stop yanking my hair off my head for one lousy minute."

Hermione tugged on Rose's hair and Rose came up out of her seat as well. One final pull and the job was done.

"There." Hermione stepped back, proud of her work. "That wasn't so bad, right?"

Rose just frowned at her mother. They were both breathing like they'd just run a marathon.

"Why don't you take a look at yourself before giving me the death stare." Hermione said. She spun Rose around so she could see herself in the mirror.

Rose's hair was now in a mid ponytail that hurt like hell because of how tight the holder was. But she couldn't deny that she loved it. The top part of her hair was silky straight, while the hair that hung from the ponytail was extremely thick and curly. Her curls were tighter now, though, and they spiraled right above the middle of her back.

Rose sniffed, getting the few remaining traces of discomfort out of her system. Her eyes were still red from crying, though. Regardless, Rose looked adorable, especially in her new sundress that complimented her eyes.

"You look beautiful, Rosie." Hermione said. She instantly regretted it.

"Mum, I don't like being called Rosie." Rose said, turning back around.

"Sorry. How could I forget" Came Hermione's automatic reply.

There was a sharp knock at the door and beat later, it opened and Ron's head poked through the crack .

"Just making sure the Third Wizarding War wasn't breaking out in our bathroom."

"Almost." Hermione said, shaking her head.

"Hi, Dad." Rose said grinning widely. Ron opened the door fully and came inside.

"I heard someone in here has a birthday today." Ron teased, pulling his daughter into a hug.

"Funny, I heard the same thing." Rose replied, smirking.

Ron laughed and kissed the top of her head. "You look beautiful, Rosie. Happy birthday, love." Ron said.

"Thanks, daddy." The young witch left the bathroom, running down the stairs. Although Hermione accepted a long time ago that Ron was the only person who could call their daughter Rosie, she still looked at him in disbelief. She couldn't win.

"We're out of floo powder!" Rose announced loudly from downstairs.

"Duly noted." Ron said. A moment later, Ron and Hermione heard the television cut on downstairs.

Grinning, Ron covered the distance between him and Hermione and kissed her.

"Oh, good morning," Hermione said between breaths. She wrapped her arms around his neck as their kiss deepened. Ron snaked his arms underneath Hermione's arse and hoisted her onto the edge of the sink and kissed her passionately. He ran his hands down her arms, sliding part of the shoulder of her tank top off as well. In that moment, it was like they couldn't get enough of each other. Ron planted kisses on Hermione's cheek. Her lips. Her neck.

"We should shut the door." Hermione said between kisses. She was about to reach for her wand, when Ron stopped her.

"We're fine." Ron said, catching his breath.

Hermione let a groan escape her lips as she locked her legs around Ron's waist. They were lost in the moment when...

"That's disgusting."

Ron and Hermione broke apart quicker than lightning, like two teenagers who'd been caught in the broom closet. Ron was pretty sure he'd pulled a muscle. Hermione cleared her throat.

"Hugo," She smiled nervously at her son, pulling the thin strap of her tank top back onto her shoulder. "We didn't hear you get up, love."

Hugo just looked between his parents, a mixture of disgust and drowsiness evident on his face. "Obviously." He said. The three of them stood in awkward silence for a moment.

"Well, If two you don't mind, I have to use the loo." Hugo shuffled into the bathroom.

Hermione slid off of the sink, trying to subtly readjust her top.

Ron and Hermione were about to leave, when Ron stopped. He pulled a letter out of his pajama pocket.

"Alice delivered your acceptance letter, Buddy." He told Hugo, waving the envelope in the air. Hugo reached for it and Ron playfully moved it out of his grasp. "I have to use the loo." He mocked. Hugo frowned and pushed his parents out of the bathroom.

Ron and Hermione laughed as Hugo slammed the door on the two of them.

Out in the dimly lit hallway, Hermione leaned against Ron's chest and exhaled.

"I love you, 'Mione." Ron said, a sudden seriousness about him. He stroked her back. Then He raised her chin, forcing her to look at him. "You know that, don't you?"

There was a very visible scar on Hermione's neck from their car accident. It had faded considerably, but it would probably be a permanent mark. Ron had sustained considerably worse injuries. He didn't even come out of his coma until almost the first of the year, but he was always making sure Hermione was okay.

"I do," Hermione replied softly.

Ron kissed the scar on her neck. "I'm sorry." He said.

Hermione half laughed. "Ron, you say that every day."

"And I'll keep saying for the rest of my life, if need be. Every time I look at you, I think of how stupid I was. About everything. And I-"

Hermione shushed him with a kiss.

"Would you please stop, before I vomit. " Hugo said from the bathroom. Hermione laughed and buried her head in Ron's chest again.

Hermione apparated into the lobby with a loud crack. Even after all these years, she still felt nauseous from that mode of transportation. It took a moment for her head to stop spinning. When it did, Hermione got a good look of her surroundings.

If you were to ask her, Hermione probably wouldn't even be able to tell you why she was there. Closure? Curiousity? What was that phrase about the cat again? She couldn't recall it at the moment, because her mind was on overdrive.

The counseling center looked nothing like it did when she and Ron had come six months ago. For one thing, it definitely didn't look abandoned anymore. The elevator was in perfect working order. The cobwebs, rodents, and other unappealing things were gone. The lobby had a nice, warm glow to it now. But it was quiet.

Too quiet, Hermione thought as she cautiously headed for the stairs.

In the back of her mind, something was telling her that this was a very stupid idea. No one knew she was here. But then again, that's the way she wanted it. She'd told Ron and the kids she was going to Diagon Alley for more Floo Powder.

The silence of the building made Hermione's ears hurt. The stairs didn't even creak as she ascended. Once she was on the fifth landing, Hermione walked to the end of the hallway. It felt like a lifetime ago when she and Ron had come this way together.

When Hermione reached the door at the end of the hall she stopped mid-knock. What would she even say if he was in there? Suddenly, the door opened on its own. An elderly wizard sat in a chair on the opposite side of the room next to the window.

"I've been expecting you, Hermione." He said. "Please, come in. Sit." He gestured to the chair across from him.

Hermione slowly entered the room. In the center of the office was a rather large desk. Dozens of moving pictures were positioned everywhere. The wizard's name tag, Dr. Wulfric it read, sat on the edge of the desk right in the center. Behind the desk was a fireplace and, despite it being June, it was lit. Hermione found it odd that she was actually sort of chilly.

"Well, are you going to sit, dear?" The old wizard asked her. He reached behind the chair and pulled a platter of tea in front of him.

Hermione moved to the opposite side of the room and took the vacant chair across from Dr. Wulfric. He set the tray of tea on the windowsill and took a cup for himself.

"Honestly, dear. Help yourself. It's rather chilly in here, is it not?" He sounded oddly cheerful.

Hermione picked up the small cup of tea and sipped. She wasn't very hot, so to kill time she downed the cup. She placed it back onto its tray and fiddled with her thumb. A nervous habit that just wouldn't die.

"How..." She trailed off, not knowing exactly what to say. The wizard tapped the side of his cup happily. He seemed to be waiting patiently for Hermione to find the right words.

"How...I mean, why..."

The wizard smiled. "How is this building suddenly restored? Why am I here?" He said, helping Hermione out a bit.

"Yes, I guess so." She said slowly. Dr. Wulfric sat up in his seat and crossed his legs.

"Hermione, let me ask you this: Why are you here now? When you and your husband were here in December you saw this building abandoned and there was no trace of me. So, why did you feel the need to return? And after all this time, no less."

Hermione was stunned. Why did she feel the need to return? Everything was water under the bridge, right? At least she thought it was, but something about the whole situation made her want to come back again. There was a nagging feeling that she just couldn't shake. Like she was missing something.

"I'm not sure, to be perfectly honest with you. Everything just feels sort of unresolved."

"But you and Ronald have resolved things."

Hermione was about to continue, but she paused after Dr. Wulfric had spoken.

"Yes." She said, eyeing him suspiciously. "Hang on. How, exactly, did you know that Ron and I have fixed things?"

Dr. Wulfric smiled widely, his long, white beard moving up as his cheeks did.

Hermione looked at him strangely for a moment, then her eyes widened and her jaw dropped slightly.

"Oh, my God." She said finally, standing up abruptly. A little too abruptly. She felt dizzy, like all the blood had just rushed to her head. Everything was spinning. Realization was sinking in way too fast for her to comprehend.

"Oh my God." Hermione said again, looking at Dr. Wulfric in disbelief. He was still smiling.

"It was you." She said quietly.

Dr. Wulfric clapped gleefully. Hermione turned away from him and ran her hand through her hair. She left her hand resting on her head, hoping to slow the speed at which this information was coming.

"You knew Ron and I would get into that accident." Hermione accused him viciously. She just couldn't seem to wrap her brain around the situation.

"Actually, Hermione..." Dr. Wulfric started.

Tears were in Hermione's eyes, but they hadn't spilled over yet. She tried to blink them back as she shook her head.


Dr. Wulfric raised his eyebrows, still grinning stupidly.

"You were the other driver." Hermione was practically whispering now.

"Give the witch a prize!" The elderly man exclaimed, throwing his arms into the air excitedly.

Angry didn't begin to describe how Hermione was feeling. "You could've killed my husband!" She yelled at Dr. Wulfric.

"But I didn't." He said simply.

"He was in a coma because of you."

"And he awoke from that, did he not?"

Hermione felt like strangling Dr. Wulfric.

"That is not the point, you bloody coot."

Dr. Wulfric stood up and walked over to Hermione.

"Then what is the point, Hermione?" He challenged. Hermione just let tears spill down her face. She couldn't even stop them.

"Dear, sometimes it takes a desperate situation to bring people who love each other back together."

Hermione was barely listening to Dr. Wulfric. She was thinking off all the hexes she could use on him. He continued.

"Tell me, Hermione. Did you and Ronald talk out your problems on your own? Were you not by his side every day until he woke up? Have you not apologized and forgiven each other for everything that's happened in the past year?"

Hermione couldn't deny anything that Dr. Wulfric had said.

"Your marriage was hanging by a thread, darling. One more wrong word or disagreement from either of you would have set you and Ronald apart for good. Yes, desperate measures were taken, but I had everything under control the entire time. Nothing to worry about."

"What do you mean you had it all under control?" Hermione spat, still seething in light of the situation.

Dr. Wulfric smiled his annoying smile again. Hermione could have easily slapped him, but instead she turned to face him straight on. He didn't even stand at a full five feet.

"What are you?" Hermione asked, searching his face for clues.

The wizard, if that what he really was, took her hand and patted it gently. He didn't break eye contact with Hermione.

"A friend, dear." He said firmly. "I'm a friend."

Hermione left Dr. Wulfric's office feeling emotionally drained. She walked down the steps, back to the first floor, completely unaware of her surroundings. She missed the bottom stepped and tripped.

Instead of getting up, Hermione leaned against the bottom stair and pulled her knees up. She thought about everything she and Ron had been through, even all the way back to them fighting side by side with Harry during the Second Wizarding War. They'd been through things some couples couldn't even imagine.

Hermione wouldn't tell Ron about her meeting with Dr. Wulfric. He never brought up their failed attempt at professional marriage counseling since that fateful day in December, so Hermione decided that he didn't need to know about this. She vowed that it would be the last thing she ever kept from him. Hermione sighed and leaned her head against her hand and cried. She cried until it turned into laughter. Then she couldn't stop.

Rose's birthday celebration at the Burrow was madness. Complete and utter madness. Every member of the Weasley-Potter clan was present and, much to Ron's dislike, so was Scorpius Malfoy. Harry and Ron watched the young, blonde wizard skeptically, despite their wives telling them to lighten up and give the boy a break.

Every few minutes something (or someone) was flying across the lawn. Molly Weasley had had enough. She told everyone under the age of eighteen to stop acting they'd just been let out of Azkaban and suggested they go play Quidditch in the back while the adults helped prepare Rose's birthday meal. The kids obliged and ran to the field behind the Burrow.

They were one person short of having two even teams, but that didn't stop them. James boasted that his team didn't need three chasers, that they'd win regardless.

They didn't win.

Rose wasn't particularly good at Quidditch, but demanded that James make her the seeker of their team. It was her birthday, after all.

"That's the last time you're ever on my team, Rose." James said, once the entire family was seated at the long table outside for dinner. Molly Weasley had truly outdone herself this time. There was a different dish of food lined all down the table, and everyone was snarfing it down like they hadn't eaten in years. Ginny conjured floating lights above their heads, since the sun had started to set.

"Please. You needed me. Besides, James, you play seeker all year round." Rose said, taking a sip of her pumpkin juice. James snorted and shook his head. He proceeded to stuff his face with the delicious food.

"So, Scorpius. You must be excited for the new term," Hermione said. Scorpius, who was sitting right next to Rose, looked up. He was surprised that anyone aside from his best friends, Rose and Albus, had actually spoken to him.

His face lit up upon being acknowledged. "Yes, Mrs. Weasley. It should be a good year. The Gryffindors and the Slytherins have double Potions together this year." Scorpius smiled brightly at Hermione and then at Rose.

"That's wonderful. And please, Scorpius," Hermione said. "Call me Hermione."

Scorpius nodded gratefully. Then, he happened to meet Ron's gaze.

"Call me Mr. Weasley." Ron said, sipping his glass of wine. Hermione nudged Ron and shook her head.

Everyone began to chat animatedly while they ate. From the look on Harry's face, Ginny was talking him to death about something, and across the table, Roxanne and Lucy were arguing about whose turn it was to get rid of grandma Molly's gnomes. The chatter at the table got louder and louder. Then, Molly interrupted. She rose from her place next to her husband Arthur and raised her glass.

"I'd like to make a toast. Four, actually. This is a very special day indeed."

A silence quickly fell over the table, and everyone turned to the matron of the family. They raised their glasses.

"To Hugo and Lily. The young dears have just gotten their Hogwarts letters this morning."

Lily and Hugo high-fived each other. Everyone at the table kept their glasses raised in congratulations, but Albus downed his pumpkin juice. Ginny shook her head at him.

"I thought we're supposed to drink." He said, shrugging.

"Where's your class, Albus?" James teased. "And I vote that Lily's going to be a Slytherin." He added, raising his glass higher. Harry nudged his son and Ginny glared at him. Her sons were such a handful. Scorpius frowned at James.

"I mean, not that there's anything wrong with Slytherin." James added quickly, meeting Scorpius' gaze. He smiled sheepishly.

Molly gave her grandson an admonishing look and cleared her throat. She continued. "To Ron and Hermione."

"Oh, Mum." Ron groaned.

"What a rough year you've had! You know, I remember the summer after you all's first year at Hogwarts. Hermione, dear, for weeks you were all Ron talked about."

Ginny and George nodded in agreement. Ron turned a light shade of red, and Hermione put his hand in hers.

"Drove us all right mad, didn't he?" George said. Everyone at the table laughed.

"He's loved you since you two met, and I know you felt the same way, dear," Molly continued. "And it just warms my heart to see you two still pushing and becoming stronger and closer than ever."

"You should've seen 'em this morning," Hugo said, rolling his eyes.


James coughed loudly, trying not to laugh. Roxanne whistled.

Ron laughed awkwardly, and Rose started eating again to hide her embarrassment.

"Thank you, Molly." Hermione said, choosing to ignore her son, although she gave him the look.

"And lastly, to our dear Rose." Molly said. Everyone's glasses went back up. "You've become quite the young lady, and we all wish you the happiest birthday."

Rose smiled as everyone downed their drinks for her.

"Thanks, gram." Rose said, grinning.

Then she blushed as everyone sang "happy birthday". Her Uncle Harry was sitting on Rose's left, and Rose burst into laughter when she heard how horrible he sounded. Well, her family definitely wasn't known for their singing abilities. Molly sat back down and everyone began eating and talking again.

"It's been a wild ride, hasn't it?" Ron whispered to Hermione. In that moment, it was like only the two of them existed. Everything else, all the noise and the people, seemed to fade into the background.

"It's definitely been...something." Hermione agreed, meeting Ron's eyes. She took his hand and then put her other one on his cheek. Hermione smiled and kissed him.

"I love you, Hermione." Ron told her. He'd said it so many times in their marriage, but tonight those three words made Hermione feel different.

Hermione looked around the table. For once, James Potter was silent. He was listening intently to something Teddy was saying, nodding every few seconds in agreement. James looked up to him so much. Fred II, Louis, and Victoire were arguing about Quidditch teams and which of their Houses was going to take the cup this year. At the other end of the table, Arthur Weasley and Angelina were in deep conversation, and Albus had Dominique practically in tears from laughing so hard. And much to Molly Weasley's dismay, Lily, Lucy, and Hugo had started a small food fight. Hermione smiled at her family. She hadn't felt this happy in a long time. Then, she turned back to Ron.

"I know. And I love you too."

As I mentioned in my previous author note, I apologize for the extremely late update. I want to thank everyone so much for sticking with this story. Honestly, your reviews are what keep the story going. As always, don't forget to review this last chapter and tell me what you think. I hope I have done you and the final chapter justice.

Thanks so much
