Only the Goode Spy Young

Who is Zach? His background information is yet to be revealed. Takes place after third book at Blackthorne. What I think will happen in the fourth book in Zach POV. DISCLAIMER: I don't own rights to Gallagher girl series

Zach POV:

Chapter 1

I am in the midst of a dense rain forest, where the line of reality and fantasy merges together with the mist. All around me are trees, tall, towering, and shadowy. I pull back several vines only to find a chameleon staring down at me. It smirks before its skin slowly turns into the pasty grey of the tree bark. I run after it.

Thousands of chameleons swing from different branches. They all smirk. MY SMIRK. Then they disappear. "Chameleon," I scream. I run faster and faster knowing that I have to reach her before it is too late.

I stop. Staring down at me from the lowest branch is the chameleon, my chameleon.

"What Zach, tell me what you are that I am not?"

"I'm someone who doesn't have anything to lose." Then she blends into the background just like all of the other chameleons.

I opened my eyes, thoughts whirling through my mind. Sure, I still "have" my father, but what good(e) was he. There are two types of fathers in the world: the caring ones that will go to the end of the world to save their child, and then the types like mine, the ones who wouldn't have known if it was my birthday unless I showed up at their doorstop waving a gun, "Happy birthday to me dad, thanks for bringing this lump of misery into the world." Except most of those types of dads weren't evil, scheming, lets take over the world conspirators that belonged to the most wanted organizations in the world (on the top ten list right before alcada) a.k.a. the Circle of Cavan.

"Dude, we are going to be late for class," Jonas said frantically trying to finish his extra credit homework due next week. "With all of those classes you skipped your grade is only an A-, man! You are never been this close to being at Grant level.

"Hey, man! I can hear you! Just cuz I'm half-asleep from staying up all night doing my paper doesn't mean I'm deaf!" Grant remarks from his half made bed.

"You mean the paper that was due last week?" I smirked, happy to be back with my crazy, delusional, roommates that could drive the world insane. "Besides there are more important things than acing school."

"Yeah, like Cammie." Grant mocked.

Beep. I looked down at the small screen of my phone.

C is going to London

"Yeah, actually like Cammie," I retort. "Catch ya guys later, tell Dr. Steve that I am still recovering from that excellent case of mono."

"More like heart break," Grant snorts

The key to a successful infiltration is discretion and a good cover.

I needed one last final touch, my shades. I flipped out my dad's old CIA ID and said "Agent Carter. I'm with the Secret Service and I'm here to check out the McHenry plane." The idiot of a guard nodded, used to this exchange. I walked in and climbed aboard. I walked into the control room, looked at the joysticks and buttons and said to myself, "This is better than Jonas' video games."