Story: You will remember my name

Author: Pink Princess 911

AN: Okay, this was just on my mind and I had to get it out. So here goes. I hope you enjoy reading the story. Ideas are always welcome. And don't forget R&R

Thank you for the review again


Me :o)

Chapter 4: Did you forget about me

When I woke up the next morning, it was only 6 am. I felt like crape, but I got up anyway. I looked in closet of Kakashi and found some shorts and a sleeveless top. It was to big, but I still pulled it on. I pulled my hair together and opened the bedroom door. Kakashi was sitting next to it on the ground. Wow, why didn't he just sleep on the couch? I stepped over him and pulled my shoes on, tying to be really quite so that I wouldn't wake up. Wait, I need to eat something? Maybe there's an apple or something in the kitchen. I found one and walked back to the door. Something is wrong. I looked over at Kakashi. His breath isn't as calm as it should be when your asleep. He's a wake, isn't he? Wow, how the hell do I know that? I took the blanket that was laying on the couch and laid it over him.

After that I finally left. The fresh air did good to my face and my swollen eyes. I could just feel they were big from last night. The apple disappeared in my mouth and I started to run down the street. There weren't a lot of people up yet, mostly old people who go to bed early. The greeted me friendly, but I just smiled at them. I picked up my pace and ran towards the woods. The training grounds were there and they were empty. I started running even faster and disappeared into the forest. It didn't matter to me where I went, as long I was running it was okay.

Outside of school I do track running with my sister. I hate to have gym on school because your always sweaty then and I hate it if I can't shower after working out. I have math right after gym and there is never time to shower. I really hate that. Misty and I have been doing it for years. Sometimes we enter competition, but we never won anything. It's just for fun and to blow of some steam. Misty is better then me at it, but I always tried to outrun her. At the end of training we would have a little sprint to see who's faster. I never won.

The sun was shining brightly and I felt sweat running down my back. My hair was becoming sticky and I could feel the distance I had run in my lags. Crape I forgot a watch or something to time my training with. Ah God dame it! I started sprinting the last minute and decided I would run towards the lake. The sun was standing pretty or high so it was probably 7 or 8 o'clock. Well, something in between. I kicked my shoes out and let myself fall in the water. The coolness felt so reveling. The sweat was gone and my hair was moving around freely. When I went back to the surface to catch my breath I met Kakashi's face. Great, I should have know. Hey wait a minute…I was right earlier about the fact that he wasn't sleeping. Wow, go me, go me!

I swum towards him and crawled and lined with my elbows on the doc that was built. I had run of off it to jump in the water. He was sitting down and reading his dame book. I really should read it myself, to find out what's so great about it. He was wearing the same clothes as always: blue pants, blue sweater, green vest, mask, headband and blue shoes. Man he's got great taste: "You know stalking is illegal, right?" The shinobi looked up from his book pretty bored, but also concerned. But I shuck that idea out of my head: "I'm not stalking you. We just happen to be at the same place at the same time. I didn't know you were here swimming."

"Bullshit. I know you were awake when I walked past you this morning." I answered and went with my hair under again so that my hair wouldn't stick to my face. When I came back up Kakashi had gotten up and was standing on the doc. His book was gone: "And how do you know that?" I pulled my shoulders up: "Simple, your breathing wasn't calm at all. When your asleep your more calm and so is your breathing. It was pretty obvious, so next time do a better job at faking it. You gone jump in any time soon?" I was sending him looks that meant 'I dare you'. He didn't seem interested: "Pff, your so boring. I hope I don't end up to be like you when I'm so old like you are know."

"I am not old!" Did I just hit a nerve? Alexis riddle I believe you did: "You sure? My grandmother seems more fun to hang around with then you. I mean look at your clothes…so boring. You always wear the same. Would it kill you to change some little details? And then your apartment, it's like a depressing bomb went of in there. I don't understand how you can live there? I suffocated in there if I'm stuck there for to long. And do you ever go out? Or just have fun with your friends? Because I haven't heard you talk about them even once, because…" I ended my babbling because I got pushed under. I felt Kakashi's hand on top of my head and he wasn't going to let go any time soon. Ah god dame it! That jerk! I'll get him back for that!

When Kakashi pulled me back up I graphed his vest and pulled him with me in the water. He fell on top of me, knocking the breath right out of me. I had to swim to the surface to catch my breath quickly, but Kakashi didn't let me. No, shit! I need air! I got pulled down even more. I tried to pull myself lose and Kakashi noticed I needed air, so he let me go. I climbed on the doc when I had raised to the surface and laid down to catch my breath: "You dead or what?"

"You wish." I answered and looked at the sky. The wind made me shiver and I realized that I would have a cold tomorrow because I was soaked and still sweaty and I was maybe an hour away from the apartment. Great, just bloody hell great. I heard Kakashi climb out of the water and shake his hair like some dog. What gave me a laugh attack: "Haha, you look like a freaking dog now!" He stood next to me and let all the water fall on me as payback for my comment: "Ah dame it! Stop it!" I got up and started to run again. Oh yeah Alexis, your gone outrun him for sure. He's probably ten times faster then you, you freaking moron!

Before I knew it, I was tackled to the ground and had the shinobi on top of me. Ah just great, it's a dream come true. Let the sex god pervert lay on top of me. Just bloody lovely. I tried to push him of me, but that was just plain impossible: "Will you get of me, you pervert."

"No, it's amusing to see you think I stand a change in a fight against me." Was the freaking answer I received from the man. Oh, how I hate him right now! Man, this is so the wrong situation to be in right now. I mean he's like…old and I'm only eighteen! I started to squirm harder, but it only made Kakashi laugh. Fine, then I'll have to use drastic measures! I lifted my hand and punched him in the face. I was almost there, but he graphed my hand and stopped me: "one punch a week is enough to receive from you."

Before I knew what was happening he had gotten up and he had thrown me over his shoulder. He started walking towards the village again. He used shunpo or what ever the fast moving around is called. I started banging on his back, but stopped when I saw the apartment. Wow, he is fast. Dame it! That made me hit him harder. It didn't seem to effect him at all. When we were inside he threw me on the couch and went to his room to get some dry clothes: "You know for a girl who isn't a ninja, you hit pretty hard."

"My brothers taught me. You never know what creep might attack you. It comes in handy sometimes." I explained and followed him. He noticed the clothes I was wearing and eyed them: "Hmm, you look good in my clothes. Maybe you should wear them more." He had an evil grin on his face and I didn't like that one bit. He was lining closer to me, but I pushed him away: "Keep me out of your pervert fantasies Kakashi. I'm seeing someone already."

"So, if you weren't seeing him then you would be in my pervert fantasies?" He asked me and I got blocked between him and the wall. Just bloody hell great. I don't wane be stuck between him and a wall. He's to freaking good looking to be in this kind of situation. Kakashi noticed the blush covering my face and snickered. He lined in closer and his breath was in my neck again. Oh god, stay away from me you devil. Alexis just think like this: your not from this world, so when you go home he won't be there. So what's the point in getting involved with him, You'll only get hurt because of it.

That is such a depressing thought and the worst part is that it's right.

I pulled myself back together and the blush vanished from my face. I took a step forward and pushed Kakashi away from me: "Like hell you can ever tip to him. He's better then you in any way possible. And besides, there isn't anything interesting about you Kakashi. Your just an boring old man." I disappeared in the bathroom after that. That little voice inside my head was right. I should keep some distance between us, because this isn't real. It's just some drawings on paper. And besides, I don't want him in my life like that. He pisses me of to much for that.

I heard a knock on the door and Kakashi's voice: "I'm going out for a while. Stay out of trouble while I'm gone." I heard the front door being closed and silence fell in the apartment. All right, what am I going to do now? I know, I'll go out. I took a quick shower and trimmed my hair. It fell next to my face, framing it. Much better. I hate it when I have to pull it together or when it's all curly. I found some bandages in the closet. Sakura had taught me how to put them on. I tried it abound my tights. I pulled a new black short on and a pink top that was strapless. With the bandages it wouldn't look to open or slutty at all. I also had a new black jacket. Ino had lent me a pair of sandals, they were also black. I know that it's a lot of black, but because of the pink it looks good and my skin isn't to white. I love to lay in the sun.

I had my bag with me. Maybe I might buy something. I still had some money left from what Kakashi had given to me. I thought it might be smarter considering if I would be hungry or thirsty I could at least buy something.

"Hey Alexis! Over here!" I turned around and saw Sakura talking to two guys. I didn't recognize them. Hmm, maybe their from an other village or something like that. "Hey Sakura, what's up?" I walked over to the trio and looked at the guys. One was taller then me and had longer blond hair. With blue eyes! OMG, to cute. And he had those totally cute cheeks. The other guy was my height and had brown spiky hair. Oh man, Sakura has taste in man: "Hey, I'm Alexis." I introduced myself to the two hunks.

"I'm Aki and he's Sato." The two man had this totally celebrity star smile. Oh, did I just hit the jackpot or what. Both were wearing black pants and sleeveless shirts, showing there mussels and boy did they have that: "You doing something now Alexis?" Sakura asked me and had this meaningful look in her eyes: "No, why?"

"Wane join us? We're going to drink something down the road." Sakura hooked her arm in mine and pulled me with her and the two man. Sakura told me how she had met them: "They were brought in from a mission and I had to take care of them. You guess were in a really bad shape when they brought you in."

"Yeah well we had really bad timing. We would have been dead if Aki hadn't saved us." Sato told us and Aki knotted: "I know, I'm a hero." We walked towards some café and I discovered that these guys liked to laugh a lot. They were like the opposite of Kakashi, what was reliving: "So where are you from Alexis? Your name is a dead give away that your not from around here."

Great, Sato just had to ask that, didn't he? Oh well, he's totally gorgeous so I'll forgive him. Oh man I should really stop let his muscles poison my brain: "I'm from an island that lays in the west. It's really small and we don't have an ninja's. Our leader doesn't want it, because he's afraid that we'll be sucked into the whole war stuff. But we're a pretty peaceful country."

"Hmm, I don't think that I've heard of it before." Aki said and the other two ninja's agreed. Oh shit, now what? "People usually never leave the island. I seriously have no idea how I ended up here. One minute I was at home and the next I'm here." They bought my story and we ordered drinks. I took the same as Sakura, since I knew shit about what people drink in this world. We stared talking about we're the guys were from and about missions they had been on. I have to admit I was kind of jealous that I couldn't tell anything like that: "Hey Alexis, isn't that kaka-sensei over there?"

We all looked at one table and saw him sitting with Kurenai, Asuma and the most freaky ninja you could possible meat in your life, Gai. Oh man, he's even weirder in real life. But I must admit, he does crake me up in the anime sometimes. Aki and Sato asked me about him: "I have to stay at his place until the Hokage decides to let me go. It's a total drag. He annoys the hell out of me."

"Is he your sensei Sakura?" Sato asked the pink haired kunochi and she knotted: "And he's the best in training. Saved my life a few times." The guys had heard about him. It's hard to not know who he is. I mean, he's like some kind of legend. I hate that fact. I felt his eyes on my back and I saw Sakura smile to him: "Haha, Gai-sensei wants to meat you Alexis. Seems like someone is little miss popular."

"I wouldn't call her little. She's almost taller then me." Aki said and it mad the others laugh. These guys are fun to hang out with and they seem to be my age: "Hey old are you guys by the way?" The guys gave me weird looks, but they answered anyway.



"Oh okay. I was wondering if you were younger then me. I so do not go out with guys who are younger then me. OMG, when I was 15 I went with a guy who was a year younger then me and he behaved like such a freaking kid. So annoying. So that's why I don't date younger men anymore." Sakura was laughing with my pain, but she loved it obviously: "I can understand why you wouldn't do that anymore then. How old are you anyway? 19?"

"Almost, just turned 18." I said happy and I could see Sakura feel uncomfortable. Haha, I bet they don't know her age yet. The guys turned their attention to the poor girl and an idea struck: "She's a year younger then me. But you wouldn't say that, right?" It's a standard question were man are forced to agree with them. Man are so easy sometimes. Sakura send me a thankful look.

"But do you guys know where the bathroom is?" I looked around the place, but couldn't find it: "It's to the left at Kaka-sensei's table. Do you want me to come with you?" I shook my head: "I'm one of the few girls who goes alone to the bathroom. I know it's weird, but I'll survive. But don't you go stealing all the guys for yourself. Leave some for me." I warned the girl and winked at the two men. Sato gave me one back.

Oh I love my life at the moment.

"I thought you were dating someone?" I jumped up when I heard the whispering voice of Kakashi came in my ear. Jesus, is it his mission in life to give me a freaking heart attack. I was out of the view of the others and was about to walk into the bathroom, when Kakashi showed up. My hand was against the door, ready to push it open, but Kakashi blocked my way: "I thought I had asked you to stay out of trouble,"

"Explain to me, in what kind of trouble am I getting myself in exactly? Because I can't see it. The only thing I see is a jealous old man in front off me." I smirked and laid my arms over each other. That seemed to knock Kakashi off guard. He shoved his hands in his pockets, what is a clear signal that he's speechless and embarrassed. But how big his the change that he's only behaving like this to get close to me and hear me out about my home and what I'm doing here: "I'll see you at home Kakashi. I have people waiting for me."

Like hell I would believe that old pervert man. I saw enough Naruto episodes and read the whole manga so I know that these people are not to friendly with strangers. Besides, what good could come from getting involved with him? He is seriously not the most sociable and I bet he doesn't know how to act in a serious relation and… well, I don't know him at all. How am I suppose to love a man, if I don't even know him.

That's got to be the most lamest excuse in history Alexis.

Oh, go bug someone else.

When I walked back to the others I shook my hips, just knowing it was pissing Kakashi off. We left the café and walked around town for hours. The guys were really fun to talk to and Sakura was obviously enjoying herself when we walked past Naruto and Sasuke. The first was just plain jealous, but with the second it was hard to tell. But knowing his reputation, he probably thought something like 'yes, finally got ride of her!'. Or something like that. Anyway, the guys took us out to dinner when we started to get hungry. They dropped us of at our places and it only took Sakura ten seconds to come to the apartment to talk about the whole day. I was so happy that Kakashi wasn't home yet.

"OMG! He's so cute and nice and funny and smart. He's just perfect and makes me laugh and he's strong! I mean all the missions he told us about! OMG Alexis, Aki is just the end of the world!" Sakura was talking at top speed and blushing extremely hard. Wow, someone's in love: "Chill girl! What happened to Sasuke-kun and your obsession for him?"

"How do you know that?" Sakura asked and calmed down because Kakashi came home. He didn't seem to be in a good mood judging the cursing that was coming from his mouth. Sakura and I dropped the conversation and walked over to him. His shirt was covered in blood: "Kaka-sensei what happened?" The man lined on Sakura to keep his balance: "Ten bodies where found one the training grounds. Your needed in the hospital. Hokage's order, so you should leave right now."

Sakura did as she was told. Wow, talk about a total attitude make-over. She went from totally love-struck to a complete serious woman. I took over from the girl and she left immediately. I helped Kakashi over to the coach, graphed some towels from the bathroom and filled a bowl with water: "What happened to you? Did you fight with the man who killed those people?"

"Yeah, but they got away." Kakashi had a hard time talking. Wow, he must have some painful wounds. Maybe he should go to the hospital. Kakashi tried to get his shirt of, but he couldn't lift his arm high enough: "Wait, let me…". I threw the shirt on the ground and saw a deep cut on the shinobi's stomach: "Maybe you should go to the hospital to get this looked at?"

"I'm fine." Kakashi held his breath in when I started to clean the cut. It was hurting the man a lot, judging by the reactions he gave every time I touched the wound: "How did you get cut? Did he sneak attack you or something?" I covered the wound, graphed some bandages and rolled it around his middle. He should get that looked at tomorrow. I looked from the wound and noticed how close Kakashi was sitting to me. Well, actually I was sitting close to him, but whatever. A small blush crept over my face and Kakashi was smirking behind his mask. It hit me that his mask wasn't attached to his shirt. How weird is that?

"Why do you always wear that mask? I mean seriously. You walk around without a shirt, so why the mask?" I asked, but before I could answer there was a knock on the door. Kakashi wanted to open the door, but I pushed him back: "I'll get it. You stay here." It was Asuma. I let him and he went to Kakashi: "Tsunade-sama calls for you. It's about the murders. Your needed right away."

Kakashi cursed, but he still got up. Apparently I was the only one who thought this was a bad idea: "Hey wait, you can't go! Your wounded!" Asuma sighed at my comment: "An order is an order. We don't have a choice at these moments." Kakashi had gotten a new shirt and was pulling his shoes back on: "That's bullshit and you know it. So if your almost dying you would still go if her highness calls for you? What a loud of crape."

"That's just life, kid." Asuma told me and opened the door. It's still bullshit and a lot of it. Kakashi should rest now and let his wounds heal, but no! He has to listen to orders from Betty big boobs. Kakashi noticed my disapproval look: "Don't worry, I'm fine. I'll be back soon. Don't open the door for anyone! Those guy's might still be around."

After that they left. Great, stuck alone at home, with a bunch of freaks running on the lose outside. You can't feel any safer then this. I started to clean up the water, towels and Kakashi's shirt. I ended up cleaning his whole apartment. Well, just tidying things up. It made me calm down and not think about what could be out there. I admit…I'm a chicken in these kind of situations. They totally freak me out.

Time past extremely slowly and it drove me insane. God, I need to do something! There's nothing on television and I can't find any books in this dame apartment. Kakashi hide his stupid pervert books well, I'll add him that. Okay, stay calm girl. I need to think about happy thoughts. Think about Sato. Oh man he was good looking, maybe not as hot as Kakashi, but still. The character makes up for that. Oh and that smile he has, it's to die for. It kind of remembers me of the smirk Kai always has his face covered with. I dated him a while ago, but we discovered one day that we were just friends and not lovers or any thing. Tala was actually the one who pointed that out to us. So we just ended it and went on with our lovely lives. At least we didn't' have feel bad for pranking each other. Ah man, this is taking so freaking long! When is Kakashi going to be home? Wow, never thought I would want him around? What do you expect girl. What are you going to do when some freaks appears in this apartment? Scream him to death? Yeah, that would work like a charm!

A sudden knock on the door made me jump up from the coach. My heart was beating faster and I started to get goose bumps. Who could that be? Dame it there is no hole in the door to look. Kakashi said to open for no one, so I guess he has a key or something or…:"Alexis, it's me. Kakashi. Let me in." Or he would just say it was him. My fear disappeared and I opened the door.

Kakashi wasn't alone and the grin he had on his face freaked me out. Oh crape, this isn't him! This guy just used a transform jutsu! Shit! Shit! Shit! Close the dame door you idiot! The man who looked like Kakashi placed his hand between the door, but I still threw the door closed. The fingers of the man said all crack. He pulled back and I could close the door quickly. Okay that won't hold them for long! Eum, get a weapon, you baka! Seriously, sometimes, your such an idiot! What do you expect, I'm panicking! I graphed a kitchen knife and started barricading the door with the table and chairs. Okay that won't hold them off! Then what do you suggest me to do?

I got blown out of my thoughts and flew threw the window. Holy mother fucking shit! They must have used some kind of jutsu and get threw. I landed with my back against a three. I defiantly hate threes for the rest of my life! I got up quickly and started running for the Hokage tower. Shit! I need to find Kakashi or other people who can help me. Asuma or Kurenai or just plain someone! The three man were on my tail and I could tell they were laughing at my pathetic attempt to run away. They're right. They'll catch me in no time! I started to run faster, but it wouldn't help me at all. Okay Alexis, time to bring out the heavy guns!

I stopped and started to scream my lunges out.

Ow, a cliffhanger. What will happen? XD I have totally no idea. So it's going to be a suprise.

Don't forget to review


Pink Princess 911