
"Leave me alone Jessica!" I said walking around hoping that she would get the point and go bug someone else

"But why? Don't you wanna know that the dress your wearing is really ugly?"

I stopped and turned around; in the sand box I saw Lauren, Shelby and Kimberly S all laughing. Who knew 3 year olds could be so mean to one another.

I turned back to Jessica and said, "Leave me alone! And tell you friends to leave me alone too. Your all mean!" I turned around and started walking away.

I felt my eyes burning and I knew I was gonna cry but I didn't want to show Jessica that she hurt my feelings, I made my small chubby hands in balls.

I walked to my giant tree. Yes, it's my tree because no one plays around it during recess.

I sat down on the grass and smoothed out my new dress my mommy bought for me.

"You should ignore Jessica." A voice said making me jump a little bit.

"Sorry I didn't want to scare you." The voice said again but this time it was a bit louder like it was closer.

"Oh it's you." I said when I saw the new kid Edward Cullen who came to our class last week on Friday, which I think was sort of dumb, because then he gets to relax after one day at a new school.

"Yeah I saw you here crying so I thought I should make you feel better." He said sitting on his knees right in front of me.

"I'm not crying." I said crossing my arms.

He smiled and reached his hand to my face, "But you are." He said and showing me his fingers after he made them touch my cheek; they were wet.

I moved my hands to my face and saw that yeah…I was crying.

"It's okay. The dresses they're wearing are ugly…yours...well it's very pretty." He said taking one of my hands from my lap and held them.

I smiled but didn't say anything.

We stayed quiet for a little bit.

Even if he said my dress was pretty didn't make me feel that much better Jessica and all the other girls thought it was ugly and I don't care about that. I just care that they are making fun of my mommy who bought this dress in a way.

"Here's a tissue." Edward said handing me one from his pocket.


He just shrugged.

We then stayed quiet again until Edward suddenly lifted his head, he was staring at our hands, and smiled but it didn't show his teeth.

"Want to know a secret?" he said his eyes looking all bright and excited.

"Sure." I said shrugging

"Look I'm a vampire!" he said and opened his mouth really big and tilted his head back. I just sat there.

"Look." He said somehow without closing his mouth.

I leaned in closer and saw that 2 of his baby teeth were really sharp.

He closed his mouth and smiled really big. I saw the sharp teeth again.

"They're called fangs." He said stilling smiling.

I sat there tilted my own head and yelled, "Cool!"

He moved his hand to cover my mouth and said, "Shh! It's a secret."

Blushing I whispered with his finger still on my mouth, "Sorry…why is your hand so cold?"

"It's a vampire thing will you keep the secret?" he asked looking at me

"Yes Of course." And I tackled him into a hug. We landed with a thud on the floor and started laughing.

"Okay good. So Best friends?" he said with me still under him.

"Best friends." I repeated holding out my right hand's pinkie and Edward linked it with his left pinkie.