Rory didn't know how much more of Dean and Jess she could take! They were always trying to fight and then there was the fact that Dean had kissed Lane! Of all the people Dean could have used why did it have to be Lane? They were best friends! Had Lane known that Dean was gonna kiss her? Did Lane have feelings for Dean? As Dean made his way to Jess all Rory could think was maybe let them fight! Maybe if they fought and got it over with then they would stop acting like babies about all of it. Jess closed the gap between him and Dean.

"Come on pretty boy! If you think you're tough enough hit me!" Dean pulled back his fist ready to finally fix Jess's face for him! As he got ready to swing something large and hard hit him right in the back of the head. Dean turned expecting to see one of Jess's pansy friends behind him but what he saw made his heart drop. Rory was standing there shocked with another large rock in her hand ready to chuck it if need be. Rory wasn't sure why she had done it but she knew then where heart belonged. She had thrown a rock at Dean and hard too! She had to protect Jess no matter what!

"Well I see you made up your mind then Rory." Dean said and started to walk away.

"Dean what!" Rory hadn't maid up her mind she just knew that she didn't want them fighting and Dean's head seemed like a goo place to throw that rock at at the time but now she wished she could take it back! She could see the heart break in Dean's eyes. "I didn't mean to!"

"What? You didn't mean to aim a rock at my head and throw it?" Rory had messed up bad this time and she knew it! As she was getting ready to tell Dean Luke came rushing over.

"What the hell is going on here?" Luke was pissed! The last thing she needed right now was Luke to tell her mom that she was with Jess again! Lorelai was going to be pissed more then she already was with Rory.

"Lane and I were walking home" She looked to Lane to back her up but she had already tucked tail and ran! Damn she didn't know if Luke would believe her now or not but she went on "On our way we ran into Jess here" He smiled and waved at Luke as if nothing was going on. "That's when Dean came up and they started yelling and trying to fight."

"Okay, why are you holding rocks Rory?" She had forgot that she still had to huge rocks in her hands.

"Well, I threw one to stop them from fighting and the other two were just in case I had to throw another." She wasn't lying too much!

"All of you get home now! Rory I'll be calling Lorelai." Damn just what she was trying to avoid! They all started to go their separate ways."Not so Fast Jess you and me need to talk!" Luke was so mad that Jess thought smoke would start coming out of his ears he had never seen his uncle so mad before!

"Listen to me and listen really close!"

"I get it Luke I'm the boogie man and sweet little Rory is off limits." Jess said as he rolled his eyes.

"No Jess, you don't get it or you would leave her alone! That girl has her whole life ahead of her."

"I know and I'm just a fuck up right UNCLE Luke." Now Jess was getting mad.

"No you dumb shit you're the second smartest kid I know but when it comes to Rory you make the stupidest choices ever! You didn't see what you did to that girl when you left! I never thought she was going to get over you! You ripped that girls heart out and stomped on it. That's when Dean showed up. He turned into the only person walking this earth that was able to help that girl!" Luke had a tear in his eye and Jess understood it wasn't that Luke was trying to hurt Jess but to save Rory the heartache the next time Jess decided to just up and leave again! Why did he even come back? He thought he came back for Rory but now he could see that all he was doing was hurting her again. Should he leave?