A/N: This fic will be comprised of three chapters, most of them on the short side. (There is a companion piece called "Reever Sucks at Poker" which is the KomuixReever aspect of this fic, but you can read each one separately without any trouble. Special thanks to Penguins-in-America-Oh-My, we have a lot of interesting conversations in class, and one of them inspired this. She has also agreed to be my Yullen consultant (since this is my first time writing this pairing).

Disclaimer: I don't own DGM, if I did then there'd be Yullen strip poker (among other things).


Lavi had just come back from a lengthy mission, and he had a plan. Lately, he and Lenalee had been contemplating how they could get Kanda and Allen together; it had even turned into a little race between them.

Most of their ideas hadn't made it out of the planning phase, much less gotten off the ground but Lavi finally had true inspiration. Allen had promised to play poker with him sometime, and it was time to call in that favor, but with a twist.


"Moyashi!" Lavi called merrily, knocking on the bean sprout's door.

It opened and a slightly disheveled Allen stood there, rubbing his eyes. He yawned, "Lavi? What is it?"

"You promised to play poker with me!"

"Now?" It was after all 4am.

"Yup!" He could see Allen's reluctance so he added, "Jerry said he'd make snacks for us!"

"Oh… okay then!" Allen perked up instantly at the prospect of food.



Kanda looked up from his soba and glared, trying to will Lavi away. It didn't work. "Stupid rabbit," he growled, "what do you want?"

"Wah! Yu is so mean! Allen needs your help!"

Kanda tensed up a little at that, was he all right? Did he get hurt?

"What? " Though his voice was a little breathy, Kanda was proud that he'd managed to keep his harsh tone.

"You have to play poker with us, Yu!"

"WHAT? I'LL KILL YOU!" his hand went for mugen.

"Don't kill Yu!"

"AGH! That's it, you die now!"

"Wait! Don't you want Allen to be happy?"

To Lavi's great astonishment, Kanda actually paused for a second. "Che, why should I care if the moyashi is happy?"

"Because he'd like Yu more!"

Kanda's eyes darkened at that, surely the stupid rabbit had no idea what he was talking about.

Lavi saw his opening, "Allen really wants to play poker! But it isn't fun with two people. Plus he has a cute poker face. He's like an evil baby panda; you just have to see it, Yu!" His eyes went all sparkly.

Kanda grumbled something that was definitely not very nice but he sheathed mugen, so Lavi dragged him off towards the room he had chosen.


Allen was already inside, polishing off frightening amounts of food.

In an odd twist of events, Komui was there too.

"Hiding from Reever again?" Lavi asked with a knowing smile.

Komui nodded solemnly.

The redhead rolled his eyes, "He's going to find you eventually. "

Allen agreed. "He always does. Section leader Reever is good at that."

Right on cue, the door crashed open and a flushed and panting Reever stood in the doorway glaring daggers at Komui.

"Ah! Section leader come play poker with us!" Lavi cheered.

"Yeah, Reever come play!" Komui added (he should have been scared, but he was actually happy to see him).

Reever was too exhausted to argue. "Fine one hand." He plopped down across from the supervisor, "but then your arse is mine! Paperwork doesn't do itself you know."


So the five of them sat down to play poker. Lavi dubbed himself the dealer, and announced that he would be making the rules. He smiled and proudly proclaimed, "All right! It's time for strip poker!"

Allen looked like he was going to faint, Kanda went for mugen, Reever's jaw dropped, Komui did a spit take (with his coffee) and Lavi just sat there grinning like an idiot.

…to be continued.

A/N: Why was Reever out of breath and what does Lavi know that we don't? These questions and more will be answered in the first chapter of "Reever sucks at poker" which is coming soon (ah, shameless plugging). But everything Yullen related can be found here. Sadly, even though KomuixReever is my favorite pairing, not everyone likes it, so I won't force you to read it to get the Yullen you want.