He loved watching her. Ever since the moment he first laid eyes on her, a little more than a year ago, he had been intrigued by everything about her. By now, nearly all of her little quirks and habits had become familiar to him as his own. The way her eyes can shine and glitter with sheer joy, or how she sticks out the tip of her tongue in her uppermost concentration. He liked her pretty long eyelashes and her even more beautiful eyes. Nothing escaped his gaze, while nothing on the broad panorama of the sunset escaped hers.
She looked at the warm pastels framing the remains of the sun as light purple coloured clouds drifted off to the sea. She liked the shimmering of water reflecting the last sunbeams of the day and watched a few faraway screeching seagulls fly along the line where the sky and sea met.

"What are you thinking of?" she asked, without averting her gaze.

"I'm thinking of the beautiful craftsmanship of the Goddess sitting next to me." He smiled while she giggled. She wasn't used to receiving any flirtatious comments from him.

"That sounds quite poetic," she pointed out, looking at him now, her eyes unintentionally trailing to his violet ones. She'd always thought it was a lovely shade of purple. But only since she had met him. "Do you like poetry?" she questioned.

"Not really. Just trying to be romantic," he said, cracking an awkward, but cute smile.

"And what about other kinds of art?" she continued questioning. A pleasant silence settled itself between them while he thought of the answer.

"That all depends on your definition of art," he replied eventually, frowning.

"What is yours?" she questioned again. For this question he had been prepared better.

"I think," he started, "that really anything could be art. As long as it's been made with love. Love and passion." She nodded, content with the answer and continued staring at the horizon for several minutes until her lips curled up in a grin.

"So babies should be called art too?" she reasoned. He laughed.

"If you look at it that way, then yes." Another silence fell as both of them over thought this new definition. To Chelsea, a beautiful new world was revealed in which everything was different. Crops weren't just crops anymore, but art. And the Harvest Goddess turned into the world's most genius artist. With itching hands, Chelsea jumped up.

"Let's create some art!" she explaimed enthousiastically. Vaughn blankly stared at her with big eyes when it hit her.

"No, I didn't mean to make babies, I wanted to make a sand castle!" she yelled embarrassed, her cheeks flushed a light shade of pink. Although the blushing brunette looked adorable to him right then, the idea of building a sand castle didn't appeal to him.

"But aren't we a little too old to.." he started objecting to the idea.

"Wasn't art made of love and passion?" she interrupted him mid-sentence. Hesitating, he replied.

"Well, yes…"

"Alrightie!" She cheered, taking his answer as a 'yes'. He was about to sigh and get up when his lips were caught in a short chaste kiss and shining blue eyes looked into his. She smiled and he sheepishly smiled back as she helped him to his feet and dragged him to the shoreline laughing.

Not only did he love watching her, but he loved every single thing about her.

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