The hero lay there…breathing in and out slowly, and steadily. Breathing in the sent that he was trying to remember…wood. He smelt wood. Salt…he recalled a salty smell that belonged to the ocean…ocean…everything went black again as he drifted off to a dreamless sleep.

Link…known over the oceans as the Hero of the Winds. He was known for his kind nature, he quiet, yet loving attitude. Everyone knew that it was him that would come to their aid; everyone knew that it was him whom would do anything for anyone, despite their past, or how they treated him. Then his determination to get things done…it was that determination that had him in the situation now. He was lying, fast asleep, in a cot. The room had a warm, flickering glow to it from the candle lights. It was night, and it was the only source of light.

The sleeping boy groaned lightly, and slowly rolled up to sit upright. He glanced around and found out that he was in the S.S. Linebeck…he mentally slapped himself at that. The thought of the captain finding him lying, passed out in the Ocean Kings Temple just made him sick. He didn't want the burden of his duties on someone else! He was the hero! He was the one tha-

"So you're up, kid. You feelin' alright?" Link jumped at his captains' voice, he was spooked so much that he'd forgotten what he was thinking about…

The boy than looked at him, "Y-yeah…I…" His voice sounded like he just woke up, and had a nasty cough. "I think I'm okay…Linebeck," Link started, crawling out of the bed, "I wanted to—oofh!" The kid fell on the ground, and Linebeck stumbled up out of where he was sitting, and helped him off the ground, back on his bed and then sat next to him.

"Kid, you hurt yourself really badly out there this time…you need to be more careful! A lot of people would hate to lose you…" He said worriedly.

"Is that right?" Link replied, completely confused why in Din's life his cocky captain started caring, especially about other people's opinions.

Linebeck seemed to notice his mistake in his reputation. "U-uh well of course!" Link looked at him with an unbelieving expression. "I wouldn't want people thinking I killed you for your money! What are you talking about?!" Linebeck stood up, and walked to the other side of the room, mumbling something about rupees, and treasures. Link scoffed, he knew his captain was just acting like this because he was too embarrassed to admit that he was actually scared for Link's life for once.

Link tested this mask that Linebeck seemed to put up, and got out of bed again, purposely tripped, and fell…the young hero than whined out and painful 'ow', and scrawled around, trying to get up. In moments he felt the strong hands of his captain around his waist, then getting plucked off the ground, back onto the cot. Linebeck sat down again, and grabbed the kids' shoulders, and shook the boy.

"What in Din's name do you not understand 'bout being hurt, Link!"

"Nyaahh! Linebeck! S-stop with the shaking, you're hurting me!" He immediately let go when Link used the 'hurt' word, and dropped his hands, and looked directly in Link's eyes.

"You okay?"

Link paused, looking back at Linebeck. He was a little too close for the boy…so close that he could smell his breath. "Y-yeah…I'm fine." Link looked to the side, avoiding his gaze. It was making him feel really weird, to say the least. "Just don't do that, please. It hurt that time."

Linebeck then lightly pushed Link down onto his pillow, and pulled the covers up to his shoulders. "Get some rest, kid. It's late, and you need some time to heal…" His captain then blew out all the candles, and walked out the door, without another word.

Link blinked a few times…why was that weirder than any other time Linebeck has taken care of him? He was so jumpy, and eager to help Link that it confused him…the boy put aside these thoughts, and curled up on his side. He blinked a few more times, then fell asleep…though this time, this sleep had dreams.

Review if you want to. :)