As soon as Roza said the word Strigoi I switched to my Guardian mode. She was so scared that I could I feel it radiating off her, knowing she was feeling that way didn't help me to keep an eye on everything around us because most of my mind was focused on her and our baby. The other night was repeating itself again and the same feeling of hopelessness flooded through me.

I looked around for any sign of movement or anything that might tell me where the Strigoi were coming from but when nothing happened and my tension only increased. Roza couldn't be wrong about Strigoi.

"We have to get out of here" she murmured so low that I could barely hear her, fear was clear in her voice. I flinched a little and nodded.

"Yes Roza, stay behind me and don't let go of my hand" I said and took her hand.

I started to lead the way towards the sidewalk where the sunlight was and we'd be ok. Walking silently and very alert we almost made it. I could see the sidewalk yards away, we only needed to get there. A couple of steps and we'd be there…

Suddenly I felt Roza tense and then she was thrown away from me landing near a tree with a loud thud. I wanted to rush to her side but the Strigoi came at me with full force. I barely had time to dodge away but his fist still hit me square on the jaw. I let out a yelp of pain and then attacked him.

My fist landed on the side of his head and he stumbled two steps back, I took advantage of that and kicked him on his stomach and wherever I was able to. I instinctively put my hand on my belt looking for my stake but it was empty. I didn't bring it because I thought that nothing could happen in plain daylight. What a stupid thing to do, now this might cost Roza's life and mine. I had had the thought that bad things couldn't happen during day light. I was so stupid because I had been the one to tell Roza that bad things could happen any time.

With a last kick he fell to the floor. Before I could snap his neck to get some time more two female Strigoi came and one of them pushed me against a tree so hard that I think some of my ribs broke and I might have even gotten a concussion.

I almost saw stars dancing around me but I managed to get a grip on my self and before the Strigoi could sink her teeth into my throat I kicked her and that gave me enough time to free my self from her.

The other female came rushing to me and also tried to hit me but this one had been a Moroi and wasn't very smart or trained. I jumped at her and wrapped my legs around her waist. She was smaller but stronger so she didn't stumbled backwards with my weight, she tried to get me off her but I grabbed her skull and managed to break her neck. That gave ne time.

I was about to jump off her when the female came back, grabbed my arm and pulled it behind me. She pinned me to a tree, and almost bit into my neck but I elbowed her and her fangs barely brushed my neck.

I turned around and almost did the same as I did before but the male Strigoi put his arm around my neck and pinned me to the ground.

While one was holding me the other one tilted my head to one side to bare my neck and I saw Roza being carried away by another Strigoi and I felt an unusual blinded rage buildup inside my chest. My Roza was being taken away from me and I wasn't doing anything.

Out of nowhere I got the strength I needed and pushed both Strigoi off of me. They were surprised and out of the corner of my eye I saw the other Strigoi moving. She was still on the floor but she was healing and soon she'll be trying to kill me again.

I kicked the female as hard as I could and she stumbled backwards, then I jumped on the male and broke his neck. By the time the female got back to me I was already ready for her. She tried to circle and trap me but I was very smart and attacked her.

She moved away and I almost hit the tree with my fist, she came from behind and bit hard into my neck. I felt the pain and then the adrenaline rush from the bite. I let my self relax for a second but then the image of my Roza being dragged away from me made me snap out of it and I fight against them. With a hit to the face the female let go of me long enough for me to move and snap her neck.

I looked around for a branch of tree and when I found it I broke it into three and staked the two Strigoi.

With that done I looked around and saw that the way that the Strigoi had dragged Roza was towards the woods, deeper into the park and to make things worse it was getting darker. Soon night will fall and he'll be able to get her wherever he wants.

Cursing I started running looking for her but I heard someone running behind me and when I turned around I saw the other female Strigoi, the one that I broke her neck first. I had completely forgotten about her. She must have healed because she threw herself at me with her fangs bare and then she bit hard into my shoulder. She didn't just wanted to bit she wanted to destroy my shoulder with her fangs.


Unsurprisingly I woke up with a head ache. For a few seconds I had no idea what had happened or where I was, I only had the throbbing pain in my abdomen that scared the hell out of me.

As drowsiness wore off, the events on the woods came rushing back to me. I sat upright, all of my defenses kicking into action, despite the slightest wooziness in my head. It was time to figure out what I was supposed to do next.

I sat up on an enormous bed in a darkened room. No-not just a room. More like a suit or a studio.

The half of the studio I sat in contained the bed and usual bedroom accessories: a dresser, nightstands, etc. The other half looked like living room area, with a couch and television. Shelves were built into the walls, all of them filled with books. Off to my right was a short hall with a door at the end. Probably a bathroom.

On my other side was a large picture window, tinted, as Moroi windows often were. This one had more tint than any I'd ever seen. It was almost solid black, nearly impossible to see through.

It was very dark so I supposed that it was night time.

The last thing I remember was being bitten by the Strigoi and seeing the ski getting darker.


He must be injured somewhere in that place, probably dying and I couldn't do anything to help him. As if the baby had also realized that her Father was in danger she started to move and kick. I rubbed my belly lovingly to try to calm her down.

"Don't worry everything will be ok. I won't let anything happen to you and I'm sure that your daddy will be looking for us and will find us in no time, you'll see." I hoped that it was true because if something happened to Dimitri or the baby it'll break into tiny pieces and probably will die.

I slid off the bed, my senses on high alert for the first time in months since I left the academy after the attack, as I tried to assess my danger. I didn't feel any nausea so there was not Strigoi around. That didn't necessarily rule out some other person, however. I couldn't take anything for granted-not when my baby's life was on my hands.

Sliding off the bed I saw nothing nearby that would pass as a weapon, meaning that I'd have to try to rely on my pregnant body to do the fighting. Great.

Out of the corner of my eyes I caught sight of the light switch. I flipped it and froze, waiting to see what-or who-the overhead lights would unveil.

Nothing unusual. No one else. Immediately, I did the first thing obvious and checked the door. It was locked, as I'd expected, and the only way of opening it was a numeric keyboard. Plus, it was heavy and made out of what looked was steel.

I threw my hands up in the air in exasperation. This was just so fucking great, I'm trapped in a room pregnant and at any moment a Strigoi could come in and kill me along with my baby, and when Dimitri finds out he'll feel guilty and his heart will break. Something that I wouldn't like. He loves me and the baby, and I love him so much that it hurts.

I tried the keyboard and nothing happened, I hadn't actually expected to magically open but it was still a disappointment. There was no getting passed it, so I turned back around to continue my exploration. It was kind of ironic. A lot of my classes had gone over detailed ways of checking out a place. I'd always hated those, I'd wanted to learn how to fight. Now it appeared those lessons that had seemed useless at the time had a real purpose.

Why didn't I pay more attention to my classes? Oh yeah because I had been only thinking about Lissa, Guarding her and Dimitri. All in that exact order.

The light had brought the suit's objects into sharper relief. The bed was covered in ivory satin velvet, filled to maximum fluffiness with down. Creeping over the living room I saw that the TV was nice, very nice and I got mad at my self for even noticing that. I mean I could die at any moment and that would kill my baby too and here I was admiring a Strigoi's house. Good one Rose.

Though I do have to admit that even the couches were nice, new actually, covered in matte green leather.

All of the furniture in the place-tables, desk, dresser-was made of a smooth, polished black wood. In a corner of the living room I saw a small refrigerator. Kneeling down I opened it up to find bottled water and juice, assorted fruits, and bags of perfectly cut cheeses. On top of the refrigerator was more snack-type food: nuts, crackers and some type of glazed pastry. My stomach growled at the sight of it.

I realized that I had to make a decision. Eat or not eat. If I eat I might be able to gain some strength and I'd probably be able to defend my self a bit against the Strigoi. If I don't eat I'll probably get sick and that'd affect the baby.

Sighing I took out a bottle of water and the pastry along with the crackers. I walked over to the couch and sat down. I put the food on the coffee table and started eating. It was actually good but I was very worried and didn't enjoy it that much. The baby was kicking and moving too much, which was making me very uncomfortable, and I was getting very annoyed.

I ate everything and then went back for some juice. The juice was actually better but then I had the urge to eat something sweeter and the only thing sweeter was the fruits. I ate two apples and a peach in record time.

After eating I left the food there and walked back to keep with my exploration.

The bathroom was done in the same style as the rest of the studio. The shower and large Jacuzzi tub were made of black polished marble, and little soaps and shampoos lined the counter. A large mirror hung over the sink, except… it wasn't actually hanging. It was embedded so tightly into the wall that there was absolutely no way it could be removed.

Well I wasn't getting out that way.

The material was also strange. It looked more like a reflecting material than glass.

I thought that all that was strange so I ran back to the living room and looked around. Nothing was useful for a weapon. The TV was too big to move or break and with me being pregnant wasn't helping because if I even try to carry that I might have an abortion with no doctor around to help me.

There was no glass in any of the tables, the shelves were embedded. The bottles in the refrigerator were plastic and the window…

I ran over it and felt its surface. It was also perfectly fitted into the wall. There were no panes. It was one smooth piece. Squinting, I finally got a detailed view of my outer surroundings and saw… nothing.

The land appeared to be rolling planes with only a few scattered trees. I was no longer in a Baia. This place couldn't possibly be anywhere near a city because it looked like this wilderness kept on going miles and miles.

And peering down I saw that I was fairly high up. Fourth floor maybe. There was no way I'd risk jumping, even if I wasn't pregnant I'm sure that I wouldn't even think about it. It was too high to jump without breaking something.

I still had to do something. I couldn't just sit here and wait.

If I hadn't been this up high I might have at least tried to break the glass with one of the chairs but I have a feeling that that might not work, even if I actually try to it wouldn't do any good since I was about four stories high.

I started pacing around the room I don't know for how long I did that and when I was about to go crazy my stomach warned me of a Strigoi's approach.

Spinning around I backed away from the door and tried to lift one of the chairs but it was too heavy for me and I didn't tried again afraid that I might hurt the baby.

The door opened and I wrapped my arms around my belly protectively expecting to be attacked by the Strigoi but he only came in and stood there watching me with cold tenderness and he stood impassive.

I glared at him with hatred but he didn't even seem to care or notice.

"What I'm I doing here?" I snapped at him and he tilted his head to one side studying me.

"You're here because I wanted you here" He responded, his voice low and dangerous. I shivered at its coldness but I didn't let him know how scared I was. Instead I shifted my weight to my other foot and crossed my arms across my chest. That move made my boobs look even bigger than they already were because of the pregnancy, Dimitri had told me so and he also told me that he loved it.

I pushed those kind of thoughts away because anything involving my good, loving Dimitri was just too good and pure to be thought in front of this monster.

"No shit." I said in my own bitchy voice. "I already figured that out but what I don't understand is why do you want me here" He just stared at me, I think he was checking me out. For a second I felt good to still be appreciated even though I was pregnant but the feeling went away as fast as it came because I remembered that this was a Strigoi. He was already dead and mad, so it didn't really count. And why on earth I'm caring about it? I should be trying to figure out how to get out of here.

"That's easy, you're very important to someone we despise very much and if I awaken you then they'll probably have to kill you." The way he said it, that cold harsh voice made me feel even more nauseous.

"Who is we?" I asked him trying to distract him enough so I could make a run for the door.

"Galina and I." He said it as if I should know who the hell Galina was. Should I know who is she?

Who could they despite that much? Dimitri? My mom? Who? I had no idea and whoever he wanted to make suffer it involved me and my baby, which was no good.

"And the fact that you're pregnant will only make it more painful. I'm not sure what will happen to the baby after you're turned though" He had a thoughtful look in his eyes and I took advantage of it and made a run for the door, maybe he had left it open or something but before I even took 4 steps he stopped me by pinning me against the wall.

The strength of his blow hadn't been that much but I still felt it as if it had been with much more force.

"Don't even try to escape or I'll kill the baby" He warned and put his big hand on my belly to make that clear. Something in his voice made me stop fighting because I knew that he'd do it if he had to and I loved the baby too much to let it happen.

I only nodded but he didn't release me like I thought he would. He kept his firm grip on my belly and his other arm stayed on my neck.

"Please don't hurt the baby" I begged him and every nerve rebelled because I've never begged for anything or to anyone, much less to a Strigoi. But my baby's life was much more important to me than my stupid ego.

My baby started moving and kicking again, this time the Strigoi did notice it and looked down at my belly where his hand rested. He looked almost thoughtful

"I won't as long as you cooperate and don't try to do anything idiotic." He replied.

"Fine but please let me go, your hurting the baby" I said and he looked at me.

"No" Was all he said and then he tilted my head to one side exposing my neck. I tried to resist but he was stronger than me and I had no choice but to obey.

"Don't resist!" He snarled and I stopped fighting at once letting out a cry of pain because his grip tightened on my belly.

I put my hands on his shoulder so he wouldn't bit that hard this time and closed my eyes so I wouldn't have to see him. I felt his fangs bit into my flesh and I had to clench my teeth together to keep my self from crying.

The same amazing feeling came back to me and for a couple of seconds I didn't care about anything but when he was done my legs buckled beneath me and I felt like blood whore. I was being the food source of a Strigoi. Something not good at all but if it meant that my baby could live than I was going to do it.

He had to carry me back to the bed so I wouldn't fall on the living room. He left me there and then licked the wound.

I was feeling warm all over and disgusted with my self at the same time. I wanted Dimitri to be here with me to comfort me and rescue me from this evil Strigoi but he obviously wasn't anywhere near here.

"I've left some clothes for you in the bathroom, you can change" I had closed my eyes by then but I knew when he had left because the nausea disappeared and I drift off to sleep.

I was in a beautiful garden, one that seemed very familiar. It was so beautiful that I decided to walk around and see for my self. I realized where I was at the same time that I saw Adrian.

"Rose!" He said relieved and then his arms were around me in a tight hug.

"Adrian" I was relived to see him too because this meant that either he already knew about what happened in Russia or he was just visiting and he could tell Dimitri that I was as fine as I could be with Strigoi.

I know this is extremely short compared to the other chapters but I wanted to leave you hanging for the next chapter. I really enjoy writing these chapters and all that but I want you guys to review. The review button is calling you! Just imagine that the review button is Dimitri's butt! How many times do you want to push that button now, uh? If I were you I'd be pushing it many, many times. Hahaha.

Anyhow I really wanted to tell you about this other fan fiction story that I had been reading and I swear to God that it's so funny and awesome! Its called MEANT TO BE and I almost pee my self when I read it. I only read it on Friday because I don't have time to read it at school where there's internet so I read later and my uncle even asked me what the hell was wrong with me when I started laughing. I told him something about clowns but he didn't buy it.

I also wanted to recommend you some books that are awesome!

The Argenau Vampire Series by Linsay Sands.

The Others series by Cristine Warren

The Forest Of Hands and Teeth and the second book: The Dead-Tossed Waves by Carrie Ryan

The Midnight Breed series by Lara Adrian (I barely started reading these ones but so far I like it)

Fallen by Lauren Kate (I didn't like it that much but I think that you guys might enjoy it)

The House of Night Series by P.C Cast

Vampirates by Justin Somper (I haven't read this one but a friend of my friend's said it was good)

Heart at stake Series by Kerrelyn sparks

Sea change (I don't remember the name of the author but it's about this girl who went to an island and fell in love with a guy that she though was a mermen)

The hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

Vampire kisses by Ellen… I don't know what.

The host by Stephanie Meyer

Bloodtide by Melvin... something

Other Authors: Pamela Palmer, Jaime Rush

All of this are Vampire books but they're for Adults and let me tell you that they give you too much… details on what happens between them.

You should also read the book Bitten by Cupid, it has a short story from the Argenau series.

I'll update as soon as I get a bunch of reviews in this story.