
Anna's POV…

It's Monday night and I am at my Dad's. He missed the boys something awful in the time we were gone. Which doesn't surprise me, he's never been away from them for more then a day or two since Caylen was born. We'd lived with him till just recently. The boys were in the living room watching Raw, while Dad and I talked in the kitchen. Next week is the WWE draft.

"Mommy, Mommy, Mr. Mark's on TV!" Caylen came in screaming a few minutes later. I knew Mark was still on vacation, he had another couple of weeks before he was to return to Smackdown. I followed the excited three year old to the living room, and sure enough Mark, in his Undertaker persona was raising the arena lights with the gesture of his hands.

"So he is Caylen." I said watching with a smile, remembering the last time I'd seen Mark. He had told me he wouldn't be drafted, Vince had promised him a title shot. Caylen and Zac were intently watching the television, and cheering loudly. The match ended far too soon for my taste, and Taker was victorious, as I'd known he would be.

I'd told my Dad few details about meeting Mark. He had no idea I was talking about the Undertaker as he didn't know his real name. We were talking about how much the boys enjoyed the trip when my phone rang. I had a feeling I knew who it would be, he called every day. Sure enough the caller ID said M.

"Hey baby."

"You sound happy, Baby girl." he replied, chuckling.

"I am. I just watched my baby kick ass." I said, smiling like an idiot. My Dad looked at me with a puzzled look.

"So am I to guess that you liked what you saw?" he was laughing now.

"Uh huh. That ought to teach the idiot to run his mouth. I can imagine he probably didn't think he'd get you."

"No he didn't. No one knew I was there. It was a one time deal though, since all the Raw stars were stuck in Ireland. They should be back next week, so I won't make another appearance unless Vince calls me." he explained. Though I'd figured as much.

"So what are your plans for the week?"

"Not much, I'm taking my Mom out Thursday for her birthday. Why?" I had a feeling I knew what he was thinking."I have till next week off. Then I have some house shows to do, to get me ready for my return to Smack Down. I would like to come spend the week with you, if you want." those words confirmed exactly what I'd thought. I'd been prepared for this to end when I came home, but Mark and I talked and decided to give being together a shot.

"Well of course I want. I miss you something awful." I confessed, knowing it was true. Even though it had only been two days, I found myself missing him more then I'd thought possible. It was odd sleeping in a big bed alone.

"Really. Well I'm in Jersey now, about to go to bed. I'll arrange for the earliest flight I can get when I get off the phone with you. Would you want to come and get me from the airport, or should I rent a car?" he asked.

"I'll come and get you. I have two cars, so if you need one for something. I'll leave you the keys. Tuesday I have an office meeting but that will only take about two hours." I explain, while my Dad is still waiting for me to get off the phone. I hear another voice on Mark's end, and a muffled 'get lost McIntyre' before he replies. I laugh I can't help it. I hope for Mark's sake Drew isn't being a dick.

"Ok. What's so funny?" he asks, unaware of the fact I heard what he told Drew, who is now whining about something.

"I heard you tell Drew to get lost. I take it your stuck sharing a room with him?"

"Yeah. He's my travel buddy, mostly so I can keep him out of trouble. Which isn't really as easy as it sounds." he says, and I can hear muffled protests.

"Well I'll let you go now, so I can get the kids home and to bed. Call me when you have your flight time so I know when I have to head out. It takes little over an hour for me to get to the airport from here."

"Alright, I'll call you when I get up, so you'll have plenty of time. See you tomorrow baby girl."

"Good night babe." I answer and hang up. Turning to face the questions I know my Dad has for me.

"So who was that?" he asks.

"The guy I told you about. He wants to come see me, so I'll bring the kids by in the morning." I explained as I packed the kids into the car. I was deliberately not telling Dad anymore, since he tends to form judgments before he really knows who he is judging.

"Alright, keep your secrets. I'll see you tomorrow then, just call first. Goodbye boys." he says as he leans in, giving each grandson a kiss. I wave as we drive away.

A.N. I'll leave it here, so the sequel can start. Hope y'all enjoyed it. I know I loved every minute of writing it, so Thank you to all who review and tune in shortly for the sequel.