This is my first Alice/Stayne story. There's more, but I just uploaded the prologue to see if people would like it. If so I'll add more!

I own nothing, the characters belong to Lewis Carroll/Tim Burton.

The Reversed Side


As Alice raced down the dark and twisting crimson, black and white hallways of the Queen of Hearts castle. She felt as if she was being followed. Twice she looked behind her only to find empty corridors and turned back to find the Bandersnatch lair. But after a few short steps, Alice felt hot breath on her shoulder. Suddenly she felt arms grab her wound causing her to let out a cry of pain before being turned quickly around and pushed into the wall. There before her stood Stayne, the Knave of Hearts, smiling wickedly up at her.

"I like you Um," he murmured eye gleaming up at her.

"I like largeness." A flush of rose color stained her cheeks as she felt his body heat melt into her. The way his body pressed into her caused her to feel nervous unlike anything had ever made her feel. His scent invaded her, strange spices she didn't know and something dark.

"Let me go." She whispered trying miserably to push him away from her. Stayne let out a small laugh as he simply pushed her right back into the same position.

"What's the matter Um, scared?" he asked, brushing a strain of honey colored blond hair out of Alice's eyes. As he did this something flickered through his ink colored eye which if Alice had blinked she would have missed. It was as if it lightened in color and softened. Alice shook her head, this man had no feelings. At this very moment he had Tarrant and Mallymkun locked up, though Tarrant had convinced the Queen to make hats for her. She still had to find him and set him and Mally free. Her thoughts were shattered when she felt warm lips softly kissing her neck. Gasping in surprise, Alice pushed her fists against Stayne's chest plate trying to get a grip on herself. She should be fighting! She should be pushing him away and trying to get the Vorpal Sword free from the Bandersnatch!

Stayne couldn't help but feel lightheaded near this tall woman. She had the most wonderful scent, a strange floral mix which he could not name. Her skin was warming under his lips. He could feel her shaking slightly. Moving to the other side of her neck he happened to glance away from her and down the hallway and spotted that annoying Lady with the Long Ears spying on them. A growl tore through his body as he pushed himself away from Alice and looked up to find her eyes closed.

"STAYNE!" came a window-shattering scream. It was the Queen. Rolling his eye, he removed himself reluctantly straightening himself.

"Until next time Um." He said a wicked smile on his face as he watched the woman slowly open her emerald green eyes. As he walked away, Alice felt only self loathing and had to take several breaths to calm down her fast beating heart. What had just happened to her? With shaky steps she walked down the hallway only to pass out, her legs giving out from underneath her body and falling to the floor.