Part One

I woke up and got ready for school just like any other school day.

Stupid school. I thought, Why can't it just disappear?

I went to brush my hair and noticed something peculiar. My eyes were much lighter than usual. My eyes were usually a really dark brown, but they were a honey color this morning.

Odd. I thought.

I hid my eyes from my mom and went to school. I was greeted by my best friend Breanna, Bre for short. We walked into school and met up with my other friend Chanel or Chenney.

"Hey, Sivvy, did you have a weird dream last night?" Bre asked me.

My name's Savannah, but I prefer Sivvy.

"Not that I remember." I said, "You?"

"Yes. It involved flying pancakes and the all powerful super twinkie." She said.

"All hail the super twinkie." Chenney said.

We burst into a fit of laughter that had the whole hallway looking at us strangely.

"We better get to class." I said.

"Yeah or we are so screwed." Chenney said.

"Our teacher is scary." I said.

We have chorus first thing in the morning, and our teacher is one of my favorites, but she is really scary sometimes.

I had my book with me, so when we sat down I started reading. After awhile, my vision started to get blurry. Weird. We started warm ups, so I put my book away. We did our warm ups and continued practicing Lightning.

Electric fingers reaching reaching reaching. Skipping darting fleeting fleeting fleeeeeting. Taping on the clouds. Rapping on their shroud of Graaaaayyy Lightning. Lightning.

My vision blurred again and the lights went out.

"It's so eerie." Chenney said, "I love it."

My eyes quickly adjusted to the darkness. I've always been good at seeing in the dark, but not this good. There was absolutely no light coming into the room, due to the fact that there were no windows, yet I could see almost perfectly.

Something is definitely wrong here. I thought.

My vision blurred once more and I passed out. When I awoke, I was in a hospital room. I looked up and saw my Mom and Step dad's worried faces.

"Savannah, are you feeling ok?" My mom asked.

"I think so." I replied.

Again, my vision blurred and there was a sharp pain at my lower back. I ignored it, so the wouldn't be worried.

"The doctor said he would do some tests." My mom said, "After I told him that your eyes weren't usually that color, he insisted. He said he would draw some blood and-"

Everything after that was muffled. Drawing blood meant needles, and needles meant danger, especially in cases like this.

"-you're going to have to stay here for the night." My mom finished.

"Mom, I don't want any tests done. You know I hate needles. I don't care if I have to break the needle to stop him. I'm not getting any blood taken out of my body." I said with a serious look in my eyes.

The doctor walked in with a really big needle and a look of fear crossed my face.

"Doctor, we're just going to go home. We talked it over with her and she doesn't want any tests done." My step dad said.

"I can't let her leave without them." He said.

I recognized malicious intent when I saw it. I've read enough books to know when someone's up to no good.

"I'm not letting you take my blood." I said glaring at him, "It's going to stay in my body where it belongs."

I slid out of the hospital bed, luckily they hadn't put me in one of those god awful gowns, and ran from the room. The doctor ran after me, yelling at all the nurses to catch me. I sped through the lobby and out the door. I never once noticed I was moving faster than normal, or that, by the time I got home, I was neither tired nor coughing. My mom and step dad arrived a few minutes later. A few minutes after that, there was a knock on the door. I hid on the stairs while my Mom answered the door.

"Hello. I am Professor Charles Xavier, founder and principle of Charles Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. These are two of the teachers from the school. On my right is Ororo Monroe. On my left is Scott Summers. May we come in?" A man's voice asked.

Part Two

"What is it you'd like to talk about?" My mom asked.

"You're daughter is exactly the kind of student we're looking for. She is already a great student and would gain much from our curriculum. It would benefit her greatly if she would come to the school. It's a boarding school in Westchester, New York, and she would be on full scholarship." The man's voice said.

I mustered up the courage to walk around the stairs to the living room.

"Ah, you must be Savannah. It's a pleasure to meet you." The same voice said.

This was Charles Xavier. He didn't look like much. He was in a wheel chair, suffering from no outward injury, so he must be paralyzed. He was bald and had a slightly British accent. He was dressed in a suit and had a smiling and kind face. I smiled back.

"Yes. I am. It's a pleasure to meet you too, Professor." I said.

"So you were listening." He stated.

"I'm curious by nature." I replied.

The other two were sitting on the couch; the Professor was positioned by it. The man, who I could only assume was Scott Summers, and I would be completely freaked out if I was told otherwise, was wearing sunglasses and had a stiff back. He had brown hair. Far as I could tell he was a stick in the mud. The other person, a woman, was much more friendly. She had white hair that was fairly long. She smiled warmly at me. I nodded at her and smiled in return.

"Are you interested in coming to the school?" Professor Xavier asked.

"I'd love to go." I said.

As much as I hate to move, I hate my school more. Far as I'm concerned, it could burn down. I may have a niche that I fit into here and teachers that I like, but that's it. I mentioned I was in chorus earlier right? Well we don't even have proper risers anymore because they all broke, and the things we stand on now could fall over and kill us any minute. All of the money goes to sports, mainly guys sports, there was a new football stadium built a few years ago, when we already had the death trap risers. On top of that, there's this stupid dress code, that really nobody listens to, but it's so strict that even if you look nice with a skirt and a nice shirt you're out of dress code because the shirt doesn't have a collar or your shirt isn't the right color or something just as stupid. I love my friends, and they are awesome, but if I have the chance to get out of this hell hole I live in then I'm out of here. Besides that creepy doctor is probably still after me and is even now finding out where I live.

"Well, then pack up and we'll leave as soon as possible." He said.

"Sir yes sir." I responded.

Dear Diary

I ran and packed up all my belongings, said a quick goodbye to my parents, and left the house before they could tell me I couldn't go. We rode in a limo to New York and then to Westchester. The ride seemed to go by so fast. I wondered what it would be like at this school. Would I make new friends? Most likely, but I would still miss the ones still in Pennsylvania. I would definitely e-mail them and talk to them. After all, Bre and I need someone to tell our crazy-as-all-hell dreams to. I couldn't wait to get there. It almost seems like a dream in and of itself. Well I guess I'll stop writing now. Cross your fingers 'cause who knows what'll happen now. Sivvy