Rating: G

Summary: Gabriel enjoys spending time with the Winchesters. The boys, not so much.

Author's Notes: Drabble to fulfill need for something not brimming with angst after the latest episode. Enjoy!

It's Raining

"I'm gonna take a shower."

Sam made a vague noise of acknowledgement and opened the computer, sitting cross-legged on the bed.

No more than a minute passed before Dean stepped out of the bathroom, still fully clothed, and made a b-line for the mini fridge and a beer.

Sam peered over the laptop, curiously watching his brother for a few moments.

"I thought you were going to take a shower." He ventured

"Oh, I was, I was." Dean had downed one beer and was starting on the second. "But it's raining."

Sam scrunched his forehead in confusion, looking out the window. It was night, but there wasn't a cloud in the sky. He opened his mouth, but Dean cut him off.

"No, no, not out there." Dean's voice held the tone of the long put-upon. "In the bathroom."

Sam raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, it's raining salt-water taffy and those- those mini Milky Way bars you like." Dean's hand was shaking, and there was an edge of barely contained hysteria about him. "Right out of the ceiling. Just- everywhere."

Sam noticed a Hershey's label sticking out of his brother's collar.

"They're everywhere man." Like a Vietnam vet having a flashback.

Sam remained perfectly still, but his eyes followed his brother as he plopped onto the mattress of the next bed and took another swig of beer. Sam rubbed the bridge of his nose and didn't look up as he addressed the air.

"Get in here."

A grinning Gabriel appeared before him.

"You didn't like it?" and he knew damn well he didn't like it, but any time the archangel could annoy/aggravate/traumatize Dean while also showing Sam a sideways sign of affection was a great day for Gabriel.

Sam regarded him wearily and sighed.

"You're gonna give him a nervous breakdown or something." He grumbled

Gabriel just grinned wider.