Chapter 8

4 weeks crawled by longer then Zero could have ever imagined. It was down to the last 3 days of punishment, and everyone was itching for it to come to an end. Zero however was the most impatient of them all, because while their evenings were free to do as they wished, his was sentenced with more work with Squad 10.

It's not that he despised Captain Hitsugaya, quite the opposite. It was just that the former reploid was a soldier, not a secretary. And assisting in paperwork nearly every night, and custodial work on the other nights, well it would start to grind the nerves of any warrior. There was never any time for practice, or sparring.

On top of everything else, He'd been hoping to work with Captain Isane, while serving for squad 4. So far, he'd not even seen a lick of her. She didn't show up to check on them, talk to them, or even make sure their work was satisfactory. Instead a 4th seat officer had monitored them, and bossed them around like lackeys. This was much to Renji, Ikkaku, Yumichika, and Rangiku's irritation. Being ordered right a left by inferior officers, it made things very tense.

Today Zero decided he was going to see Isane work or no work. After changing the sheets in one of the infirmary rooms, he hauled all the dirty linens into a basket and made for the laundry room. However as soon as he was out of sight he ditched the basket of laundry in a closet and headed down a hall that lead to the offices of Squad 4.

Maybe it was due to his complete lack of spirit energy, or maybe Zero was just very good at sneaking, but he was able to make it to the captain's office without being caught by anyone. Making sure to stay as quiet as a shadow, the former reploid tiptoed up to the Captain's office and pressed his ear against the door. When no sound graced his ears, he pushed the door open a crack and peered inside. Still no one. Carefully he eased the door open just enough, and slipped in, quickly shutting it behind him.

Inside the office was immaculate. Ordered book shelves, neat and tidy desks, free of paper work. There was even a section of cubbies on one wall bearing the name of dozens of lower seated officers. Messages inside those cubbies were neat and ordered and awaiting pickup.

Off to the side Zero noticed a tea table with several large and comfy looking chairs. Intrigued he moseyed over to the book shelf, and took down the most interesting book he could find. Then wasting no time he settled over by the tea table and into a heavenly padded chair. To his surprise the chairs were turnable, and he delighted himself for a few moments by spinning around in them, before settling in to read.

The book was titled, "The Stones are Hatching." And the publication said it was from somewhere called England. And after a few chapters in his was enthralled in the story. So engrossed he barely noticed that evening had started to settle. If it wasn't for the loud footsteps outside, he wouldn't have realized that the Captain was returning to her office. But his keen hearing paid off, and he turned the chair so that the back was towards the doors.

He heard the paper doors slide open, and subsequently heard the foot steps enter the room. The Captain had been talking to someone quietly and dismissed them after entering her office. when he heard the sliding door close shut, he put his plan into action.

"I've been expecting you, Miss Isane" Using his foot he turned the chair till he was facing the tall, silver-haired Captain of squad 4. He smiled his best devious smile, and stroked the book he had placed in his lap.

The response he received was priceless. The Captain just froze, and fixed him with a wide-eyed look. For several moments they just stared at each other. Finally though, Isane broke the silence.

"How did you get in here?"

"I was cleaning, and stuff and the room just spontaneously formed around me." he replied with a smile.

Isnae finally recovered from her shock and eyed the book he was reading. "I thought you were assigned work in my infirmary wing. Not reading at my tea table."

Zero tried to look innocent. And put his book up to hide himself. "This is a very good book by the way."

Isane just sighed and shook her head. "Are you actually reading it, or is this all part of your act?" She gave him a skeptical look, as if she didn't believe he would enjoy reading a book.

"Honest, I'm really enjoying this novel, you wouldn't mind if I borrowed it would you." He fixed her with a serious expression and pushed all his joking aside. "I promise I'll bring it back, as soon as I'm done."

Isane still didn't believe him. "What's the name of the main character?" She quizzed.

"Philim." Stated Zero.

"What kind of girl does he befriend?"

"A witch, and he meets her after being kicked out of his house by little men living behind his stove."

Isane was truly taken back by his responses. "You really are reading that book. I'm surprised, most Soul Reapers would rather spend their time fooling around, drinking and fighting."

"I come from a world where war and fighting is prevalent." Said Zero quietly. "Books aren't a common sight, so It's rather special to have a chance to read like this."

"Alright then, I don't mind if you borrow the book." She gave him a soft smile full of appreciation and admiration. "Please stop by my office tomorrow when you show up for your duties. I'd like for us to discuss matters concerning that book."

"A book talk, huh?" Zero returned her smile with his own, before standing up and heading towards the door, book in hand.

"Before you go, Histsugaya informed me that a very important message arrived in his office today. It was addressed to you and it's from Head Captain Unohana."

Before Isane even finished her sentence, he was out the door and heading to The Squad 10 office.


Zero was rather loud when he barged into Captain Hitsugaya's office, without a knock or permission. Luckily the captain was used to this behavior, and bare spared zero a glance. The captain was where he usually was behind his desk, but oddly enough he wasn't doing any paperwork. In fact both desks were paperwork free.

"I heard that a message arrived for me, Captain."

Hitsugaya gestured to his lieutenant's desk where a sealed document was placed. The former reploid didn't waste any time, he snatched up the document, and broke the seal. The room was filled with silence as he read the contents of the message, and it wasn't until he looked up and over at the Captain, that Hitsugaya bothered to ask what it was about.

"Well, Is it good news?"

"It says I've been instated as a seated officer of squad 10. I've been named 6th seat, and I'll be reporting for a mission to the world of the living next week."

Hitsugaya dead panned. His face going pale and his hands clenched the edge of his desk. "congratulations..." His voice was chilly and head no emotion.

"Hey this means we get to continue hanging out and stuff, even after this punishment is over." Zero beamed and looked happy.

"This means you continue to be my responsibility, except now its extra official. Splendid."

Zero walked over to Hitsugaya and patted his shoulder. "Oh lighten up Captain. I haven't given you any trouble have I?"

"No, but you are just like Zaraki's men. Take my eyes off you for a moment, and you are bound to start som sort of mischief and trouble."

Zero rolled his eyes in response. "Wow, a 6th seat officer. That sounds impressive. A couple of steps down from an S-class Hunter, but I'm getting there."

And thus is the conclusion to chapter 8. Next up, he'll be heading to the world of the living! WOO! ENTER AXL!

PLEASE R&R if you wish for me to update, because as I said before, I'm focusing my attention on a much larger story, and its my top priority. So any inspiration for this story is welcome to help me boot out some updates. Thanks.