A/N: I saw someone else do this and it looked pretty cool, so I thought I'd play all the songs in my playlist (So look out for a LOT of chapters) and get rid of my writers block for my other Alex Rider story My Tourniquet.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the songs on my playlist, whoever sings them does. And I don't own Alex Rider either. That belongs to Anthony Horotwiz… *sniffle*

Song: Justice and Mercy by Flyleaf

We can't be oblivious

We are not ignorant

Blood in your heart

Blood on your hands

We're human we reason, we're breathing

Protecting the living, and dying

Surviving we're trying

So breathe in safety, come home safely

"Jack…" Alex said, coming out of the hallway with a distressed look on his face and mobile phone in his hand.

"Oh, Alex," the American said, knowing what was going on immediately. It had happened too many times before. She crossed the room quickly, abandoning her coffee and enveloping her young friend in a tight hug.

"Don't go, Alex, don't go." "I have to." He mumbled into her shoulder.

Mercy screams its violent love

Justice, and mercy, justice, and mercy

The death of us created for

Justice, and mercy

Justice, and mercy

This is where they kiss

"How long?" She whispered, gripping her coffee mug until her knuckles went white. "An hour."

An hour? They only give him an hour's notice? This is how they repay him?

"You shouldn't even be going, Alex, you're still recovering-"

"I know!" Alex snapped, rubbing the sore spot on his chest unconsciously. Jack knew this was hard for Alex, and she knew that she wasn't making it any easier, so she shut up and let Alex brood in silence.

Life here sacrificed

Someone who paid the price

Blood in our hearts

Blood on our hands

We cry out, we're fighting, it's warfare, we're dying

Believing we're winning, it's ending, we're singing

It's already done, we've overcome

The house was always empty without Alex. Jack wondered what MI6 was making him do this time. She hoped he was ok. She hoped he was well fed, and somewhere comfortable with phone reception and room service.

She hoped a lot of things, but she knew none of them were true. It was probably something to do with assassins or some evil mastermind who was trying to take over the world.

The redhead sighed and perched herself on the end of Alex's neatly made bed (Alex was always too neat for a fourteen-year-old teenager).

At first glance, you couldn't really tell whose room it was. It could have been a guestroom for all you know. But if you looked at the insignificant things, like the organized CD's neatly stacked on his desk, or the books on his bookcase.

Or the small photo of him and Ian on a hike through Switzerland.

She really hoped Alex was ok.

With a life on the line (Fire!)

That consumes or refines (Fire!)

To ascent or decline, to retreat or to climb

Out of sight, out of mind 'til attacked from behind

Will this fire resume or refine?

She knew this would happen. It always ended up like this, with Alex unconscious in a hospital bed and Jack worried silly, forced to sit out in the quiet (too quiet, if you asked her) waiting room, wondering how his surgery went.

It was really no surprise when Mrs. Jones (scary woman she is) came out of Alex's room with a grave look on her face. It always kept her guessing. The look never actually left the woman's dark face.

"He's fine. You can see him now." She said stiffly, passing her without a second glance.

Mercy screams its violent love
Justice and mercy, justice and mercy
The depth of us created for
Justice and mercy, justice and mercy
And this is where they kiss

Did you like it? I don't know what the next song will be... if you have a request, leave it for me :D