End Game

Summary: Albert Wesker survived, and the world has changed during his recovery. It is the goal of a new pharmaceutical giant to end the bio-terrorist games and save the planet. With sources of harmful viruses controlled, there is only one more thing to do. Eliminate Albert Wesker.

Disclaimer: I do not own Resident Evil, or any of its associated characters.

AN: For this story to work, or have the same impact as I would like it to, Excella must be alive. For that reason, her survival will be explored in the following chapter. This is just a prologue to gauge the heat of the water, so to speak. I want to know what people think before I continue.

Fear not what the future holds. Rest your weary soul, I'll do the rest. Careful as I gentle down. Like a Sacred Cow, give you my best. - Bait and Switch by KFMDM

Somehow, she had survived it all. Excella Gionne didn't remember much about Albert Wesker's betrayal, but she knew it had happened. That cold, plain hospital room was enough of a reminder that she not been good enough, or rather, was too good for the man who wanted to change the world. The Television was her only respite, but the news was the same everywhere…

In other news, Pharmaceutical Giant ZydraCal has sent an armed convoy to Africa, sealing off the supply of what is being called, ' the pro-genitor flower' due to its role in the creation of what is collectively known as 'The Umbrella Viruses'. The Spanish town where the Las Plagas emerged---

She changed the channel.

Yesterday, ZydraCal CEO Victoria Powell unveiled a series of anti-viral vaccinations aiming to combat the rising numbers of bio-terrorism. Several crews have been sent to third-world countries and other likely targets with the aid of the American Government.

Again with the footage of the immaculate Victoria Powell, standing at the podium and looking down at the reporters with those eyes so blue that even the oldest camera could see the sapphire tint. It was unnatural, fake even. Excella groaned, and changed the channel again.

"My question to you, David, is if ZydraCal can really be trusted. They're just the new Umbrella! All of this anti-viral crock is just a show to get Terrasave and the BSAA off of their backs. Miss Powell is a liar, a chest, and a downright criminal for trying to convince the American public that---"

Since the Raccoon City incident, it was safe to say any large medical corporation was closely scrutinized, usually with good reason. WilPharma and Tricell were in the same boat as ZydraCal at one point or another, but there was much more apprehension with ZydraCal. It was common knowledge that Victoria Powell was a former Umbrella Researcher with years of experience with the very thing people were afraid of. Reporters were digging up graves to get dirt on her, and as it turned out, there was more dirt than they could keep track of.

Of course, Excella didn't know that. She only knew that she should be dead, someone unknown had saved her, and that she really wanted to get the hell out of that hospital. The Silence was deafening, and the woman on the TV screen only made her gag with something along the lines of hatred. She despised her blue-black hair, her snake-like way of moving, her inhuman eyes, and her uncanny way of calming most questions that were thrown at her.

It didn't matter to her that Victoria Powell was probably the only reason she was able to breathe still, yet alone be in her right mind.. Albeit angry and stir-crazy.

An approaching doctor caused Excella to break from her angry trance, but it still came out in her voice.

"Its about time. You were suppose to be here hours ago. I want to go home."

The doctor was a woman with long black hair. Her face couldn't be seen well past the loose strands that surrounded her face. For whatever reason, this only made Excella more enraged.

"That's no way for a doctor to look at a patient. Stop staring--"

" Miss Gionne, I'm afraid I'm going to have to politely ask you to calm down and shut your goddamned mouth… Thank you."

That voice.. She knew that voice.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Excella spoke.

"My name is Victoria Powell. I saved your life, and I'm here to release you.. And proposition a business venture."

"Forget it. I'm done. After Alb--"

"Albert Wesker, you are hesitant to trust anyone else promising success and change. I'm not here to speak of change, I am here to speak of revenge and righteous punishment.."

"Against Albert?.." Fear and anger changed to curious excitement.

Victoria knew that she was willing to listen, and that gave her incentive to step forward and sit in the seat next to Excella's bed. She waved her hair out of her face and looked at her intently.

"We share a common bond, you and I. We were betrayed by the same man, essentially for the same reasons. He has only one end-- and that is absolute power. You saw it, and like me, you were to late to recognize passion for insanity. Don't fret, Excella. There is a way to end his game."

"..But he is dead."

"No, not dead. Only resting. Something like that is hard to kill, even for a volcano," Victoria said.

"But how? How can you expect to succeed where everyone else has failed?"

"We will counteract everything in his blood. He lives only because of mutation. With the cause of mutation deceased, he will fall soon after."

The glances shared were meaningful. One examined the other to determine their honesty. Excella saw no reason not to trust Victoria but the unnatural glimmer in her eyes. It was then that it hit her-- Miss Powell was just like Wesker. She was mutated inside, but it was different. It looked far more pure.

"Get me out first. I won't agree to anything until then.."

"Understandable. I'll sign for your release."