So this is my new story. I know it's been done a lot, but I still had to do it. Oh and no worries, I will still continue to update my other story, "Meant to be" this was just an idea I wanted to put out there. It's a going to be only a few chaps, but we'll see based on the reviews. Oh! And this is a Dimitri-Rose fanfic. I just thought I would give Dimka a hard time. I didn't want Rose to forgive him quickly, so I wanted to see what would happen if she's not so lenient.


It's been 6 months since Dimitri left me for Tasha. After our night in the cabin I thought we would be together, that we could make it work. I guess I was stupid to believe all his lies.


"Rose, you and I can't be. Two guardians can't be together, there's a conflict of interest. What if something happened to Lissa, we can't worry about each other, and that's what would happen." He told me.

"You told me we could make it work. That you loved me."

"I know I did, and I'm sorry. I should have never allowed this to go on this far."

"You slept with me, and then you're just going to leave… is that all that this was? Sex?"


"No Dimitri, fuck you… just leave, go with her. I hope she makes you happy" I said. And with that he walked away.

I haven't seen him in 6 months. I haven't even asked about him. Christian would occasionally go visit Tasha, but I would never ask. Lissa never went because she stood by my side. Christian did too, but she was still his family. They both knew about Dimitri and I, I told them the day he left. They were worried about me. I cried for hours until they finally made me tell them.


"Wow Rose, I'm so sorry, that's so low of him…" Lissa said trying to comfort me. Christian didn't say much, it was an awkward position for him. His aunt took my love. No, my love left me for her.

I was remembering the week after he left, Alberta came up to me.


"Rose you need to continue your training, I know its hard to get over him, but I got you a new mentor" Alberta knew about Dimitri and I, she agree to keep it a secret because she said it was a good thing, but now she seemed to dislike Dimitri. I could tell by the way she said his name at times, and she called him Guardian Belikov, not by first name anymore.

"Ok, when do we start?" I asked resigned. I had to, graduation was in a month.

"Right now, he's in the gym waiting" she got up and I followed her to the gym. When we opened the door there he was standing in the middle of the gym. He was 6'5, light brown hair, cut short, but not military style. He had a muscular build, but he wasn't buff like a wrestler. But what caught my attention were his eyes. They were a chocolate brown, like his… Snap out of it Rose! He left!

"Rose this is guardian Ivanov" She introduced me.

"Nice to meet you Rosemarie" I could seriously hear the Russian accent.

"Are you serious! More cheap foreign labour" I said to Alberta.

"Excuse me" Ivanov said.

"Nothing" Alberta told him. "I will leave you to your training."

"Let me guess, you're Russian?" I asked him.

"Yes, do you have a problem with Russians?" He raised his eye brow. Damn was that a Russian thing too!

"Not really. So what are we doing today?"

"Well how about we do some stretches while we get to know each other?" he said, I just shrugged my shoulders and went to sit on the mats.

"So guardian Ivanov, how long have you been a guardian?"

"Please call me Vladimir"

"Ok, Vlad, how long?"

"I said Vladimir, I hate it when people call me Vlad, that's not the appropriate nickname anyway, its Volodya"

"Im not saying all that so Vlad it is"

"2 years Rosmarie"

"It's Rose" I said matter of factly.

"Hmmmm, how about Roza? I like it" I felt a pang when he called me that. That's what Dimitri used to call me.

"What's wrong Rose?"

"Nothing" I looked down. He lifted my chin so I could look at him.

"Don't lie…" Damn am I that easy to read?

"It's nothing, so two years… that makes you 20 years old"

"Yes, it does. Don't worry just cause I'm young doesn't mean I can't train you"

"Hmm we'll see about that" I smirked at him. He smirked back.

"Let's see what you got" he told me and stood up.

"You can't handle what I got" I gave him my man eater smile. His eyes opened in surprise but he quickly composed himself.

After a few rounds of sparring, we both lay on the mats trying to catch our breaths.

"Wow Roza, you're good. I've never seen some of those moves."

"Yea I had a good mentor. You're not bad yourself. I'm sure you'll do a good job with me"

"You don't need any more work, well maybe some fine tuning, but you're good."

"Thanks Vlad" From the corner of my eye I saw that he rolled his eyes. Well if he's gonna call me Roza, I'm calling him Vlad.

"And by the way, I'm not cheap foreign labor, well, foreign yes, cheap no. They pay me a great deal to be here" I started laughing out loud.

"Man, I'm gonna like you Vlad."

(End of flashback).

A month after graduation we were both dating each other. I didn't mean to like him, but he was like me in so many ways. He was funny, a flirt -but only with me, he was dedicated to his job and duty, but he was also a fighter, I liked that the most about him.

Lissa of course approved. She liked Vlad, Alberta did too. Christian was happy. Adrian however was a different story, but eventually he got over it and still flirts just to piss him off. Maybe he figure what we had wouldn't last, and really who knew? I our line of work, nothing is forever. What we had was not love and we both knew it. But we were happy with each other and we had a connection.

Even after graduation Vlad and I were assigned as Lissa's guardians, we still managed to perform our job and keep our relationship. We were both determined to make it work, despite what others thought. We weren't public about it though, but we didn't have to hide it.


Lissa came up to me a few days ago and broke the news.

"Rose, you're not gonna be happy about this…"

"What Lissa? Just spill it"

"Tasha invited us to her house to spend the holidays, we have to go…"

"What!" I jumped out of bed.

"Please Rose, we have to. Plus you got Vlad now. Who gives a crap if Dimitri is there, you'll be with Vlad" I took a deep breath. This was going to be awkward. I had told Vlad about me having a past relationship with my mentor, and that he left me right after, but I never told him it was Dimiri, and he never pushed it. After that he was determined to make us work too, because as he said "I'm not a damn coward, I'll fight for what I want, and I want you"

It made me smile at the time. He could be so sweet sometimes. Our relationship was odd. I was technically his boss, considering I was Lissa's primary guardian, because of the bond. And even though he used to be my mentor, now I pretty much tell him where to go and what to do. He was fine with it, he said he liked a woman 'in charge'. Seriously he was so much like me.

So tomorrow Christian, Eddie- who was now his guardian, me, Vlad, Alberta- who was going to guard Adrian were off to Tasha's. Great this should be interesting.

Sooo…. What did you think? Good… bad… should I continue??? Let me know please, review below!!!