Title: Delightful Treats

By: MintStarr

Author's Note: I don't know where this came from. Maybe it's cause I was eating kisses Chocolates. I hope you enjoy this random pointless piece of fiction I enjoyed writing it. I don't consider this my best, and it was just the spur of the moment. Please read and review!

Pairing: Shikamaru Nara and Ino Yamanaka

Summary: It was troublesome and pointless to even be feeling that way, but Shikamaru was just not going to lose.

One Shot // Drabble




Sigh, "Troublesome Woman."

"Hm? Did you say something Shikamaru?"

Shikamaru sat up and stared at his content girlfriend who was currently eating her favorite chocolates, given by her secret admirers from yesterday. That was normal, considering it was Valentine's Day yesterday. Shikamaru sighed, inwardly annoyed but refused to let it bother him. It was just chocolates after all. He mentally growled, by other people!

"Shikamaru?" Ino worriedly said, looking at Shikamaru with her baby blue eyes.

"It's nothing." Shikamaru said, dismissing his feelings as it was deemed too troublesome. He looked over at Ino who was now rustling through almost empty bags of chocolate. She plucked out another piece of milk chocolate and plopped it into her waiting mouth. She closed her eyes and moaned as the flavor filled her mouth.

Shikamaru laid back down while closing his eyes trying to erase his troublesome thoughts. He was damn jealous of chocolate.

Just as he thought it couldn't get any worse, "Oh my gosh, this is the best chocolate ever! It can't taste better than this!"

Ugh, this is going on long enough. Shikamaru grabbed Ino's arm, pulled her to him and placed his lips directly over hers, tasting her and the mixed taste of chocolate. His arms reflexively wrapped around her slim waist, pulling her even more closer to him. He could feel her relax against him and her hands running down his chest, gripping his shirt as he deepened the kiss nearly devouring her mouth.

Ino broke the kiss, needing the air, and breathed out, "Never mind. Nothing can taste better than that."

Shikamaru, gently nibbling her sensitive spot that was right below her ear said with a hint of a smirk, "Did you say something Ino?"

Ino mewed, "It's nothing."

Shikamaru smirked knowingly as he went and devoured his treat, that was much better than chocolate.

Author's Note: … Hm, was that a bit too much? AHAHA. First time really writing a … scene like that. I'm more of a fluff writer. Gah, I need someone to like tell me how this is. Please tell me your thoughts and review! ^^

Early Thanks!

With love,
