So, what I've recently realized is that Wendy and Stan are still dating in this story! While I was aimlessly skimming through all of the chapters, I remembered that Stan and Wendy kissed on the bus ride in the beginning, so I figure that eventually, I will add her in. This chapter might be the second to last, but I don't know. I really just want to wrap this story up.

This whole thing was a bet to see who could get with you faster.

The words continued to play like an endless soundtrack in my mind. It was all for a fucking bet. How could I have been so stupid to not realize that? I sat in my bed. The sounds of rain falling against the rooftop filled my ears, as well as Kenny and Stan talking in Stan's bed.

We'd just finished everything for the day, and here I was, laying face down on my bed with tears more than likely temporarily staining my bed sheets.

I was crying like a fucking moron.

I am one.

I'm so goddamn oblivious.

They used me for a bet.

To think that I actually started liking Kenny… to think that tonight… we were going to… ugh!

Screw him, screw both of them.

I sighed when I heard the sound of footsteps climbing up the ladder. Neither of them have any right to—

"Kyle, can we talk?" Kenny questions, plopping down on the end of the bed. I rub my face against the mattress in attempt to wipe off the tears. I know it probably didn't work at all. I sit up and straighten my back, not daring to meet eyes with the peculiar blonde.

Stan found his way up to the top too, sitting on the other side of me.

I don't speak, there's no need.

"Stan and I… we've called off the bet," he begins, sighing and staring up towards the ceiling. "Stan's gonna go back to dating Wendy and I don't care about that goddamn money anymore…" Kenny finished, still not looking over towards me.

Stan was getting back together with that slut? So much for loving me. Pathetic liar.

"Look Ky, I don't really want to get back with her, but she's sort of my last resort… I know you like Kenny," Stan sheepishly adds, his eyes directed towards mine.

It's like the kid read my mind. It still doesn't make matters any better. I'm not forgiving him that easily.

I still don't bother to speak up. The anger was building inside me, and I knew that at one second, it was all just going to explode like dynamite, hurting everyone.

"Kyle." Kenny starts.

I look at him… and calm my anger.


"I know you hate me right now, which I don't completely blame you for, but I really like you a lot."

"That's cool," I answer with fake interest. He turns his head and stares at me.

"I'm serious."

"And how am I supposed to believe th-?"

I widen my eyes and try to take liking to his lips being pressed to mine.

I want to pull away, but I don't. Instead, I melt into the kiss.

During those short few seconds, a lot came to mind.

Kenny was never really such a whore as most people portrayed him to be. I guess you could say that fad of his really died down when he got to middle school. Kenny's never had sex, taken drugs, gotten drunk, been a prostitute or really anything like that.

There were a lot of rumors about him around school, but being one of his close friends, I knew the truth.

"Kyle, I'm in love with you," he tells me, parting his lips for a second and staring with lust into my eyes. I focus down on his hands for second, and then up at him.

I take the sides of his head with my hand, and pull him towards me, bringing his lips back to mine. This kiss was more passionate, longer, and it felt so right.

It was hard for me to explain in such simple words, but his lips did all the talking. We pulled away for air after twenty seconds, and I turned to face Stan.

"I'm sorry," I immediately tell him, feeling a wave of guilt overwhelm me.

"It's okay, you've got to do, what you've got to do," he replies, smiling. "I'm happy for you."

It's been a week at summer camp, and it's already felt like we should be heading back home soon. This is gonna be an interesting three weeks.


This chapter was horrendously horrible. I mean, I just ended the story, like that.

It was a terrible ending, oh jeez. I don't deserve to be writing this… D:

JUST TO LET YOU KNOW, nothing major was really going to happen if I did continue with this, it would probably just be Kenny and Kyle having smex, Stan unwillingly dating Wendy, and Kyle ignoring Stan's flirting attempts.

Oh screw me, please, I deserve to die. x_x

Review telling me what a horrible author I am for doing this. I'm just… well… lazy.