Well, here we go. When I first wrote a skeleton version of this chapter years ago I sobbed through writing it. Going back to flesh it out, I teared up a few times as well. I hope you enjoy, it's been a long time coming.

I've felt a bit discouraged at returning to HP and WOL due to few reviews on the last chapter. Of course in it's initial run, this story was far more popular, maybe the fandom was more vocal and perhaps I had been spoiled – but it felt a bit sad that the Wings reveal wasn't intriguing enough to illicit more readers to comment. That said, I am so appreciative of those who did take the time to review. Thank you. Part of what took me a month to sort this chapter out was that discouraged feeling – afterall, writing a fanfiction chapter with a new baby takes a special type of dedication – but it was the thought of the lovely reviews from some that pushed me to complete this chapter. One reviewer (LightingScar) has had their name worked into this chapter as a thank you - though it wasn't too hard haha!

One of the songs I listened to a lot while writing this story was "Let your Heart Hold Fast" by Fort Atlantic. I booted it back up on repeat as I wrote this chapter and felt it deserved to make the chapter title (Original chapter idea was "Fate of Death"). It is the main song for the soundtrack of this story, I'd recommend it during any rereads and also as a backdrop to this chapter.

My TUMBLR (USAKO3000) has a lot of tidbits on this story, including the full soundtrack and lots of images and other fun bits.

Harry Potter and the Wish of Life

Chapter 41

Heart Hold Fast

There it was, the truth. Every inch revealed, every hope gone, the silence in the aftermath of the revelation was deafening. Harry and Dumbledore stared at each other in a tremulous misery for ages until Harry slowly got to his feet and looked out the window. Outside, the grounds looked calm in the dark. However, it was a false first impression as shadows flitted by frequently, making preparations for the war that would arrive shortly. It would be a war that Harry wouldn't see the end of. It was hard to accept that.

"Harry, I'm sorry," Dumbledore attempted.

Harry didn't want to look at the old wizard again, not right now. He wondered if Dumbledore in his original timeline had known, if that was the reason why he allowed Harry to play fast and wild with rules. Perhaps he had thought that if Harry had died during an adventure it would have wrapped things up all the more neatly. Harry shook his head of the dark thoughts.

"Could you collect all the family here? I'll be back," Harry began, his voice not betraying his fear. "Not Ethan, though. I'll go see him now, but I don't want him to know." Harry cast his patronus, sending it galloping out of Dumbledore's office to alert the members of Dumbledore's Army to return to the DADD classroom.

"You wish me to tell them?"

"That would be easier, yes."

"Harry, if I could –"

"Please, don't." It wasn't that he was angry, but rather that he was burdened down with fear and horror. He was the boy-who-lived – he had always taken that part for granted, really – and the fact that he wouldn't was hard to bear. He didn't want to hear empty promises or hopes. Not now, when the only way forward was to act.

When he walked out of the circular office he glanced back. Dumbledore was a drooping, frail figure in the room. The purple of his robes stood in startling contrast to the gray of his skin. They had been through so much together, but now Harry's journey took him away and even Dumbledore could not protect him any longer.

In an inferi-like state, Harry walked through the corridors, stumbling toward the DADD room. Every now and then his breathing would begin to pick up, panicked and he would slump against the wall, fighting against the burn of tears in his nose and eyes. He took his time, letting a few salty tears leak down his cheeks as he touched different surfaces, marveling at the sensation of life that everyone took for granted on the daily.

When he got to the DADD classroom, he found it to be madness inside. Students were talking loudly and in panicked tones. Afterall, they had barely finished their meeting a few hours ago. They all had correctly deduced that this call meant something bad.

Ron was in the center of the room trying to keep everyone calm when he spied Harry. With a relieved grin he beckoned him over. "There he is! Harry! Come over here and tell 'em what's going on?"

The students parted to allow Harry a path through, and somewhat slack-jawed as he climbed up on a chair; Harry looked down at all the expectant faces. Drawing a breath he smiled bravely. "I'm sorry to say that it looks like the attack will happen tomorrow." A collective shocked moan rippled through the air. "I called you all here because I wanted to see you and to impress on you the need to stay calm no matter what happens. You will be safe in your dormitories, but in case they are breeched, remember there are times to hide and there are times to fight. Over these last few months I have been so proud to be a member of Dumbledore's Army with you all. You are incredible witches and wizards. Stay in pairs … back to back always … what else can I say, but: We fight strongly because-" Harry began the chant of their club.

"WE ARE DUMBLEDORE'S ARMY!" The students roared, wands in the air.

"Yes!" The air was electric. Adrenaline pumped through all their veins and Harry felt himself carried along on the tidal wave of furor. He pumped an arm in the air. "I swear to you all, as the boy-who-lived - that Voldemort will meet his end tomorrow! This is it!"

Another roar echoed out before it turned into a chant. "Harry! Harry! Harry!"

Touched, he stared in wonder at all the brave faces before him. There was Fred and George, their arms around each other while cheering loudly. There was timid little Eloise Midgen, trembling but ready to fight. There was Theodore Nott and Goyle, barely healed but clutching their wands and ready to defend people who were once their sworn enemies. Tears pricked his eyes at the beauty of it and he turned his face away so that the joy at feeling such camaraderie wouldn't mix with the terror of known doom and dissolve him into nothing.

As he stepped down, his friends surrounded him.

"Do we have any idea when the attack will happen?" Ethan asked, the line of his mouth grim.

"Soon, likely dawn," Harry said. "We're prepared though, it's sort of planned to stop supporting the wards so it'll be on our terms. Uncle Sev is our side."

"WHAT?!" The other five gaped in unison.

"Yes and the snake's dead. He killed it," Harry informed lowly and Parvati squealed loudly, hugging him tightly as Hermione and Ron grasped onto one another in relief.

"Brilliant news, Harry," Draco's face was bright. The gray of his eyes were so pale they looked almost blue. Harry felt the excitement radiating off the Slytherin.

"Harry," Ethan began slowly, eyes shining. "The last one is gone. That means today really is the day that Voldemort dies, isn't?"

Harry felt he must tread carefully. "Yeah, Ethan. Except, it isn't the last one. There is one more horcrux and I've been tasked with destroying it."

The others boggled at him.

"The sword?" Hermione asked and Harry shrugged off the question.

"Geez, how many developments have happened in the span of a hour?" Ron asked, his freckled face alit with curiosity. "Well, how are we going to destroy it?"

"Not we," Harry smiled despite himself at his friends' immediate support. "Me alone. I'm supposed to go meet with Mum, Dad and Dumbledore to plan that out now."

"Is that safe?" Ethan looked worried.

"Look, destroying the last horcrux is going to be pretty simple from what I've learned, but Dumbledore said it falls to me."

"Because of the prophecy?" Ron nodded and Harry was grateful for his friend providing a sturdy explanation.

"Snape, really?" Draco asked, backtracking and providing Harry another route of escape from questioning

"He was in Dumbledore's office. Dad went right up and hugged him – ah, messed with my head. There'll be time for him to fill you all in afterward - right now maybe everyone should go back and get some sleep." Harry ordered. "You know, before Voldemort gets squashed like a bug tomorrow!"

His friends cheered loudly and Harry couldn't help but grin. They were all so happy, so alive. Would it matter, his death? Hadn't he been marked for it before even his birth? His fate might be death but in doing so he could give so many others life. He would do anything to preserve these friends of his and now he was called to do just that.

"Look, we will be separated during battle, but I want to take a moment to tell you all how much you have meant to me. Each one of you has made me a better person and I'm honored to call you my best friends. Thank you for everything you've ever done for me. I'm truly blessed. I …. " Well, if impending doom wasn't the time to say it, when was? "I love you." Still, Harry was a teenage boy and his cheeks colored in embarrassment.

"Come on Potter," Draco punched his arm. "Let's not give death speeches because we're all going to make it out of this."

"We are!" Parvati affirmed. "I did a tea reading."

Ron tried desperately to hide his rolling eyes by giving a stretch.

"Of course. Good luck everyone." Before he could turn away, his five friends converged on him in a big group hug. While they were all keeping it light hearted, their arms were tight around him.

The other children knew nothing of the horcruxes, but they knew that the upcoming battle would involve Harry and that he would be outside the protection of the dormitories. Thus, as they lined up in groups to be taken back to their common rooms, Harry was inundated with hugs, 'good luck's, 'get him!'s and one marriage proposal (from an overcome Susan Bones whom Harry kindly turned down).

As Ethan and Hermione were about to leave with the last group, the Gryffindors, Harry grabbed his brother's arm. "One minute, Ethan."

The youngest Potter examined his brother's face, "Harry?"

"I know Draco said not to make death speeches, but I want to tell you that no matter what happens I need you to be safe. If anything happens to me –"


"Please," Harry cut off his brother's protest before continuing, "just listen. If anything happens to me, I want you to know that I love you dearly and you have been the best part of this life. I know that the spotlight is often on me, and you've suffered for that. I'm sorry. You have to know that you're a strong wizard and one with a much more personable personality than me."

They both laughed

"You'll have to be strong for Mum and Dad, and more than that I need you to be happy no matter what."

"Harry," Ethan said earnestly as pushed his face forward so they touched foreheads, gripping one another in a hug. "You are my big brother and you promised me that you would always be there to protect me. You need to be able to do that forever and always so please don't talk like this. Look, I'll take everyone back and then we'll try and calm down at Mum and Dad's suite. It will be fine. You will be fine."

A lump had lodged itself in Harry's throat as he took in his little brother's hopeful and resolute expression. He was right not to have told Ethan. If he could spare him one more night of suffering then he would. "You're right. I will protect you always. Till my last breath."

Ethan seemed to take that as confirmation of him being successful in comforting Harry and nodded. As he left the DADD classroom, Harry glanced up and saw Hermione standing at the doorway. They met eyes and he saw in those brown irises the question. She didn't have to say a word for him to know what she was asking him and he just slightly tilted his head to answer her.

Her eyes went glassy with tears and Harry's did the same, his eyesight blurring as if he didn't have his spectacles on. For a moment they just stood there before Seamus' brogue called out for Hermione. "Oi! Hermione are you coming? We need our sleep if we're going to be knocking some skulls 'morrow!"

"Will you explain to the others?" Harry managed to ask.

Hermione's face crumpled, but just as quickly she righted herself. Harry truly appreciated her strength in this moment. "Yes. Harry –"

"I know," Harry said.

She looked at him one moment longer before turning away. It took him sometime to compose himself and once he had, Harry walked to his parents' suite. It was empty at the moment and he wasn't really sure why he took the detour, but nonetheless went into their bedroom and sat on the bed.

If only he had known that the last real night as a family was the last. If only he could have captured it and lived in it forever. What he would give to spend decades doing boring errands with his father, playfully bickering with his mother, and playing an array of games with his brother. The mundane moments were what flashed through his mind, here, at the end.

`Was he brave enough to do this? The prophecy now made perfect sense, how could he have not guessed it before? Perhaps he should hold anger at Snape for being the beginning of it all, but Harry found he was simply numb. There were so many pieces at play, so many choices that led to this. Hell, even the fact that Voldemort had attacked him in both timelines meant that this simply must be his fate. With a heavy sigh Harry got to his feet and with one last look at the safe sanctum of his parents' suite, walked out and toward Dumbledore's office.

Inside, it was pandemonium.

Every face was stricken. Sirius' was twisted in rage while both Remus and James looked catatonic in grief.

"No! No, this is not real!" Harry's mother screamed, on the floor in front of a bent Dumbledore. She clutched at his robes, begging. "Please, please, you said it's not sure – you can't let this happen –"

If Harry had thought his own agony was bad, seeing his mother's hurt even more.

"Mum, it is sure," Harry said softly and Lily turned in shock toward him. She was holding him to her immediately, cradling his head against her shoulder and there, in the warmth of his mother's embrace, Harry felt himself go limp. Tears streamed down his face, intermingling with her own as he clutched to her like a babe.

He was so scared.

"I will die for him," Lily said firmly. "I will die for him like in the other timeline."

A shock went through Harry, "You know? You told them?" His eyes swung accusingly to Dumbledore. The headmaster looked even more wounded and he stepped back.

"I told them when your father recovered, Harry. They had a right to know."

"Harry, it doesn't matter to us," James said softly, approaching his wife and son. "It doesn't change anything about how we view you. Our regret was that you have memories of a life where you weren't cherished like you should have been. Where you had to live without your family. It must have been so hard for you, my Pronglet."

The sobs came hard now and Harry felt completely immobilized as his parents held him.

"Lily," Dumbledore's voice was low. "Love protection depends on many things. In that timeline, on that night, it seemed Voldemort had planned to spare your life. That is why the spell rebounded. Here and now, you know he would not spare anyone in this room. Any death for Harry would be a death in vain."

Just then there was a shrill shattering sound. The wards had been felled. Far earlier than expected. A piercing wail resounded through the room and instantly Lily's charmwork activated. As if they were marionettes, pulled by invisible strings, McGonagall, Arulbella and Tonks were jerked toward the door.

In the chaos it wasn't immediately clear what had happened and by the time Dumbledore had his wand out and nixed the charm on Tonks, Mcgonagall and Arulbella had already been charmed out of the office and back toward Gryffindor Tower. "Harry! LOVE YOU!" His aunt's anguished voice came echoing back, amidst a similar more subtle sentiment by the head of his house: "Harry, my boy!"

"Fuc-" Sirius cursed, punching the plush back to Dumbledore's chair and sending it careening backward onto the floor. None of the marauders or Lily had been under the charmwork to allow them freedom to station where they would be most needed. It was lucky. This way, Harry would get to say goodbye to them at least.

For a moment, still hugged to his mother, Harry almost felt like the events were just another in a series of crazy situations that had made up his life. He remembered again that his life was ending shortly, and was once more struck with terror.

"This can't be – it just can't be –" Lily muttered, her hands alternating between squeezing Harry's shoulders and rubbing back and forth against the rough wool of his jumper.

"It's not daylight! He meant that!" Snape's usually silky voice was loud and panicked as Wings tumbled in through the window, leaving him an undignified heap on the ground. Everyone's eyes flew to the window where the turrets of Hogwarts were suddenly visible in firelight. A giant dragon zoomed erratically toward the school. "They're going to attack the student towers to try and get at Harry!"

Dumbledore's phoenix patronus was out of his wand in an instant and he roared at the portraits, "EVACUATE GRYFFINDOR AND RAVENCLAW IMMEDIATELY!" Ravenclaw Tower was close enough externally that it likely would get caught in the literal crossfire.

"Ethan!" Lily's voice was pained.

"I'll keep him safe," Tonks promised, glancing at Harry with a torn look.

"Go! I know!" He let his wand do the talking, and pushed her wheelchair out of the office with a blast of wind.

"It's not just that," Snape continued, "he has forced many parents of halfbloods here with the promise that if they capture one muggleborn and their own child then their child will be not be persecuted. He put it in magical decree. Many are desperate -"

Sirius and Dumbledore shared a glance.

"My friends!" Harry gasped.

"We've planned for this," Dumbledore assured. "The goat lies heavy," he said firmly and a portrait of a Headmistress with a tall beehive hairstyle bowed her head and vanished from her frame, presumably to spread the news.

There was no time to question the code, as Snape had been taking in the scene he had flown into with a deepening frown. "What was going on in here?"

"He can't save Harry!" Lily wailed. "He wants Harry to die!"

"What?" Snape's dark eyes spun and fixed onto Dumbledore before he slammed into him. "YOU PROMISED ME! YOU PROMISED ME YOU WOULD SAVE HIM! HOW CAN YOU? HOW CAN YOU SEND THAT BOY TO HIS DEATH? YOU MANIPULATIVE BASTARD!"

"Wings!" Sirius and James pulled Snape off the rumpled old man. The former potions master continued to snarl, his hands in clenched fists as he stared down at the headmaster.

"I do NOT WANT Harry to die!" Dumbledore proclaimed. Even while crumpled and bruised on the ground, his voice elicited respect and everyone fell silent. "I have spent the last fifteen years trying to keep him safe! All my ideas have failed - I don't know what to do!" He stood slowly and turned to Harry, looking pleadingly at him. "I don't know what to do, my dearest boy. I tried. I… I tried." His voice broke, showing his love and with it, something strengthened in Harry.

He straightened up, Lily's arms still tight about him. "It's not Poppa's fault," Harry's voice sounded a lot shakier than he had hoped it would. "It's not his fault that this is what has happened. It's Voldemort's." He made eye contact with Snape then. "I know a lot of things led up to this. Choices and actions by everyone in this room brought us to today. Hell, my Wish of Life has shown me that the smallest things can make the hugest differences. But, I don't blame any of that or anyone, no matter what. It all boils down to Voldemort."

"I have to go," he confirmed softly, agony pouring through his tone as he looked at his parents. "I have to. He will never stop until he gets me and no one can stop him until he does get me. I'm the last horcrux. He will kill everyone I love and I cannot let that happen. You all want to protect me, but I want to protect all of you. Dad, remember that night at Spinner's End? You said to me something that I have to now say back: I would never want you to bear the burden of my death, but I love you too much. It would be a shame for all of us to die, right?"

"No, Harry, no." Lily pleaded, holding him as if her hug alone could save him.

"Since…" Harry swallowed. "Since I made that wish I have lived a lifetime here and I have never been so happy in all my life. Your lives have given mine meaning and I am so grateful, thank you. You have been the best family I could ever wish for and know that I die happy and loved."

Everyone's eyes were red, including the few portraits that remained.

"You're all needed now, we have to say goodbye," Harry said regretfully.

Snape stood darkly in a corner and as Harry pulled from his parents and approached him, the man shook his head. "I can't… I can't let you walk to your death, Harry." His arms opened as Harry moved toward them and they hugged tightly.

"Uncle Sevi, I don't blame you. Since that day you went to Dumbledore you've always looked out for me. I think you're one of the noblest people I've ever known." The hook nosed professor looked stunned and stared down at the boy with such love that Harry was certain the man's heart grew three sizes.

"You are the closest to a son I will ever have, Harry." Snape said quietly. "I will destroy every last death eater for you."

"Thank you Uncle Sevi, but also, please be happy."

His face contorted for a moment before he gave a short, stiff nod and morphed into Wings, taking off through the window.

Harry turned back to the marauders and Sirius held a firm hand up. "Do not even think about it, Harry." His face was strangely serene, and Harry saw in it the brilliant auror he had grown into. Sirius had shifted into battle mode. "Remus, you and I are needed. Headmaster, you too. James and Lily, stay here and spend the time with Harry. There is no use making any sort of approach until Voldemort has entered into our territory. Stay here and we will send word when it is time. No goodbyes – No – no anything until then." He swept out of the room with a purpose and Remus followed with a gentle squeeze on Harry's shoulder.

Harry turned to look at Dumbledore, a lonely figure against the wall where Snape had pushed him. He moved toward him for their goodbye. "You will need to kill him afterwards. I don't know if the others will be up to it."

"Yes," Dumbledore nodded.

"I love you, Poppa." Harry's reprieve caused Dumbledore's pale blue eyes to become cloudy.

"I love you too my dear boy." He pressed something into Harry's hand, and by feel alone Harry recognized it as Gaunt's ring. There was a hopeless turn to the headmaster's smile as he said, "- in case. Just in case."

Pocketing it, though he felt it to be in vain, Harry turned so he wouldn't have to watch Dumbledore leave. Arulbella's Patronus, a puppy version of Padfoot, bounced in and barked in her voice, "…Ethan's safe …."

"Thank God," Lily breathed.

His parents turned to face him and from beyond they were only distantly aware of the cacophony of battle. Here, it was just Harry, Lily and James as it had been that Halloween night in his original timeline. But at least here, they would get to say goodbye.

For hours they talked, held eachother and cried. Harry told them about the world where he had grown up without them, and they all shared memories of the world they lived through together. It was macabre in a way, a pounding march toward the inevitable, each tick pulling them further toward devastation. Distantly, Harry was impressed by the strength in his parents. They put his needs first, though the toll showed clearly in the hollows of their faces and the pain in their eyes.

At the end, they left knowing what they had always known from eachother; there was love and so much of it. It was in a lull of conversation, where he sat hugged between them on the floor, that the call came. It first came in the form of a definite tingle in his Lighting Scar, and Harry clapped his hand to his forehead.

Before his parents had a chance to ask what was wrong, Dippet arrived in his frame and cleared his throat. "I'm very sorry but it's time."

Harry stood, though his hands clutched at his parents'.

"Pronglet," Sirius called as he walked into the office, Remus close behind him. They were both worn, an oozing gash splayed itself over Remus' nose while Sirius' auror robes were burnt in some areas and darkened with dried blood in others. This time Sirius hugged him tightly and Harry knew then there was no time to lose. This truly was it.

"Okay … okay …" For a minute Harry glanced all around the room, unsure of what he was supposed to do, before he took his cue from his father and squared his shoulders, standing up straight. "Alright."

"I don't know what you're thinking, Harry," Sirius began, "but we're not leaving your side."

This made him smile. "I didn't expect otherwise. Where is he?"

"The main floor," Dippet wiped at his eyes. "God speed, Harry Potter."

"God speed!" The rest of the portraits wished and Harry gave them all a nod of thanks before turning toward his shattered looking family.

Together, they left Dumbledore's office and walked through the halls of Hogwarts. Through scenes of battle they persevered. Lily held one hand, James braced him with an arm around his shoulder and Remus and Sirius skillfully blasted away any attackers.

"You are so brave, Harry," Lily said softly.

"We are so proud of you-" James choked, tears shining behind his glasses.

"We love you so very much," Remus offered.

"We've been so blessed to have you as our boy, Harry. Our Pronglet." Sirius grasped his arm.

They reached a balcony and from it, Harry looked below. The Great Hall's arched rooftop was usually visible, but now it was torn away and a battle had amassed. Dumbledore was surrounded by a circle of attackers, a multitude of death eaters and dark creatures attempting to break his defenses as he stood protecting a group of students and refuge seekers. Voldemort was dueling viciously with McGonagall, Kingsley and Slughorn. McGonagall was simultaneously keeping him at bay and fending off dementors from the children nearby. Students were everywhere and Harry was gripped with concern that they hadn't been able to stay safe in the dorms as had been thought. Destruction had taken the school and dementors circled everywhere but except for a slight breeze, Harry remained unaffected.

He meant what he had said.

He had been happy in this life.

"I want you all to stay here." Harry turned to them and Lily's eyes blazed. "Mum, please. As my last wish, do as I say. You can cast the killing curse from here and I won't have to worry about you at the last moment. Please."

James looked between his son and wife. "Yes, Harry. We will."

Lily's face crumpled as she took Harry's face in her hands, fingers running over his features as if she could embed him forever in her memory. "You've grown up so fast, my baby. My darling, sweet baby - my Harry Bear - how can I live without you?"

Harry took his mother's hands in his own, barely able to face her pain. "You will. You will live FOR me. Please."

His four parents embraced him then, kisses and tight hugs and before he could let his fear take over, Harry turned from them. The air was cold on his face as he grabbed the balcony bannister, and in a motion he often did over the bannister at home, he vaulted over it.

Calling magic toward him, his last feat of wandless power, he puddled air around his feet to cushion his fall. As he fell, he turned the stone Dumbledore had given him over in his hand. Resurrection, right? Perhaps…?

He almost thought nothing had happened before he realized he was no longer falling through the night sky, but rather in a dark black nothing.

"Harry Potter," a familiar indistinct voice said, and Harry turned to see the Three Witches beside him.

"We've got to stop meeting this way," he joked.

They didn't smile.

"The stone will not work for you," said the brunette.

"You have no souls you need to see anymore," said the blonde.

"Your loved ones are all here," sang the redhead. "That is why we came to see you instead."

"I … I don't know what I thought," Harry admitted, tiredly.

"You are very brave, Harry Potter," the dark haired one smiled at him and he was taken back by the beauty of it. He had never seen them smile, and now they all looked upon him, genuine and kind.

"It is noble what you are doing," the blonde continued on.

"Your sacrifice proves you were truly worthy of the heir's wish." The redhead finished their collective thought.

"I don't suppose I can get another one of those?" Harry joked weakly.

"That's not how it works." Came the solemn response.

As timid as a small child, Harry looked up to them. "I'm going to die tonight, aren't I? Die properly?"

"Yes," the blonde affirmed. "Yes, Harry Potter you will die tonight."

It was the raven-locked one that gave him something to hold onto. "In the other future, all those who remained in Albus Dumbledore's office to hear Severus Snape's warning died instead."

The words hit Harry hard. Tonks? Remus? Snape? Dumbledore? Sirius? "Everyone?"

"And many others." The women nodded.

The truth of it filled him with relief. The fear leaked from his system and was replaced instead with steadfast strength. His wish of life had saved the lives of so many he loved. He had made the right wish, and the right choice to stay here. One life, his alone, didn't seem like much in combination for all those others. Worry fell from his shoulders and Harry lifted his head higher. He really could be a savior now. No regrets held him back any longer. The world would be better after his sacrifice and he would do well.

"Are you ready now, Harry Potter?" Three Witches asked.

"Yes. I am not afraid anymore," Harry answered and instantly he fell like a vengeful fireball onto the floor of the torn up Great Hall.

At the sight of him, Voldemort blasted aside Mcgonagall, Slughorn and Kingsley in one swift move. His snake like face was lit with glee.

"Harry Potter! My, my I was not expecting this. Whom will you hide behind tonight?"

Harry straightened up, unafraid and strong. Around them, battles raged on but slowly some began to pause, distracted by the confrontation. "It's just you and I, Tom. I challenge you to a duel."

Distantly, Harry heard his brother shout his name.

"HARRY! NO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Ethan howled, barreling toward them before McGonagall held him back, her face pale and tight.

Voldemort's face flashed fury at being called by his name and he gave a dark chuckle. "On a first name basis, are we, Harry? I suppose being 'equals' we should be. A duel, is it? And who will you appoint as your second?"

"I've no need of one."

"I will have EVERYONE STAND DOWN!" Voldemort bellowed loudly. "Harry Potter has challenged me, your LORD VOLDEMORT to a duel! I want everyone to watch this for tonight, the boy-who-lived will not." He raised his wand and a light fog rolled out from it, seemingly casting a sluggish like charm over all those nearby.

A ripple of terrified fervor pulsed through the warring factions, and as the dark followers reluctantly put down their arms, all eyes turned onto them. Harry's hand curled about his wand. It was reflex only, muscle memory. He didn't plan to use it.

They bowed to one another, Voldemort's slitted gaze never leaving Harry. Neither brandished their wand.

"You were foolish to come here, boy."

"I came here to die so others could live. You attacked Hogwarts, why? You've put children in danger for what? To get rid of me? Fine. Your war is with me, leave the innocents out of it. In the end, those of you who follow him, see him for what he is. A wizard who fears a child. He will happily kill children, kill innocents – is this what you want for the future of your world?" Harry spoke clearly and loudly. He wanted his words to be heard.

Voldemort gave a high pitched cackle, his expression widening with mirth. "They follow the most powerful wizard to have ever lived, boy. Are you not even going to try and fight? You're weak!"

"No. I am strong, Tom. I don't fear death, unlike you." Harry's emerald eyes blazed with challenge.

"You impertinent child! I OWN death! The irony of your words Harry, is that you're wrong," Voldemort lifted his left arm, Gryffindor's sword slipping down the sleeve of his robe before he grabbed the hilt with his wand hand. Voldemort's red eyes were all Harry could see as the wizard approached him fast. "You die so I can live!" Before Harry could say anything else, the sword plunged straight through his chest. Pain filled every fiber of his body, searing and white in intensity as he was impaled.

Voldemort ripped the sword back out and hot blood gushed out from both the wound and up his throat. With the screams of his comrades, schoolmates, friends and family ringing in his ears, a lost lament in vain, Harry James Potter died.

To be concluded …

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