
Well - Welcome one and all to my Porterward story. Chapters are very, very short - yes, it's true - But, its my story..the shorter they are the quicker for me to write, the more often I can update, and besides, I have a short attention span...and, it's only meant to be a bit of fun, after all!

Please note: this story is not suitable for children...

Special special thanks go to my betas, KJHN and Aussie..you know I love you! Plus, special mention to RM...you know why.

Disclaimer: Stephenie Meyer owns everything. I own 3 kids and a BBQ.

Chapter 1. Lost and Found...the Found portion....


Every muscle in her body was screaming at her. It started in her big toes, travelled up her calves and her thighs, her arse was so strained it was nearly quivering. The muscles running up her spine were working over time to maintain the delicate balance of keeping her at 90 degrees to the floor. The arms were stretched as high as they could possibly go and even her fingers were working harder than they ever had before. Above her, delicately balanced, was the world's largest and heaviest (and hardest) suitcase. The one neuron in her brain that wasn't currently occupied with the ridiculously painful predicament she now found herself in was cursing Alice, mumbling, incoherently about bloody fashion and obsession. It was because of Alice she found herself standing here, in ridiculously high heels, holding a ten-tonne bag above her head, miraculously at the same height as the last remaining luggage rack on the train, but with not an ounce of strength, not an iota of purchase left, to propel the bag forward and onto the rack.

She knew if she put the bag down to regain her strength she would never get it up this high again. So she stood there, unable to move forward, unwilling to go backward, just waiting for her now quaking arms to fail her and for the suitcase to fall on her head, knocking her to the ground and robbing her of whatever shreds of dignity she had left.

She cried out, as her fingers finally gave out, her arms instinctively withdrawing from the pain and she felt the weight of the bag beginning its inevitable descent. She closed her eyes, awaiting the impact.

When it came, it hit from an unexpected direction. It was very unsuitcase-ish. It was warm and comforting and smelt of sandalwood. The scented weight hit her from behind, embraced her waist and pulled her in. In her peripheral vision she saw a strong arm reach up, support the suitcase, hoist it in the opposite direction gravity had been pulling it, and slide it onto the luggage rack.

Without knowing quite how, she found herself with her back to the luggage racks, nestled safely between two uniform clad arms. She looked up into the greenest eyes she had ever seen in her life. Visions of glistening emeralds, kiwifruit, lush Irish fields and her favourite green toothbrush flashed unbidden through her mind. Her body meanwhile was doing other things. Her breathing had turned from being strained and laboured to heavy and panting. She was fairly sure her hips had pushed themselves forward, more than was strictly necessary. If she could see her own eyes she would know that her pupils had dilated like someone had administered belladonna.

She felt his breath gently wash over her face as she stood there, engulfed by this man. She still was mesmerised by his eyes. He seemed as equally mesmerised by hers as he stared into their depths. Neither of them moved, except for the heavy breathing they both were participating in. Time may have passed. If it did, neither of them were aware of it.

At some point, Bella whispered "Wow".

His response, "Yes".

Bella heard bells ringing. She assumed it was happening in her head. This experience was so surreal, so other worldly, why wouldn't bells be ringing? But the sound seemed to break the spell. The green eyes tore themselves from her grasp, looking out the door of the carriage, and along the length of the train.

"Shit. I have to go. I'm sorry".

And just like that he was gone.

And that's that - Chapter 1 done and dusted. I know it was short, but hopefully, it was also sweet? Let me know.....here, and/or on twitter : ophelia2010...thanks!

See you again soon!