I have decided to end this story on a high note. It hasn't been proof read or anything. Its 1am and I have to work in 6 hours but I wanted to get this out there and then maybe post an edited version of it. I hope you all enjoy the final chapter in A Burning Need. Thank you for holding on his long and being such amazing fan.

The snow glistened around him as he stood outside the burrow. He didn't know why he was there or how he ended up there. He had been trying to get back home, which was now a small two bedroom flat in London, when he ended up here.

He couldn't bring himself to live at the manor after everything that had happened there. A month ago, he had sold it and searched high and low for the perfect place. His job was going well, the old man who owned the shop had warmed up to Draco after a few months and started paying him more. He didn't really need the money but it was nice to have the trust of someone. He smiled to himself and thought that Hermione would have been proud of the way he was acting.

"What are you doing here?" A voice rocked him from his thoughts. "You haven't shown your face in six months and you think that you can just drop by and we will let you see your daughter?" Harry's voice was harsh and it brought out all of Draco's deepest fears.

"I didn't expect you to let me see her. I came to tell you that I am going to make this all right again." Draco was speaking in a near whisper. His eyes were solid on Harry and he watched as confusion covered Harry's face.

"You can't make abandoning your child right." Harry spat at Draco.

"I know that but I am going back to make sure that Hermione never falls, that she is never alone when she goes into labor. I am going to change the course of history. Hermione was never meant to die on that staircase. I know it!" Draco was louder now. He had thought out his plan to the last second. He had the time turner and he knew how to move forward and backwards.

"You don't have the right to change history. You don't know that she wasn't meant to die." Ginny had joined the conversation with Jane in her arms. "Why don't you come in and get to know your daughter. She is a wonderfully smart child and she needs her dad."

"I can't" Ginny opened her mouth but Draco stopped her. "It's not for lack of want. I want to know my daughter. I fought for her and I would have died in Hermione's place for her. I can't live without Hermione. I know now that she was my soulmate and she wasn't meant to die yet. We haven't had enough time together" Draco took a few steps forwards, ignoring Harry's sound of protest that was shushed by Ginny. Draco kissed Jane's head, inhaled her sweet hair and stepped away. "I am going to make this right. Hermione wanted her so badly and I can't live knowing that she will never know her."

Harry stepped up again "I've used a time turned before. How are you going to go back that far?"

Draco pulled out a little back time turner. "This time turner is for months and years, not just for hours. I am going to go back and be there when Hermione leaves her room for the hospital wing."

"You can't be seen when you are using a time turner. There are rules, laws in place for this kind of thing. Plus, how are you going to stay out of sight for six months."

"Once I change my personal future my body as it is in this moment will cease to exist and the Draco of six months ago, who was sitting in dentation, will take over the new life. A new life where Hermione gets to the hospital wing and she has the baby." Draco had thought of every detail and every single moment. He only thing he didn't know was how long it was going to take for his current self to disappear.

"You can't carry gilt over her death forever. You must move on and live in the now. And the now is your daughter and she needs you." Ginny held out his daughter but Draco stepped back.

"If everything goes right, I'll have her and Hermione" with one last look at the three of them he disapparated. He appeared in the outskirts of Hogsmeade, as close as he could get to the ground of Hogwarts. He has sent an owl ahead letting the headmistress know that he was going to come by but not giving her a reason. She had written back quickly and let him know that he was welcome to visit.

The trek to the school was cold and wet as the snow was already nearing his knees. After walking for near 10 minutes he pulled out his wand and muttered a spell to carve a path through the snow. The front doors were closed tight against the bitter wind. He put his hand on the door and paused. He was about to change everything that had happened in the last six months. Some things he didn't wish to change but nothing mattered more that getting Hermione back. Firming his resolve, he opened the door and walked into his former school.

It was the start of the winter holidays, so the castle was nearly empty of students. He strolled past the great hall and up the staircase where he had first defended Hermione. He kept his eyes forward as he passed the cupboard that they made love in and stopped himself from going into the classroom he seduced her in until he got to the headmistresses' office.

With a light knock he entered the room. "Hello professor, thank you for seeing be on such short notice. I needed to speak to you about something."

"I am here for you anytime Malfoy." She ushered him into a chair with a pitying look in her eyes. "What can I do for you today?"

"I am going to go back in time and save Hermione" He was blunt and to the point. He knew that she was going to argue with him like Harry and Ginny had. "I acquired a long-distance time turner from…." He paused not wanting to tell her that he had given up nearly everything to get it from a dark trader. "It's not important. I have the time turner and I am going to go back and save Hermione was falling. I know what it will mean for the present and I am willing to live with that if I can have my soulmate back" Draco hadn't looked at her the whole time he spoke. He looked up and saw that she had tears in her eyes.

"I should tell you not to enter into something so foolish and that it simply can't be safe but I have a feeling that you would do it anyways." She dapped at her tears with a handkerchief and smiled slightly. "I want Hermione back as well. But keep in mind Mr. Malfoy, sometimes time travel doesn't work out the way you wanted."

"I understand that. As long as I get a chance to save her. Our daughter needs her mother" He stood thanked his former teacher before leaving the circular office. He was going to start where it all ended.

Like walking in a dream, Draco found his way to Hermione's room. He was surprised to find it empty since it was reserved for the head girl of the current year. Pulling out the black time turner, he look around and saw Hermione in every corner of the room. Pulling that memory to the front, turned the hourglass 6 times and watched as months of images blurred past him. At last the rushing images stopped. The sun was shining brightly through the window and Draco knew that it has worked.

Checking the time of the bedside table clock he found that Hermione was still in class at the time. He would have to lay low until it was time but he couldn't do it in this room. Poking his head to check that the cost was clear, he moved quickly to an empty classroom a few doors down, locked it with his wand and listened to the thunder of students moving about the castle. No matter how much he seemed to hate school when he was in it, he missed being in Hogwarts greatly.

The day passed slowly. He listened as his past self got into the brawl that landed him in detention that night. Wondering thorough the classroom, he found quills and ink. A thought accrued to him. He was already breaking all the rules, why not write himself a letter, reminding himself that Hermione was the one he was meant to be with and to never take her or their daughter for granted. He was nearly done writing the letter when there was a mutter of the unlocking charm and an upset Hermione burst through the door.

"Shit" He muttered to himself. She wasn't supposed to see him until tonight. This could mess up everything. She didn't seem to notice him in the room so he took the chance to look at her for the first time in months. It was like seeing her for the first time. Her face was red and tear stained but still the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Her belly was round with their child and Jane's face came to mind. He wanted to jump up and hold her and kiss her but didn't, still trying to salvage his mission.

He thought that she was going to leave without seeing him but at the last moment she turned and saw him.

"Draco!" she was startled to see him sitting in the corner of an empty classroom. "What are you doing in here" She walked towards him, not noticing that he looked so much older, so much more world weary.

Draco scrambled for an answer. He looked down at his letter and decided on some form of the truth.

"I'm writing a letter to myself" He grinned at her. "You know, reminding myself how lucky I am to have a wonderful woman like you." When she smiled and laughed he put the finishing touch on the letter and sealed it with his wand. "Will you give it to me after the baby is born. You have to promise" He held it out to her and she took it.

"Of course, I will." She took the letter and leaned up on her toes to kiss him. When her lips touched his it was like heaven. He pulled her close and deepened the kiss before remembering that she had been crying.

"Why were you crying?" He wiped her eyes and kissed her cheeks where the tears had fallen.

"Don't worry about it" He tried to kiss him again but he pulled back.

"I will worry about it. I want to know who I have to beat up to get even for making you cry." He looked into her eyes and kissed her forehead.

"No more fighting." She thumped him in the chest "Just some girls commenting on how big I look" She stroked her belly and pushed firmly on a spot that protruded slightly from their daughter's foot.

"You are not big. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on and you are even more beautiful with our daughter growing inside you" he dropped to his knees and kissed her belly. Hermione reached out to run her fingers though his hair as he did so.

"I love you Draco" She smiled like the sun warming Draco from the inside out.

"I love you too, more than you will ever know." He stood and kissed her again. "Go back to class and I will see you later" He left a lingering kiss on her lips and sent her on her way.

It was nearly 10 pm by his watch and he knew it was time. He had to do it now if he was going to change history. Draco slipped out of the classroom and down the hall to her room.

"Daisy" The door swung open and he saw Hermione tense up with the first of her labor pains.

"Oh, Draco. Thank god you are here. I think it is time!" she stood and reached for him. "I am going to give it a little more time but the contractions hurt." Another contraction came and she squeezed his arm hard.

"Ow baby that hurts" He regretted saying it as it left his lips

"Try having a watermelon come out of a hole the size of an orange." She spat as she breathed through the pain.

"I will forever respect you for doing this" He turned her around and rubbed her lower back while she leaned against her desk. "Remember, I love you" She lifted her head and kissed him.

"Thank you. That is just what I needed to hear." She walked around the room and he was with her through every contraction. Watching the clock, He knew that the dentation that was keeping his past self was over in just 10 minutes. "I need some water please and maybe something to nibble on"

Draco thanked whatever Gods were watching over him. She had given him a reason to leave the room so that the other Draco could take over. He poured her some water and kissed her forehead.

"Stay right there. Don't leave the room, no matter what. I will be back in just a few minutes. I am sure that your labor won't progress that quickly." He laughed lightly at her blank expression. "I will go get you something to nibble on. I love you" He told her again with every ounce of emotion he could pour into the phrase.

"I won't leave. I love you too" She tensed up as another contraction hit and he took off running. As he got farther down the corridor, he heard another set of running footsteps and knew it was him and McGonagall coming to check on Hermione.

Something strange happened just then. He felt that all his bodyweight was suddenly gone. Draco looked down at his hands and saw that they had become transparent. Happiness flowed though him because this could mean only one thing. He had succeeded in changing the past and now he and the future he came from was ceasing to exist.

Six months later

Hermione lay on the floor with baby Rose playing with her toys. Draco sat in a nearby chair watching them. In his lap, he had a letter that was written in his own hand but he knew he could never have written what was in it.


I know this will be hard to believe but this wasn't how your life played out at first. Hermione was alone when she went into labor and she fell on the way to the hospital wing. They were able to save the baby but Hermione died.

I have come back in time to change all of that. I can't live without Hermione in my life. I became the worst version of myself after she died. I wanted better for you and for your daughter.

Make the most of this second chance I have given you today. Love her like you will lose her tomorrow because you never know if you will.


"What did the letter to yourself say?" Hermione sat up and tried to read over his shoulder but he blocked her with a kiss.

"Just to love you and Rose like there may be no tomorrow." He smiled and kissed her again. Rose rolled over and giggled at her parent's cheers.

"that's an odd thing to write to yourself." She tried to grab the letter but he threw it into the fire. "Hey. I wanted to read that" She crossed her arms and pouted a little.

"You know what that pout does it me" He picked Rose up and put her in her crib before pulling Hermione close to him. "It doesn't matter what was in the letter. What matters is that you are here and safe."

"Why wouldn't I be?" She put her arms around his neck and swayed gently with him. "You have always taken such great care of me."

"I would like to take care of you as my wife." He pulled a small box from his pocket and sunk to his knee. "Will you do the honor of being my soulmate, my best friend and my wife?"

Hermione started to cry and nodded when words failed her. Draco slipped the ring on her finger and spun her around.

"Thank you for loving me"

"Thank you for giving me the chance to find everything I have ever wanted."

The end.

I have decided to end this store. It has been over 7 years in the making. I tried to write an ending where Hermione was still dead but I just couldn't do it. I had to bring her back and make it a happy ending. So much has changed in the time that I have been writing this. I am happy to finally have a good ending. I hope you all enjoy.