A/N: Now it's Harrisons turn to tell us his sob story and get whisked away into an alternate universe. -Cackles eviliy-

I hope you guys enjoy the chapter.

Chapter Rating: T for super mild romance and mentions of child abuse.
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, I just like to mess with his world.

Alternate Universe.

Unknown Location.

Harrison Orion Potter/Black.
Consort to the Dark Lord Voldemort.

The early morning sun streamed in through a large bay window, it shone down on a lithe figure lying beneath the silken sheets of a four poster bed. The boy had delicate, almost pretty features and long black hair that fanned out across his pillow, one of his eyes was concealed by a velvet eyepatch and a pale pink line of an old scar was visable where the fabric met skin.

Harrison groaned and opened his left eye, displaying a brilliant emerald iris and slightly slitted pupil, he propped himself up on his elbows and looked about his room. It was a big room though sparsely decorated with only and bed and a wardrobe, the wallpaper was a bright white that reflected the sun and the thick carpet was a lush forest green. The boy slid out of the bed and walked over to a door that led to the en suit bathroom.

He drew water for a bath and when the water was high enough he shed his black silky night clothes and stepped into the steaming bath. The hot water was heaven on his skin and he relaxed into the bath, the ends of his hair floating along the top of the water as he reached up and lightly tugged off the eyepatch and unveiled the previously hidden eye. The eyelid had a thin scar running vertically down it and when he opened his eye it held a blank shine to it and it was obvious that the eye was fake. The boy ran his fingertips down the scar and remembered how he had gotton it. His healthy eye glazed over slightly as memories of his childhood washed over him.


'"Come here Freak!" a tall unpleasant man roared, his grubby fingers yanking on the back of Harrisons collor and dragging him off the rickety cot, the five year old looked warily at the man and shivered in the cold of the mouldy bedroom. The young red haired boy on the cot across the room had backed up against the wall and wraped his thin arms around his equally thin legs, fear radiating from his watery brown eyes.

Harrison fought the urge to sneer at the boy who at twelve years old was much bigger than little Harrison and better at defending himself against the nasty Orphanage Manager. "I know you stole the money from my office!" the manager hissed, spit flying from his chapped lips as he shook Harrison so that the small boys head snapped back and forth and his neck ached from whiplash.

The green eyed child wanted to scream at the injustice of it all. The manager knew that he hadn't stolen anything but he also knew that Harrison would make a good scapecoat. Harrison got blamed for everything that went wrong and trying to stick up for himself just made things worse, he tried to protest regardless, hoping that for once the evil man would see sense.

"I didn't steal-" Harrison was cut off as the manager slapped a hand across his cheek and tears of pain formed in his eyes. "Shut up you nastly little liar!" the man yelled reaching into his pocket and bringing out a switchblade, with a deft flick of his wrist the knife shot out and Harrison, knowing that the knife was bad news, began to struggle and kick out at the manager, but the man had an unnaturaly strong grip for one so spindly and Harrison could not escape.

The tall man smiled cruelly at the dark haired boy and swiftly brought the blade down on his face, blood splattered over the mans shirt and Harrisons agonised scream echoed throughout the orphanage. The man let go of the injured boy and kicked him harshly in the ribs and spat on the floor beside him. "That'll teach you, god damn Freak!"

End Flashback::

Harrison was brought back to reality when a sharp cracking sound signalled the arrival of a house elf. "Master Harrison your presense is requested in the Meeting room." the small creature said, bowing his head respectfully. Harrison sighed and nodded "Tell them I will be down in a half hour." the elf then dissapeared with another -crack- and Harrison set to washing his hair and body carefully with the special products.

Due to several happenings in his past Harrison was extreamly sensitive to magic and had to use products that were specially cultivated in magical labs that held only trace amount of magical essence, as oposed to using the normal store bought things that every other wizard and witch buys that reek of used magic, those products made his skin sore and tender to touch and often drained his strength.

Funny how one of the most feared wizards in this centuary could be defeated by shampoo, Harrisons lips twitched up into an amused smile as he washed the lather out of his hair and stood. He waved his hand over his body and hair and watched as the water evaporated off his skin into a cloud of steam. He went back to the bed room and picked out one of his good dark green robes with the silver hemming.

He slipped them on over his underwear and then pulled the string of his eyepatch and settled it into place over his bad eye. Harrison waved his hand again and the air on front of him condensed into a reflective surface like a mirror. He then deftly spun his hair into a thick plait and pulled it down over his left shoulder where the tails ended at his hip and he looked into the mirror.

His reflection stared apathetically back at him. He was short, admittedly at 5ft with long black hair, slightly choppy on top with long bangs that covered his eye and the eyepatch, pale white skin and pale full lips, his facial structure was aristocratic with high cheekbones and a straight narrow nose and slightly arched eyebrows. He had a slender waist and limbs with long delicate fingers. Harrison checked to make sure that his robes were straight and then, with another wave of his hand the mirror dissapeared.

He walked out of his room and out onto the long corridor of the east wing of Riddle Mannor. The mansion was shaped like an upsidown 'U' with the east and west wings flanking the large front garden that was artfully decorated with fountains and grass statues and flowerbeds filled with beautiful and exotic flowers, most of which had magical properties. His room was at the very end of the second floor of the east wing and it took him around fifteen minutes to make his way down the stairs to the first floor of the west wing. Two ornate double doors blocked the way to the Meeting Room and Harrison had to place both his hands into certain groves in the aged wood and send a small current of magic through the doors and they opened inwards to reveal a long table that hosted several high ranking political figures and dark wizards.

At the head of the table sat a tall handsome man with a tangle of black hair and crimson slitted eyes, he exuded a dark power that demanded respect but his sharp eyes seemed to soften somewhat as he locked gazes with Harrison. The black haired teen smiled warmly as he felt the bond connecting them send pleasant jolts through his veins. The seven pointed star shaped scar below his collorbone pulsed gently and Harrison pressed a small hand to it and inclined his head in a gesture of respect to his lord. He walked slowly past the politicians and the Death Eaters and took his seat next to the Dark Lord.

Tom turned his head gracefully and gave Harrison a small smile as he addressed the rest of the table, for some this was their first meeting and they stared at the Dark Lord and Harrison in awe, the dark haired man sitting across from Harrison sneered openly at them and the newbies flinched at the cold look in his onyx eyes.

Harrison unsuccesfully tried to surpress a laugh as Severus turned his eyes to him and frowned reproachfully as he kicked his leg gently under the table in warning. 'Behave Harrison' the potions masters voice sounded in Harrisons head and he rolled his eyes before settling back obediantly in his chair, adopting a bored look. He hated attending these meetings, it wasn't like he was supposed to actually contribute anything, his job was to just sit there and look pretty. It's not that he wasn't intelligent enough, he was probably smarter that nearly everyone in the room conbined, but his presence was just to put some of the newbies at ease, they found Harrisons elfen face more aproachable than Tom, who was scary even when in a good mood to those who didn't know him.

A few seats down Lucius Malfoy caught Harrisons eye and smiled softly, Harrison was on and off friends with Lucius son Draco and frequented the Malfoy Mannor so much that Lucius wife thought of him as a second son, Lucius himself could see the wisdom in his heir befriending the Dark Lords consort and was always amieble to Harrison. A loud banging sounding through the room and Harrison blinked in confusion and looked up as the door opened, he had thought that he was the last to arrive.

A small ratty looking man walked in holding a jewel encrusted box in his clawed hands, he shuffled his way up to the head of the table and knelt before Tom, proffering the box up. "I-it was found in the Cairo Expedition." he squeaked, quivering in fear at Voldemorts feet. The Dark Lord had delegated several of his Death Eaters to unearthing magical objects from all around the world and whenever something was found, no matter what its importance it was to be brought directly to either Tom or his Consort, Harrison. The one-eyed teen growled lowly and glared at Pettigrew, not at all happy to see the small man.

While he held little love for them, Peter was the one to kill his biological parents, James and Lilly Potter. Even though it was only through their deaths that he had become Toms consort he still blamed the rat-like man for the terrible years spent at the orphanage. Voldemort was aware of Harrisons dislike of Peter but kept him around because he was such a good spy due to his animagus form. No-one looked out for rats when they were discussing plans or secrets, a rat was able to go undetected almost anywhere.

Harrisons eye narrowed and he tilted his chin haughtily away from Pettigrew as the man lifted the box a bit higher and reached out with a clawed hand to unlock it. A glimmer of blue and green caught the dark haired teens eye and he looked back over at the box. There, nestled in a cushion of velvet was the most beautiful green stone with delicate blue veins running through the rock, it gave off a gentle pulse of magic that made Harrison want to touch it. His eye widened as he took in the beautiful maze of blue through green and the alluring magical aura the stone posessed.

Almost against his will, Harrison hand rose and his fingers brushed the surface of the stone. The Dark Lord growled a warning and Pettigrew let out a frightened whimper but it was too late. The young wizard could only give a small sound of surprise and stare at Voldemort in horror as magic burst from the seemingly harmless rock and enveloped Harrison. There was a bright blue flash and the teenager dissapeared, leaving a trail of smoke and magical residue to float above the heads of the stunned Death Eaters.

A/N: Please review and let me know what you think so far, every one who reviews will get a virtual cookie. -Waves cookies teasingly in the air-
