Oh, my god. I am so, so, so, so, sorry for the wait on this chapter. I feel awful about it. Please don't hate me. I would appreciate if you didn't hate me, because I love all of you.

Also, I wanted to remind you all that this is going to be the very last chapter of 'Who Can Save Her Now?'. It may be part of the reason this chapter took me so long to update. This is my very first story, and I feel kind of sad it has to come to an end. And I want to thank all of you who stuck with this story through it all, especially the beginning because I know I had some pretty sucky chapters that needed work, so thanks you, thank you, thank you!- for helping me continue with this story.

I want to dedicate this to every single one of you. Especially those of you who left the more critical reviews because honestly, they helped me want to try and fix things and make it better. And I love those of you who left supportive reviews that made my day. I'd list all your names, but I'd probably end up confusing myself with how many of you there are.

Shout out to Isabella Jame Swan Cullen and EdwardCullen4Eva1. I love you guys!

And now, we will continue with the last chapter.

The epilogue:

Previously: I put Ahmissa, who was still asleep, in her crib, and watched her sleep peacefully, feeling extremely lucky for my perfect family.

Bella's Point Of View:

One year later:

My life was perfect. Ahmissa just turned a year old. Her birthday party was yesterday actually. Alice, Rosalie, and Esme had gone all out on the decorating, of course. They had a princess theme going on, with Cinderella paper plates and Snow White cups. You know, the Disney princesses. Well, not all things were princesses since they weren't able to find princess napkins so they got Spiderman ones instead.

And then Edward was... Well Edward was just unbelievably amazing. I was the luckiest girl in the world. We had been married a little over a year, and he was still the gentlemen I fell in love with. Every morning I wake up, it's like I fall in love all over again. He sends text messages throughout my day saying 'You're beautiful.' and 'I love you so much'. He holds me when we lay in bed, he's the one I wake up to, he makes Ahmissa and I breakfast, he kills the spiders, shares diaper duty, kisses me goodnight. He's simply amazing.

On our honeymoon, Esme and Carlisle took care of Ahmissa. Edward and I had gone to this perfect little island that Carlisle had bought Esme. They even named it Isle Esme. I couldn't even believe they had enough money for that at first.

Edward had made it a big surprise until we got there. And then when we arrived, the island was the most beautiful thing I had seen. Edward fit in perfect there.


"Edward, will you tell me where we're going now?" I whined.

"Any minute now love. I promise. It's right around the corner." he chuckled at my irritation. "Don't worry."

"You know how I feel about surprises. And boats." I huffed.

"I know love, but you know that I don't care." he smirked.

"Go to hell please." I told him, feeling a little sea sick, which didn't help the fact that I was already irritated with not knowing where I was going.

"Well," he gasped, pretending to be offended. "That really... That hurt. I-I'm wounded. Really."

"Oh sure."

"Look over there." He pointed at an island, changing the subject. I heard myself gasp. "Bella, welcome to Isle Esme."

The island was amazing. The trees were a perfect willowy, healthy-looking green, the water was a perfect clear, clean blue, the sand was a perfect clean-looking white. I had never seen anything so magnificent in my entire life. Edward drove the boat towards the island, since apparently he was taught how to drive one, another thing I had not known about him, and hopped out of it once it was close enough to shore. He lifted me gently out of the boat, carrying me bridal-style towards a glass house that overlooked the blue ocean and started walking towards a large building, that had large windows over looking the entire beach and ocean in front of it.

"What about our stuff?" I asked Edward, who had decided to leave it in the boat.

"Don't worry about it." he told me simply, and I didn't. I let him carry me into the huge glass house, but instead of paying attention to my surroundings, my eyes rested on Edward, and only Edward.

End of Flashback

Edward and I had sex that night. Well, of course we did. It was our Honeymoon. Doesn't everyone have sex on their honeymoon? I mean, I guess not everyone does, but I've always felt it's just something newly weds do. And not only did we have sex that night, but we had sex about twice a day the entire time we were there, which happened to be nearly two weeks. Though, I am inclined to admit that even though I had a fantastic time, I was glad to be home with my family.

Jacob got released from prison last week. Billy, his father, got him the money to make bail. Edward and him have learned to deal with each other, although they both put noticeable effort into trying. Like, I can tell Edward is gritting his teeth together, and Jacob tries to calm himself down by taking deep breaths. It's actually a bit funny. And sweet that they're both willing to at least try for me. And It's not like they see each other often; it's only every once in a blue longest they have ever really been around each other was at Ahmissa's birthday party yesterday, and even then they kept their distance. It's probably a good thing too. Even though they are decent, they aren't fond of each other. Edward continues to remind me of how Jacob had beaten me towards the end of our relationship, and I can tell Jacob wishes I'd leave Edward to give him a second chance, but he knows that he has no right to go there with me; he still hates himself for ever hurting me. But I do think Jake is starting to move on. He met this girl. She's his dad's best friend's daughter. Her name is Leah. He tries to hide it, I can tell, but I have feeling about this. I see the way he smiles when her name is mentioned. And I hope so much that he'll make a move, instead of pretend he has no interest in her, and continues to hang around us.

Both Alice and Rosalie found out they were pregnant too. Rosalie is six months along, and Alice four months, and both of them were completely thrilled. Rosalie just about pissed her pants when she found out, and Alice claimed she knew it was coming. Not really a big surprise, considering Alice always had her little "feelings" about things. I just can't help but thinking how spoiled rotten those babies will be. Rosalie has always wanted to be a mother, so I know her baby will be perfectly fine, and Alice... Well, Alice would have a blast shopping for her baby. But Alice is Alice, and she has a blast shopping for anyone.

And now I sit here, on a big couch, in my loving husband's arms and my beautiful daughter sleeping upstairs in my bed. I feel Edward kiss my hair from behind me, and he says "I love you Isabella. I love you more than I have ever loved anything." And just before I can try to prove him wrong, he adds more. "Don't tell me otherwise Bella, because you clearly don't see it. I love you more than anything. I love my family, and our home, and much more, but not as much as I will always love you. I honestly have no idea how I got so lucky, but I am the luckiest man ever to roam this imperfect earth- no this galaxy, because I somehow got the most amazing woman, and daughter, that a man could ever even possibly imagine. I honestly can't think of a way to express my love any better through words."

I could feel myself blushing by the time he finished. "Edward...", I started, not completely sure of how I could praise him better than he just did me, but turned around to face him. "I love you too. I can't even express how much I care about you as well, and how grateful I am, everyday, to be a part of this family, to be a part of your life. I love you more than anything, and I will never stop loving you. Not ever. It's impossible for me to even think of not being with you without falling apart. Don't ever leave me, ever."

"Bella, I could never leave you. I would be nothing, literally, without you. You are the most incredible woman I've ever had the chance of meeting. "Love" isn't even a good enough word for me to use to describe how I feel about you, because what I feel is more than love." He grabbed my face, gently, in between both of his hands, and pulled me forward to kiss me.

I grew to realize how truly lucky I was this past year or two. And I couldn't possibly imagine it any other way. I could just feel that it was meant to be just like this.

Soo. There it is. The last chapter. Maybe, just maybe, if I get enough reviews on it and you guys say you want more, I'll add one more that looks back on their lives once they're both like, 65 or something, but that's up to you guys. So review! It would make my life complete. I love all of you guys! And I'm sorry this took so incredibly long to get finished and then it ended up being so short, but I got busy, and then I didn't know how to approach it. I'm still not sure if I'm completely happy with it, so let me know if you are.