Is...anyone going to read this? -haha. Uhm Reborn is not mine. Wish it were. I would feel smart and awesome. :D ...Anyone who does read it.. Yay! comment? It's okay if you don't.

Oh! and the title is from the song "And Then You", by Greg Laswell.

Who is Tsuna?

A boy with a soul too old for him trapped in a body forced to grow up too quickly, kind eyes and heartbreak and indecesiveness.

Tenth Vongola, a leader, an inspiration, unbendable, unbreakable, supposed to be-

Sawada Tsunayoshi. Alarm clocks in the morning, and bad grades, and a big smile and-

Well. He can't be both.

A slouching walk that straightens in the face of danger, trapped between what I should be, and what I was (or the other way around), with a decision to make, and hearts to break (including his own) and half a life to abandon.

(how far a soul splits before it breaks)

Uncomfortable with a life that was meant for him, too comfortable with one that was not, two worlds that never meet.

Atlas bears the weight of the sky, stranded between heaven and earth.

The world holds its breath, waiting for him to move forward.

It is said that crossroads are a home for wandering spirits.